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week 4 decipher

CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) machine that uses mild air pressure to keep breathing airways open while you sleep.
intubation process where a tube is inserted through a person's nose or mouth down into their airway to help them breath when they can't breathe on their own.
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) common condition in which the stomach content moves up into the esophagus.
laparoscopic surgery minimally invasive operation performed in the abdominal or pelvis using small incisions with the aid of a camera.
malabsorption condition that prevents absorption of nutrients through the small intestine.
Gloss/o, Lingu/o prefixes meaning tongue.
enter/o prefixes referring to the intestine.
adenoids lymph tissues that sit in the upper airway between the nose and the back of the throat.
coronary thrombosis blood clot that forms in the blood vessels or arteries of the heart.
venospasm contraction of a vein as a protective mechanism
phlebalgia painful passage of blood through a vein. (vein pain)
apnea when you stop breathing while asleep or have no airflow.
eupnea normal, good, healthy, and unlabored breathing
sputum type of thick mucus produced by the lungs.
oximetry procedure for measuring the concentration of oxygen in the blood.
palpitations type of abnormal heart rhythm (skipped, extra, irregular heartbeat)
aneurysm ballooning and weakened area in artery.
normotension having normal blood pressure
thrombolytic, anticoagulant drugs that treat clots.
vasopressor, vasoconstrictor drugs that treat low blood pressure.
antitussive medication to treat cough.
expectorant, mucolytic medication to treat mucus.
Created by: Jenfig4345
Popular Medical sets




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