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Working life

Vocabulary from the Unit Working Life

be entitled to To be entitled to something means you have been given the right to have or do something
co-worker a person who you work with, especially someone with a similar job or level of responsibility
workplace a place where people work, such as an office or factory.
workstation an area with equipment for the performance of a specialized task usually by a single individual.
workload the amount of work to be done by someone or something.
full-time staff someone who works between 30-40 hours a week
freelance someone who does particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization
part-time employee A part-time employee is an individual who works fewer hours per week than a full-time employee (less than 30 hours per week)
short-term/temporary contract an agreement to work for an employer for a specific time, such as over the summer or for another busy season.
in charge of responsible for something or someone
specialize in to study or work on a particular subject or skill more than any others, so that you become an expert in it
deal with to take action on
daily commute a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work
subsidized canteen a place where the price of food items have a lower price than what is generally and usually available in the market or any restaurant
compensation day time off from work, granted to an employee instead of overtime pay
based in the place where you live or do most of your work.
report to to work for someone and be managed by them
compensation money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged
creche for children a place where young children are cared for during the day while their parents do something else
maintain keep in a certain state, position
supervise to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely
keep on top of in control of a situation and aware of changes
organize to do or arrange things, plans, ideas
implement carry out, accomplish
challenging job difficult not easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understand
stressful makes you worry a lot
well-paid job a job with a good salary
badly-paid job a job with a low salary
Created by: Ivana JN
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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