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Lecture Exam #3

Study Guide

What are the specific parts of the axial skeleton? skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage
What are the specific parts of the appendicular skeleton? pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, lower limbs
What are the primary curvatures of the vertebral column? thoracic and sacral
What are the secondary curvatures of the vertebral column? cervical and lumbar
What are the specific bones of the hip? ilium, ischium, pubis
What composes the zygomatic arch? temporal and zygomatic processes
What are C1 and C2 called and what do they do? Atlas and axis, the atlas rotates around the den of the axis to allow head rotation
Where are the carpals/tarsals located? carpals - wrist, tarsals - ankle
what are the parts of the sternum proximal to distal? manubrium, body, xiphoid process
what are the differences between the male/female pelvis? female pelvis - iliac bones are flared, hips are broader, angle of pubic arch and distance between ischial spines/tuberosities are greater, and sacral curvature is flatter/shorter
name of suture in between frontal/parietal bones? coronal suture
name of suture in between parietal bones? sagittal suture
name of suture in between parietal/occipital bones? lambdoid suture
name of suture in between parietal/temporal bones? squamos suture
name of the 3 types of joints and what tissue? fibrous-dense connective, cartilaginous-cartliage, synovial
fibrous joints are what tissue and found where? dense Connective tissue, found in bones of close contact
What fibrous joint is where bones are bound by a sheet/bundle of DC tissue? Syndesmosis joint
What is a SHEET of DC tissue called? interosseous membrane
What is a BUNDLE of DC tissue called? interosseous ligament
What functional classification and a location of syndesmosis joint? amphiarthrotic, ex. between tibia and fibula
What 2 joints are amphiarthrotic joints? syndesmosis and symphasis
what fibrous joint is where there is a cone shaped boney process in a socket? Gomphosis joint
What functional classification and a location of gomphosis joint? synarthrotic, ex. root of tooth held by periodontal ligament
What functional classification and a location of suture joint? synarthrotic, ex. bones of skull
What fibrous joint is where there is a thin layer of connective tissue? suture joint
what are the 3 fibrous joint names? syndesmosis, suture, gomphosis
cartilaginous joints are what tissue? connected by fibrocartilage or hyaline cartliage,
what are the 2 cartilaginous joints named? synchondrosis, symphasis
what cartilaginous joint has bands of hyaline cartilage? synchondrosis joint
What functional classification and a location of synchondrosis joint? synarthrotic, ex. epiphyseal plate or manubrium/costal cartilage
what cartilaginous joint has a pad of fibrocartilage between bones? amphiarthrotic, ex. pubic symphasis, intervertebral discs
How many types of synovial joints are there? 6 types
what synovial joint is only found in 1 place? saddle joint
what synovial joint rotates within rings of another bone? pivot joint
what synovial joint moves in one plane? hinge joint
what synovial joint allows sliding back/forth? plane joint
what synovial joint has a oval condyle that fits in a elliptical cavity? condylar joint
what synovial joint has a round head that fits in a cup shaped cavity? ball/socket joint
example of a ball/socket joint? shoulder or hip
example of a condylar joint? metacarpal/phalangeal
ex. of a plane joint? carpal or tarsal bones
ex. of a hing joint? elbow joint or between phalanges
ex. of a pivot joint? atlas and dens of axis
ex. of a saddle joint? carpal/metacarpal joint of thumb
3 types of functional classifications of joints and definitions? synarthrotic-immovable, amphiarthrotic-slightly movable, diarthrotic-freely movable
what layer of the joint Capsule is composed of ligaments? outer, fibrous layer
what layer of the joint Capsule is the synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid? inner layer
what is the role of articular cartilage in a synovial joint? resist wear and minimizes friction
what is the role of the joint capsule in a synovial joint? attaches to end of bone at joint and encloses the joint cavity
what is the role of a ligament in a synovial joint? reinforces joint capsule, tightens when joint is compressed
what is the role of the synovial membrane in a synovial joint? inner layer of joint capsule, secretes synovial fluid
what is the role of menisci in a synovial joint? cushion, distribute body weight
what is the role of bursae in a synovial joint? cushion/aid movement of tendons
Shoulder Joint : what type of joint and ligaments? ball/socket Ligs : coracohumeral, glenohumeral, transverse humeral
Elbow Joint : what type of joints and ligaments? hinge joint and plane joint Ligs : radial collateral, ulnar collateral, anular
Shoulder Joint : what are the parts of this joint? ball/socket, head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula
Elbow Joint : what are the parts of these joints? hinge, trochlea notch of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna plane, capitulum of humerus and fovea head of radius
Hip Joint : what type of joint and ligaments? ball/socket Ligs : iliofemoral, pubofemoral, ischiofemoral
Knee Joint : what type of joint and ligaments? hinge joint and plane joint Ligs : patellar, oblique popliteal, acruate, tibial collateral, fibular collateral, anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate
Hip Joint : what are the parts of this joint? head of femur and acetabulum of hip bone
Knee Joint : what are the parts of these joints? hinge, femur/tibia plane, femur/patella
Structure of Muscle : what are the types of filaments? actin (thin) and myosin (thick)
Structure of Muscle : small to big filaments, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle
What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum? walls of this are loaded with Ca pumps, Ca channels, and storage of Ca.
What structure overlies a muscle fiber/cells? sarcoplasmic reticulum
what is the name of the muscle cell membrane? sarcolemma
what CT surrounds each muscle cell? endomysium
what CT surrounds each fascicle? perimysium
what CT surrounds each muscle? epimysium
what is the name of the band of CT that connects muscle to bone? tendon
what is the name of the neurotransmitter that is used in muscle contraction? acetocholine
what is the name of the enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter in muscle contraction? acetycholinesterase
what is the function of an axon in muscle contraction? action potential travels along this
what is the function of a motor neuron in muscle contraction? to carry ach and release it at the end plate
what is the function of the sarcolemma in muscle contraction? ach binds to the receptors, and Na channels open
what is the function of a T-tubule in muscle contraction? ach travels through this and it brings it from sarcolemma to the sarcoplasmic reticulum
what is the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle contraction? to disperse ach through the whole cell, and to release Ca
what is the function of Sodium in muscle contraction? changes the charge in a muscle cell, creates another action potential
what is the function of Calcium in muscle contraction? binds to troponin to free Actin binding sites
what is the function of Myosin in muscle contraction? the heads attach to actin and it releases ADP
what is the function of an Troponin in muscle contraction? when Ca attaches to it it wraps up and pulls tropomyosin off to free Actin binding sites
Without these, muscles would be constantly contracted? Troponin and tropomysin
What is the function of the tricep muscles? extension of the arm at the elbow
What is the function of the bicep muscles? flexion of the arm at the elbow
What is the function of the quadriceps? extension of leg at knee
What is the function of the hamstrings? flexion of leg at knee
What is the role of creatine phosphate? helps regenerate ATP from ADP + P ATP and creatine phosphate stimulate 10s of intense contraction
which color of muscle fiber is slow twitch? red muscle fibers
which color of muscle fiber is fast twitch? white muscle fibers
what makes red muscle fibers red? abundant amt of myoglobin
major points of skeletal muscle? striated, multi-nucleated, uses ACH, attaches to bone
major points of smooth muscle? shorter, 1 central nucleus, spindle shaped, lacks striations and T-tubules, stimulated by hormones, triggered by stretching/distention and resistant to fatigue
major points of cardiac muscle? found in heart, self-exciting and rythmic
what are the 2 types of muscle contraction? isotonic- changes shape isometric - doesn't change shape
2 types of muscle contraction that changes shape? ISOTONIC : concentric-shortening, eccentric-lengthening
What is the linea alba? thin band of C tissue that runs down the front of the abdomen
Created by: jada.strohman
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