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Acronym definition medical abbreviation made up of the first letter of every word in a given phrase
why medical terms come from greek and latin 1. greek first people to study human anatomy 2. latin universal language of scientific revolution 3. both languages are dead, so no changes will be made
correct pronunciation for gam- of gamophobia gam not jam
difference between prefix and suffix suffix comes at the end of a root word to give the root meaning prefix comes at beginning of root word when root needs further modifying
enter/o define intestines (small)
suffix meaning small -icle, -ole, -ule, -ula
prefix that opposites (high, low) hyper-, hypo-
poly- meaning many or multi
heminephrectomy prefix define hemi- = half
-emia define blood
-oid define resembling
-rrhexis define rupture
craniostomy suffix define -stomy = surgical creation of an opening in the body
cardiomalacia suffix define -malacia = abnormal softening
costochondritis suffix define -itis = inflamation
dysmenorrhea suffix define -rrhea = flow
when not to use combining vowel when suffix starts with a vowel
make gastr/o and -ic into a medical term gastric
surgical reconstruction of a vessel angioplasty
bad movement condition dyskinesia
First part of medical note (SOAP) subjective
where does the patient's physical examination go in a SOAP note objective
where does the review of systems go in a SOAP note subjective
note not authored in a hospital clinic note
define discharge to send home; fluid coming from the body
where would you put the patients sequela in a SOAP note assessment
opposite of proximal distal
prone define front of body facing downwards
PACU post anesthesia care unit
term for before surgery pre-op or pre-operative
where does a patient have surgery (abbreviation) OR
By mouth vs nothing by mouth PO. NPO
something administered "as desired" ad lib, PRN
what goes in the objective part of a SOAP note tests performed on the patient; things that can be observed by the physician
Sig. 5mL PO BID x 10 days patient instructions. Take 5mL by mouth, 2 times a day for a total of 10 days
malignant defined cancerous, dangerous
patient went to ED first emergency department
-algia define pain
bilateral breakdown and define bi- = two later/o = side -al = pertaining to definition: on two sides
rash on top of both hands (directional terms) bilateral dorsum dermatitis
Onych/o define nail
word root for thick pachy/o
word root for fat adip/o, lip/o, steat/o
leukoderma root words define Leuk/o = white derm/a = skin
pronunciation for decubitus ulcer duh-KYOO-buh-tuhs UHL-ser
onychotomy pronunciation aw-nih-KAW-toe-mee
onychophagia breakdown and define onych/o = nail -phagia = eating or swallowing definition: eating or biting of the nails
rhytidermia define wrinkled skin
medical term for blackhead or whitehead comedo
Erythrocyanosis breakdown Erythr/o = red Cyan/o = blue -osis = abnormal condition
adipocele breakdown and define adip/o = fat -cele = hernia definition: hernia filled with fat tissue
ichthyosis breakdown and define Ichthy/o = scaly -osis = abnormal condition definition: scaly skin condition
trichomycosis breakdown and define Trich/o = hair myc/o = fungus -osis = abnormal condition definition: fungal condition of the hair
fungal condition mycosis
steatitis define inflammation of fat tissue
anesthetic define temporarily blocks sensation
I&D definition (incision & drainage) cutting and draining of infected tissue
subcutaneous abbreviations SC, SQ
burn affecting the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers third degree
chemosurgery define surgery to remove tissue destroyed by chemical means
Tars/o define ankle, ankle bone
fasciorrhaphy pronunciation fah-shee-OR-uh-fee
spondylosis pronunciation spaan-duh-LOW-suhs
spondylodynia breakdown spondyl/o = vertebrae -dynia = pain
hyperkinesia define excessive movement
hemarthrosis breakdown hem/o = blood arthr/o = joint -osis = condition
hydrarthrosis breakdown hydr/o = water/fluid arthr/o = joint -osis = condition
polydactyly breakdown poly- = many dactyl/o = finger
muscle disease myopathy
chondro-osteodystrophy define abnormal development of bones and cartilage (dwarfism)
tarsectomy breakdown and define tars/o = ankle -ectomy = removal definition: removal of ankle bone
treatment name when placing a cast on patient external fixation
what is EMG electromyogram - record of the electrical activity of a muscle
abbreviations relating to vertebrae C1-C7; T1-T12; L1-L5; S1-S5
test that shows "myopathic changes" electromyography
hypotonia defined decrease in muscle tone
reconstruction of a tendon tendoplasty or tenoplasty
paresis definition partial paralysis
esthesi/o define feeling or sensation
medical term for nerve bundle ganglion
schizophrenia define root word schiz/o = split phren/o = mind
dysphagia breakdown and define dys- = bad, painful, difficult, abnormal -phagia = eating; swallowing
hydrophobia breakdown and define hydr/o = water -phobia = fear
neurorrhaphy breakdown and define neur/o = nerve -rrhaphy = suture
cerebrotomy breakdown and define cerebr/o = brain -tomy = cutting
medical term for head pain cephalalgia or cephalodynia
medical term for brain hernia encephalocele
medical term for spinal cord softening myelomalacia
medical term for nerve tumor neuroma
medical term for mind disease psychopathy
myelomeningocele define herniation of spinal cord and meninges
medical term for loss or decline in mental function dementia
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) define nervous system condition affecting nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord
anesthetic causing complete loss of conciousness general anesthetic
Schizophrenia and insomnia define schizophrenia: mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech insomnia: inability to sleep
MRI defined magnetic resonance imaging - diagnostic test using magnets and radio waves to produce images
PET defined positron emission tomography: imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain
Created by: MarWri
Popular Medical sets




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