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What was the Catholic Church response to the Reformation? The Counter-Reformation
What invention helped publish the 95 Theses by Martin Luther? The Printing Press created by Johannes Gutenberg
Polygamy? Practiced by Mormans and men were allowed to have more than one wife.
Protestants broke from the Catholic Church and started the... New Christian Denominations
Who posted the "95 Theses" and what was it about? 1: Martin Luther 2: Was about the Bible and a Priests duties, which exposed the Church
Church of England KING Henry V|||
1:Lead a reform movement in Geneva, Switzerland 2: Formed Calvinism John Calvin
God saves these few people from sins thought by John Calvin Elects
Theocracy Government led by religious leaders
When Calvinists were attacked by Catholic mobs St. Bartholomew's Day pf Massacre of 1572
Was the most important Catholic reformer and formed the religious order "Society of Jesus in 1540 Ignatius of Loyola
Members of The Society of Jesus Jesuits
Jesuits Goals 1: Stop Protestantism 2: Educate Catholic Priests with schools 3: Convert non-Christians
Council of Trent Pope Paul ||| wanted to review the Catholic Church and made a series of reforms over 18 years. Catholic Church became more unified
Heretics Non-believers who go against the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church banned and burned all... "Offensive books", including the Protestant versions of the Bible
Inquisition Held trials and tortured the accused heretics
Humanism During the Renisasance, this led to the questioning of religion
Simony the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges, for example pardons or benefices. Ex: If a priest became a bishop by paying a bribe
Nepotism Choosing a relative, friend, or associate over others in a workplace
Indulgences a thing that is indulged in; a luxury. the full or partial remission of temporal punishment for sins after the sinner confesses and receives absolution
Johann Tetzel German friar, preacher, and Grand Commissioner for indulgences in Germany.
Reformer one that works for or urges reform.
John Wycliffe one of the medieval forerunners of the Protestant Reformation
Jan Hus Czech theologian and philosopher who became a Church reformer and the inspiration of Hussitism, a key predecessor to Protestantism
Erasmus leading activists and thinkers of the European Renaissance
Erasmus famous document Praise of Folly 1511
Protestant Reformation Religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s. It resulted in the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism
Excommunicated Eliminated/kicked out of church
Anabaptist Belief of re-baptizer/being Baptized as an adult
Witch Hunt Search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.
Diet of Worms Imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire called by Emporor Charles V, who called up Martin Luther.
Created by: caterina_d
Popular History sets




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