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medical terms 10

adenoid/o root for adenoid
tonsil/o root for tonsil
nas/o, rhin/o roots for nose
laryng/o root for larynx (voice box)
pharyng/o root for pharynx (throat)
trache/o root for trachea (windpipe)
sept/o root for septum
sin/o, sinus/o root for sinus
pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o root for air or lungs
pulmon/o root for lungs
lob/o root for lobe
bronch/o, bronchi/o root for bronchus
bronchiol/o root for bronchiole
alveol/o root for alveolus (air sac)
stern/o root for sternum
cost/o root for rib
thorac/o, pector/o, steth/o roots for chest
pleur/o root for pleura
phren/o diaphragm
ox/o root for oxygen
spir/o, -pnea mean breathing
capn/o, carb/o roots for carbon dioxide
apnea cessation of breathing
eupnea good/normal breathing
tachypnea rapid breathing
bradypnea slow breathing
hypopnea shallow breathing
hyperpnea heavy breathing
dyspnea difficulty breathing
orthopnea able to breathe only in an upright position
hyperventilation overbreathing; the condition of having too much air flowing into and out of the lungs, leads to hypocapnia
hypoventilation underbreathing; the condition of heaving too little air flowing into and out of the lungs; leads to hypercapnia
hysphonia bad voice condition (hoarseness)
epistaxis a nosebleed
rhinorrhagia excessive blood flow from the nose (nosebleed)
rhinorrhea runny nose
bronchospasm involuntary contraction of the bronchus
phrenospasm involuntary contraction of the diaphragm (hiccups)
pleuralgia pain in the pleura
pleurodynia pain in the pleura
thoracalgia chest pain
bronchorrhea discharge from the bronchi
expectoration coughing or spitting material out of the lungs
hemoptysis coughing up blood
sputum mucus discharged from the lungs by coughing
auscultation a health care professional using a stethoscope to listen to a patient's chest
cyanosis a bluish color in the skin caused by insufficient oxygen
pectoriloquy speaking from the chest, used as a means of finding masses in the lung. a health professional listening to a patient's chest asks the patient to whisper a word. the word is audible where fluid or mass is present
pectus carinatum a chest that protrudes like the keel of a ship
pectus exacavatum a chest that is hollowed out
percusison striking the body surface (to cause vibrations that can help locate fluid buildup in the chest)
retraction the sucking in of the skin around bones during inhalation, happens when someone is in respiratory distress
atelectasis incomplete expansion
bronchiectasis expansion of the bronchi
caseous necrosis the death of tissue with a cheeselike appearance
chylothorax chyle in the chest
empyema pus inside the chest
hemothorax blood in the chest
phrenoplegia paralysis of the diaphragm
phrenoptosis drooping of the diaphragm
pleural effusion fluid pouring out into the pleura
pneumohemothorax air and blood in the chest
pneumothorax air in the chest
pulmonary edema swelling in the lungs
pyothorax pus in the chest
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
hypercapnia excessive carbon dioxide
hypercarbia excessive carbon dioxide
hypocapnia insufficient carbon dioxide
hypocarbia insufficient carbon dioxide
hypoxemia insufficient oxygen in the blood
hypoxia insufficient oxygen
computed tomography an imagine procedure using a computer to cut
pulmonary angiography an imagine procedure for recording pulmonary blood vessel activity
ventilation-perfusion scan (VQ scan) a scan that tests whether a problem in the lungs is caused by airflow (ventilation) or blood flow (perfusion)
bronchoscopy procedure to look inside the bronchi
capnography procedure to record carbon dioxide levels
capnometer instrument to measure carbon dioxide levels
endoscope instrument to look inside
nasopharyngoscope an instrument to look at the nose and throat
oximetry procedure to measure oxygen levels
polysomnography recording multiple aspects of sleep
pulmonary function testing (PFT) a group of tests used to evaluate the condition and operation of the lungs
spirometry procedure to measure breathing
thoracoscopy examination of the chest
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngotracheobronchitis inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi
rhinitis inflammation of the nasal passages
sinusitis inflammation of the sinus
pansinusitis inflammation of all sinuses
sleep apnea a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep
tonsilitis inflammation of the tonsils
tracheitis inflammation of the trachea
tracheomalacia softening of the trachea
asthma a disease causing episodic narrowing and inflammation of the airway
bronchiolitis inflammation of a bronchiole
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) a group of lung diseases characterized by the continual blockage of lung passages
cystic fibrosis a disease causing thick mucous buildup in the lungs and pancreas, named after the changes it causes to the lungs
diaphragmatocele hernia of the diaphragm
emphysema a disease that causes the alveoli to lose elasticity; patients can inhale but have difficulty exhaling
obstructive lung disorder a lung disorder caused by a blockage
pleuritis inflammation of the pleura
pleurisy another word for pleuritis
pneumatocele hernia of the lung
pneumoconiosis a lung condition caused by dust
pneymonia a lung condition
pneumonitis inflammation of the lung
pulmonary elbolism blockage in the pulmonary blood supply
pulmonary neoplasm new growth in the lung (tumor)
restrictive lung disorder a lung disorder caused by the limiting of air into the lungs
bronchiogenic carcinoma a cancerous tumor originating in the bronchi
mesothelioma a cancerous tumor of the mesothelial cells lining the lungs
antitussive a drug that prevents coughing
bronchodilator a drug that expands the walls of the bronchi
expectorant a drug that encourages the expulsion of material from the lungs
mucolytic a drug that aids in the breakdown of mucus
nebulizer a machine that administers respiratory medication by creating a "cloud" or mist that is inhaled by the patient
adenoidectomy removal of the adenoids
intubate to insert a breathing tube from the mouth down into the trachea, to provide breathing support
laryngectomy removal of the larynx
laryngoplasty reconstruction of the larynx
palatoplasty reconstruction of a palate
septoplasty reconstruction of a septum
tonsillectomy removal of the tonsil
tracheostomy creation of an opening in the trachea
tracheotomy incision into the trachea
endotracheal intubation insertion of a tube inside the trachea
bronchoplasty reconstruction of a bronchus
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) method of artificially maintaining blood flow and airflow when breathing and pulse have stopped
lobectomy removal of a lobe
pleuropexy reattachment of the pleura
pneumonectomy removal of a lung
thoracentesis puncture of the chest
thoracocentesis puncture of the chest
thoracoplasty reconstruction of the chest
thoracostomy creation of an opening in the chest
thoracotomy incision into the chest
ABG arterial blood gas (used to determine the effectiveness of the lungs in exchanging gases)
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
Bx biopsy
CF cystic fibrosis
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure (treatment for apnea involving keeping a patient's airways open using air pressure delivered via a face mask)
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CT computed tomography
CTA clear to auscultation (when an examination reveals nothing abnormal about a patient's lung)
CXR chest xray
DOE dyspnea on exertion
ETT endotracheal tube
LRTI lower respiratory tract infection
LTB laryngotracheobronchitis
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
OSA obstructive sleep apnea
PE pulmonary embolism
PET positron emission tomography
PFT pulmonary function test
PSG polysomnography
SOB shortness of breath
T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
T tuberculosis
URI/URTI upper respiratory infection, upper respiratory tract infection
V/Q ventilation-perfusion scan
Created by: banditbandit
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