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muscular system

What are the levels of skeletal muscle organization epimysium, perimysium, endomysium
What is the order of the muscle tendon, epimysium, perimysium, fascicle, endomysium, muscle fiber, myofibril, filaments
what is the epimysium made of fascicles
what is the perimysium made of muscle fibers
what is the endomysium made of myofibrils
what are myofibrils made of thick( myosin) and thin(actin) filaments
what is the sarcolemma muscle fiber membrane with special ability to stimulated by a neuron
what are transverse tubules infoldings of sarcolemma to transmit nerve impulse into the fiber
what is the sarcoplasm muscle cell cytoplasm
where are nuclei found in the muscle fiber against sarcolemma at edge of sarcoplasm
what is the sarcoplasmic reticulum muscle cell ER, holds calcium ions
what are thick filaments made of protein myosin
what are thin filaments made of protein actin
how are the filaments arranged basic units of contractions called sacromeres
what is the squiggly line titin
what is the middle zone sarcomere
what is the band in the middle a band
what are the bands to the right and left of the a band i band
what is the line in the middle m line
what letter are the discs z disc
can a neuron branch to many muscle fibers yes
what is the neuromuscular junction where neuron and muscle meet
what is the motor unit 1 neuron and all fibers it stimulates (150+)
what is the 2nd step of contraction the end of the neuron releases acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft
what is the 3rd step if enough acetylcholine is picked up by sarcolemma, the muscle is stimulated
what is the 4th step the signal is passed along the sarcolemma down t tubules
what is the 5th step the signal causes calcium ions to be released from the SR into sarcoplasm
what is the 6th step calcium ions interact with the thin filaments allowing myosin heads of thick filaments to bind them, forming cross-bridges
what is the 7th step thick filament cross bridges use ATP to pull thin filaments toward M line=contraction
what is the 8th step New ATP molecules must bind to the myosin heads before they release the thin filament
what is the 9th step when the nerve impulse stops, calcium is actively taken back into the SR
what is the direct source of energy for contraction ATP
what is the ATP equation ATP--- ADP+P (+ENERGY)
what do muscles store creatine phosphate, contain myoglobin
what is the creatine phosphate equation ADP+CP---ATP+C
what is aerobic respiration using oxygen to completely break down food, used if energy demands are fairly low
what does myoglobin do helps tide the body over before the cardiovascular system can change to meet oxygen demands
what is the aerobic respiration equation C6H12O6+ADP+P---2LA+
what is lactic acid fermentation food is incompletely broken down into lactic acid for energy without oxygen
what is the lactic acid fermentation equation C6H12O6-+ADP+P---2LA+
what is oxygen debt the more lactic acid fermentation, the more lactic acid, the more oxygen you need which creates an oxygen debt
Created by: 24eproch21
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