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In C#, operators are like special symbols or keywords that you use to perform op

Parent TermParent DefinitionSub Term 1Sub Definition 1a) termb) definitionc) exampleSub Term 2Sub Definition 2
C# Operators: Why? an operation is a calculation that takes 2 numbers and does something with them to get a result. Addition and multiplication are operations
operations 1. operators (+ or * ) 2. operands (what the operators work on like 2,3,etc,
Operators + - * % /
Operands the number or what the operator is working on
Binary Operators Require 2 operands
Unary Operators one operand Increment: the ++ operator is used to increment the value of an integer. pre-increment operator ++ placed before the variable name, the value will increment instantly int x = 3; int y = ++x; // x is 4 and y is 4. Post-increment Operatorq placed after the variable name. it's value is preserved temporarily until the execution of this statement and gets updated before the execution of the next statements for ex: x++
Ternary Operators 3 operands
Arithmetic Operator These are used to perform arithmetic/mathematical operations on operands
Binary Arithmetic Operators: addition subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus
Modulus % - this operator returns the remainder when the first operand is divided by the second. ex: x%y
Decrement: Unary Operator the -- operator is used to decrement the value of an integer pre-decrement operator placed before the variable name and the value is decremented instantly int b = 5; Console.WriteLine(--b); //outputs 4 post-decrement operator value is preserved temporarily until the execution of this statement and gets updated before the execution of the next statement int a = 4; Console.WriteLine(a--); //outputs 4
Relational Operators used for comparison of two values see next 6 parent terms
== Equal To operator checks to see if two operands are equal to each other and will return true or false 5==5 will return true Relational Operator
!= Not Equal To operator checks if the operands are not equal to each other. 5!=5 will return false Relational Operator
> Greater than returns true if the first operand is greater than the second 6>5 will return true Relational Operator
< Less than operator returns true if the first operand is less than the 2nd. 6<5 will return false Relational Operator
>= Greater than or Equal To operator checks if 1st operand is greater than or equal to the second. if yes, will return true Relational Operator
<= Less than or Equal To see last definition Relational Operator
Logical Operators Used to combine Two or More conditions or to complement the evaluation of the original condition in consideration see next 3 parent terms and definitions
&& AND Operator returns true when BOTH of the conditions in consideration are satisfied. 5==5 and 5>10 returns false because both are not true (logical operator)
|| The OR Operator returns true when one or BOTH conditions are satisfied (logical operator)
! The NOT Operator returns true if the condition in consideration is not satisfied. otherwise it returns false. !a returns true if a is false logical operator aka the Opposite Operator
Opposite Operator !: The NOT Operator
Assignment Operators Used to assign a value to a variable The left side operand of the assignment operator is a variable and the right side operand is the value. The value on the right side must be of the same data-type of the variable on the left side otherwise the compiler will raise an error 6 assignment operators
= Simple Assignment Operator a= 10; b= 20; ch = 'y';
=+ Add Assignment combination of + and = operators. first adds the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. (a+=b) // same as (a = a + b) // If the initial value stored in a is 5 and b is 6, then (a+b) = 11. int a = 5; int b = 6; a += b; Console.WriteLine(a); // output is 11
-= Subtract Assignment First subtracts the current value of the variable on the left from the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. ( a -= b) // same as (a = a - b) // if he initial value stored in a is 5 and b is 6, then (a-=b)=-1 int a = 5; int b = 6; a -= b; Console.WriteLine(a); // outputs -1
*= Multiply Assignment First multiplies the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. (a *= b) // same as (a = a * b)
/= Division Assignment first divides the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. (a /= b) // same as (a = a / b)
%= Modulus Assignment combination of % and = operators. First modulos the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. (a %= b) // same as (a = a % b) // if the initial value stored in a is 5 and b is 6, then (a %= b) = 5 ina a =5; int b =6; a %= b; Console.WriteLine(a); // outputs 5 (special case)
Inline-If Operator (aka ternary operator) shorthand version of the if-else statement and has 3 operands. will return one of two values depending on the value of a Boolean expression.
Condition ? ternary operator that must be evaluated to be true or false
trueScope : if the condition is true, the trueScope is evaluated and becomes the result
falseScope; If the condition is false, the falseScope is evaluated and becomes the result.
var i = 1; var positiveMessage = (i > 0) ? "You are positive!" : "You're not positive.";
Null Coalescing Operator like saying if the first thing is empty (null) then use the second thing. allows you to conditionally evaluate an expression and provides a fallback value in the event the expression is null
Null Nothing or empty. If a variable is set to 'null' it doesnt have any value or object assigned to it. -- like an empty box waiting to be filled
Null-Conditional Operator applies an operation to its operand only if the operand is non-null. Otherwise, the result of applying the operator is null '?' IS IMPORTANT because it is used as a Verification Process. It will ONLY execute an operation if the code is properly set up. Acts as a null check at run-time.
C# Operators: Special symbols or keywords that you use to perform operations on different pieces of data 1. arithmetic operators 2. Relational or Comparison Operators 3. Logical Operators 4.Assignment Operators
arithmetic operators used for basic math operations +, =, *, /, %
relational operators help you compare two values. ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
logical operators these are used to combine multiple conditions &&, ||, !
assignment operators used to assign value to variables =, +=, -=, *=, /=,
Created by: annienusbaum
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