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Diagnostic & Treat.

The Higher number in the blood pressure reading Systolic reading
The middle layer of the skin Dermis
Aural thermometers are used to measure body temp
an Examination method that requires the use of a stethoscope is Auscultation
Artery is seldom used for checking a pulse temporal
____ is not one of the characteristics of pulse Depth
The instrument used to screen hearing acuity is an Audiometer
When instructing a patient in the crutches, the proper angle for flexing the elbows for maximum comfort is 30 degrees
When performing a medically aseptic handwashing, in which direction should the fingertips be pointed? When performing a medically aseptic handwashing, in which direction should the fingertips be pointed?
Initial examination of the breasts is usually performed when the patient is in which of the following positions? sitting
While performing in-person screening, which of the following may present as a block for obtaining complete information from a patient? looking away and not answering the patient
The process of removing infectious materials from selected objects is sanitization
Which of the following materials does not require the use of universal precautions? feces
he patient's temperature is recorded on the chart: T 99.8 (R). What does this notation represent? rectal
At which distance should a patient be positioned for a Snellen eye test? 20 feet
For which measurement is a sphygmomanometer used? blood pressure
Newborns weigh about 7 pounds at birth and are about 20 inches long. For normally developing infants, how should the weight have progressed by the first birthday? The weight should have tripled.
Which of the following tests a patient's near vision? Jaeger reading card
Which of the following may increase a blood pressure? severe pain
An examination method that requires the use of a stethoscope is auscultation
Attempting to assess a patient's condition by ruling out certain possibilities describes differential diagnosis
Which of the following documents is usually found only in the problem oriented medical record? problem list
A patient comes into the office with dyspnea and orthopnea. To prepare the patient for the physical examination, the medical assistant should have the patient don a partial gown and adjust the exam table for comfort
All of the following are characteristics of the pulse EXCEPT depth
Whose words are used to describe the patient's chief complaint in the medical record? the patient
Immunology and allergy specialties are often combined in to a single practice to provide allergy testing, allergy desensitization, laboratory testing
Body temperature is not increased in which of the following states? fasting
The pulse located at the back of the knee is the popliteal
Details regarding the health status of the patient's parents and siblings are known as the family history
Aseptic technique is a process that helps to prevent the spread of infectious agents during procedures. Which of the following best exemplifies aseptic technique? keeping a 1-inch border maintained between the sterile and nonsterile areas of the field
Examples of alternative therapies include relaxation exercises, herbal remedies, biofeedback
The wave of alternating expansion and relaxation of the arterial walls with each contraction of the left ventricle defines pulse
During the autoclave process, which of the following is important for the medical assistant to monitor? temperature and pressure
Which of the following would be a poor practice in the medical office? leaving a male health care provider alone with a female patient
The instrument used to screen hearing acuity is a(n) audiometer
To sanitize a room the medical assistant must: disinfect it, sterilize it
Methods of sterilization include all of the following EXCEPT 10% bleach
Sterilization tape on a package indicates sterilization is complete when dark stripes appear
Diagnostic imaging is best associated with which of the following specialties? orthopedics
When recording the pulse rate in children who are not yet 2 years old, which of the following pulses would be used for recording the rate? apical
In the pediatric patient, a reflex that occurs as a result of stroking the infant's cheek is known as the rooting reflex
When suffering from an infectious disease, the stage in which the symptoms or signs are recognizable is acute
All of the following describe examination methods EXCEPT recitation
Which of the following best defines "sterilization"? removing all microorganisms and their spores from items
All of the following materials are associated with an ophthalmological exam EXCEPT Ishihara plates
Provision and maintenance of personal protective equipment is the responsibility of the employer
An instrument used to test hearing is a(n) tuning fork
Dysuria should be recorded under which of the following body systems? genitourinary
Which artery is seldom used for checking a pulse? temporal
Vital signs include which of the following measurements? blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiration
When surgical instruments have been used and have gross contaminants remaining, which process would be the first step for cleaning them? sanitization
The medical record is the property of the health care provider
When an ECG instrument is running at the normal speed, how fast does the paper advance? 25 mm/sec
Measuring a body part is called mensuration
An agent that mechanically removes contaminants from objects is a(n) detergent
Hypersensitivity and allergy reactions occur when entry of a foreign body results in an inflammatory response
The normal height of standardization on an ECG is 10 mm
Questions regarding each of the major body systems and parts are known as ROS
Cardiac cells in a resting, negatively charged state are known as polarization
Process of cleaning or freeing materials from dirt is called sanitization
Which of the following is a subjective symptom? pain
Which scientist is credited with the discovery of X-rays? Wilhelm Roentgen
The normal average blood pressure for adults is 120/80
Examination of the back may be performed when the patient is in all of the following positions EXCEPT Trendelenburg
Atrial depolarization is represented by the P wave
Aural thermometers are used to measure body temperature
The reagent found in fecal occult blood tests is guaiac
Orthopnea may be described as difficulty breathing in any position other than upright
Which of the following represents hypotension? 90/58
As an MA in an allergy practice you may do all of the following except: determine amount of allergen to be administered
To assist in patient preparation for examination, the extent of disrobing and gowning is determined by each of the following EXCEPT the amount of time the medical assistant has to prepare the patient
A standard electrocardiogram consists of how many leads? 12
Mobility-assisting devices for physically challenged patients include all of the following EXCEPT slings
A patient is placed on the examination table in the supine position with the legs flexed at the knees and feet flat on the table. This position is the dorsal recumbent position
What is the main reason for performing a general physical examination? assess the overall state of patient health
Which of the following body parts requires use of the Potter-Bucky diaphragm for X-ray? thigh
When collecting information regarding pain, if a patient states the pain is stabbing, this would refer to which of the following? quality of the pain
All of the following are included in the cardiac electrical conduction system EXCEPT sinoatrial septum
Interview questions for a patient's personal history may include all of the following topics EXCEPT interpretation of radiological studies
To inactivate HIV, HBV, and other common pathogens, what concentration of bleach solution should be used? 10%
A portable electrocardiographic recording of a patient's heart activity over a 24-hour period can be done with a(n) Holter monitor
Rectal temperature is 1° F higher than oral temperature
The process of measuring is called mensuration
All of the following may be used in a routine physical exam EXCEPT sigmoidoscope
The position of choice for a vaginal examination is the lithotomy position
In recent years alternative medicine as become more popular
Which of the following blood pressure readings indicates a hypertensive reading? 160/100
Which of the following may affect body temperature? age, environment, activity
Which of the following indicates bradycardia? pulse rate of 40 bpm
The phase of Korotkoff sounds where the systolic measurement of the blood pressure is taken is phase 1
The Romberg test is associated with which of the following examinations? otorhinolaryngological
Which of the following methods is the most effective for infection control in a health care setting? adequate handwashing
When all forms of microorganisms and their spores are destroyed, the term for this destruction is sterilization
The process of measuring range of motion of a joint is goniometry
Aural or tympanic thermometers measure the warmth of the ear canal
The typical pulse range for adults is 60 to 100
Which of the following is typically not found in the medical chart patient ledger card
Phases of the Korotkoff sounds are used for characterization of which of the following vital signs? blood pressure
After the patient has been examined, table paper must be removed
A percussion hammer is more commonly used for which of the following medical specialties? family practice, internal medicine
When surgical instruments have been used and have gross contaminants remaining, which process would be the first step for cleaning them? sanitization
For examination of an adult ear, the ear should be pulled gently up and back
While interviewing a new patient, the medical assistant must complete a history form. Which of the following is considered demographic and would probably not be included in the body of the medical record? date of birth
If asked to obtain a temperature on a patient who cannot assist you because of injury or uncooperativeness during the procedure, which of the following methods can reliably be used? aural (tympanic)
Contents of the patient history include all of the following EXCEPT reimbursement from insurance carriers
The patient's temperature is recorded on the chart: T 99.8 (R). What does this notation represent? rectal
Radiation is used for sterilization only when other methods cannot be used
A common abbreviation for biopsy is Bx
The normal range of pulse for patients 12 years and older is 60 to 100
Many physicians recommend alternative therapies for the patient to enhance their general health, to compliment conventional treatment
The preferred method for obtaining a pulse rate is to count for 30 seconds and multiply by 2
Which pulse is palpated on either the right or left side of the trachea? carotid
Which of the following radiological studies is performed by injecting contrast medium intravenously to observe the pathway of the dye through the ureters to the bladder? IVP
The position of choice for orthopnea is Fowler's
The medical assistant is asked to instruct a patient on the proper collection of a stool specimen for fecal occult blood testing. Which of the following is an instruction for the patient? Do not eat red meat or beets for about 48 hours before collection of the specimen.
The higher number in the blood pressure reading is which of the following? systolic reading
Which of the following is typically not found in the medical chart? patient ledger card
Created by: ashrey0433
Popular Medical sets




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