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TR's gov't. class

legal terminology

a priori a term used in logic to denote an argument founded on analogy
affidavit a written or printed declaration or statement of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before a person having authority to administer such an oath or affirmation
allocution an unsworn statement from a convicted defendent to the sentencing judge or jury in which the defendent can ask for mercy, explain his or her conduct, apologize for the crime, or say anything else in an effort to lessen the impending sentence
American Bar Association a national association of lawyers that improves services and the function of justice
amicus curiae "friend of the court"
brief a written statement prepared by an attorney arguing a case in point
case law the collection of reported cases that form the body of law within a given jurisdiction
clear and present danger rule speech which incites to unlawful action falls outside constitutional protection
coercion by force of arms or threat to compel another to act against his or her own free will
common law the law background of England and the American colonies before the American Revolution
conspiracy a combination of two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some kind of criminal act
criminal contempt insulting language and/or acts of violence in the presence of the court
civil contempt failure to follow a court order without disrespect; punishable by fine
counsel an attorney or advice and assistance given by one person to another
defendant the party accused in a criminal case from whom relief is sought in a criminal proceeding
Created by: ddelker
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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