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French Revolution

French Revolution Study Guide

What two things influenced the French people to led their own revolution? Enlightenment Ideas and the American Revolution.
Who were the king and queen during the French Revolution? How does their story end? King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. They were beheaded.
What were the three causes of the French Revolution? 1-Absolute rule of King Louis XVI created Social and Economic injustice 2-The third estate 3-Napoleon Bonaparte took power
Why was Louis XVI at fault for the French economy's bankruptcy? Because the American Revolution had not been paid for and King Louis XVI still raised taxes after many were still in debt.
What occurred on July 14, 1789 and is one of the first events of the French Revolution? What was the purpose? Storming of the Bastille
The bloodiest and most radical period of the French Revolution is known as the: Reign of Terror
Who made up the 1st estate? 2nd estate? 3rd estate? 1st- Clergy 2nd- Nobility 3rd-95% of the population
What was the Estates-General? Why was the voting unfair? It was with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd estate, and the 95% of the population only counted as one vote as a whole, against the clergy and nobility so they were always out voted
What was the Tennis Court Oath? The couldn't leave until they finished writing a constitution.
What was the National Assembly? The National Assembly abolished feudalism and was a declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen.
Who led the Reign of Terro r? Maximillian Robespierre
What was the Guillotine? A machine that beheaded Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
What was the major outcome of the French Revolution? Individual Rights
What was the Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen? National Assembly
What set the stage for the rise of Napoleon? Napoleonic Code
What was the Napoleonic Code? -Made tax collection more fair -Started new Public Schools -Gave churches back some power -Removed dishonest government workers -All French Citizens gained the same rights
What was Napoleons goal after he was crowned emperor? Make his empire larger in both Europe and the Americas
What is Nationalism? What did the rise in nationalism lead to? -The concept of staying loyal to their own nation above all - Destroy Napoleonic Rule
What was the Congress of Vienna? What were the results of restoring the monarchies after the Congress of Vienna? -Peace Plan -Most were conservation and reclaimed their power
What happened in 1848? Nationalists tried to unite the nation, but the revolts were beaten down.
Who were the two men who led northern Italy to unification? Who led southern Italy in unification? -Count Camillo di Cavour -Giuseppi Garibaldi
Who were the two people who led the German unification? Otto von Bismarck
What is realpoltik? Justifies all means to achieve and hold power.
What event led to the creation of the Franco-Prussian War? Creation of the German State.
What are viceroys? Conquistadors that were given governmental authority by the crown.
What religion was brought over and imposed by the Spanish and Portuguese? Roman Catholic
What is an encomienda. Hacienda? E-American Indian labor H-Large Estates
What were the missions and what did they do? Settlements that included a church, a town, and farmlands. To try to convert American Indians to Catholicism.
Who was Bartolome de Las Casas? He fought for better treatment for American Indians.
What were the 4 social classes in Latin American society? Spanish-born Creoles Mestizes American Indians and African Slaves
Which group of people usually led the revolutions in Latin America? French and American
Who was Father Miguel Hidalgo? What country did he lead? A liberal priest, started the Mexican Independence movement.
Who was Toussaint L'Ouverture? What did he do? He agreed to stop the revolution if the French would end slavery.
Who was Simon Bolivar? What did he do? Native resident of venezuela, declared independence from spain in 1811
What was the Monroe Doctrine? -Latin american nations were acknowledged to be independent -was backed by the british goverment -the US would not interfere in European affairs
Created by: sramey127
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