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cardiovascular syst

angi/o vessel
aort/o aorta; largest artery
arteri/o artery
arterio/o arteriole (small artery)
ather/o plaque;fatty buildup
bol/o cast;throw
cardi/o heart
coagul/o coagulation;clotting
constrict/o narrowing
coron/o heart
cyan/o blue
dilat/o to enlarge or expand
electr/o electricity
lumin/o light
my/o muscle
phleb/o vein
pulmon/o lung
rhythm/o rhythm; heartbeat
sept/o wall;partition
son/o sound
sphygm/o pulse
systol/o contraction
tens/o stretched;strained
thromb/o clot
tom/o to cut
vas/o vessel;duct
vascul/o blood vessel
ven/i, ven/o vein
ventricul/o ventricle
venul/o venule (small vein)
a-, an- not; without
anti- against
brady- slow
dia- through; complete
echo- reflected sound
em- in
endo- in;within
epi- on;over;upon
hyper- above;above normal; excessive
hypo- below;below normal;deficient
per- through
peri- around; surrounding
tachy- fast
trans- across
-ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -ic, -ous pertaining to
-ant substance that promotes
-ation process; condition
-e (noun suffix with no meaning)
-ectomy surgical removal; excision
-emic pertaining to blood condition
-gram record; image
-graphy process of recording
-ia condition
-in, -ine chemical; chemical compound; substance
-ism process; condition
-itis inflammation
-ive substance that promotes
-lytic pertaining to breakdown or destruction
-meter measure
-or one who (or something that) takes action or does something
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease
-plasty surgical repair
-sclerosis hardening; thickening
-stenosis narrowing; tightening
-stomy surgical opening
-tension pressure
-tomy process of cutting; incision
-tropy condition of growth or development
-um, -us structure; tissue; thing
-version to turn
AV atrioventricular
BP blood pressure
bpm beats per minute
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
CHF congestive heart failure
CV cardiovascular
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
HTN hypertension
ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator
LAD left anterior descending
MI myocardial infarction
mmHg millimeter of mercury (a measure of blood pressure)
MUGA echocardiogram/multigated acquisition
PAD peripheral artery disease
PET positron emission tomography
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PVCs premature ventricular contractions
SA sinoatrial
VSD ventricular septal defect
Created by: rr3ynolds
Popular Medical sets




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