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30s JBQ Sets 22-end

NLT 30 point questions 544-576

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Question #544 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. How do we know we can resist temptation? "(NLT) 1 Corinthians 10:13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can en
Question #545 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What does an Old Testament proverb say about hiding our sins? "(NLT) Proverbs 28:13 People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.
"Question #546 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. According to the First Epistle of John, what should Christians do if they sin? " "(NLT) 1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
"Question #547 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What verse in Psalms gives us guidance about TV and computer programs, movies, and other media? (NLT) Psalm 101:3 I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.
Question #548 for 30 points: What three supernatural things happened on the Day of Pentecost? A sound like the roaring of a mighty windstorm was heard. Divided tongues of fire appeared. Disciples spoke in languages they had never learned.
Question #549 for 30 points: What was Jesus' last command to His apostles before His ascension? Jesus told them not to leave Jerusalem until they had received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. [baptism in the Holy Spirit.]
Question #550 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. To whom is the promise of the baptism in the Holy Spirit given? (NLT) Acts 2:39 This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.”
Question #551 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the words of Jesus which tell the purpose of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. "(NLT) Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
"Question #552 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. As listed in Galatians, what is the fruit of the Spirit? "(NLT) Galatians 5:22,23 "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"
Question #553 for 30 points: Romans chapter twelve lists what seven gifts of the Spirit? Prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing, leadership, showing kindness
Question #554 for 30 points: First Corinthians chapter twelve lists what nine gifts of the Spirit? Giving of wise advice; Message of special knowledge; Great faith; Gift of healing; Power to perform miracles; Prophecy; Discerning between spirits; Speaking in unknown languages [tongues]; Interpretation of unknown languages [tongues]
Question #555 for 30 points: Who should become members of a local church? "Those who: have accepted Christ as Savior; have been baptized in water; agree with the church's teachings; pledge to support the church with tithe, talents, and attendance; and are willing to abide by the church's discipline. "
Question #556 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. According to Romans chapter 12, how is the church compared to a body? (NLT) Romans 12:4-5 Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.
"Question #557 for 30 points: Following the Day of Pentecost, in what four things did the believers continue steadfastly? "Apostle's teaching, fellowship, sharing meals, including communion [the Lord's Supper], prayer "
Question #558 for 30 points: How does a church grow? "When individual members of a church contribute their God-given gifts, then the church will be healthy and grow in love. "
Question #559 for 30 points: What does it mean to be a good steward? Being a good steward is recognizing that all we have and all we are has been given to us by God and is to be used wisely in furthering the work of God.
"Question #560 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. From Matthew, quote the Great Commission. "(NLT) Matthew 28:19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Question #561 for 30 points: Ephesians chapter four mentions what five ministry gifts? "Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers "
Question #562 for 30 points: First Corinthians chapter fourteen contains what two great rules for worship in the church? Everything should be done for the spiritual strengthening of the congregation. Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
Question #563 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the verse of Second Corinthians which tells us how to give. "(NLT) 2 Corinthians 9:7 You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”
Question #564 for 30 points: What four things should we do when we participate in the communion service? Remember Jesus' death; look forward to His return; examine our relationship with God; enjoy fellowship with Jesus and our fellow Christians
Question #565 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What prophecy did Isaiah make concerning Jesus' atoning death? "(NLT) Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.
Question #566 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What great promise did Jesus make to His disciples concerning His return? "(NLT) John 14:3 AWhen everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.
"Question #567 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. At Jesus' ascension, what prophecy was made concerning His return? "(NLT) Acts 1:11Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!
Question #568 for 30 points: What are nine different signs of Jesus' soon return? Return of Jews to Israel; Wars and threats of wars; Earthquakes; Many will turn away from Jesus; Sin will run rampant; All nations will hear the good news; Increase in knowledge; Famines; Persecution of believers; False prophets and messiahs; Great anguis
Question #569 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the two verses of First Thessalonians in which Paul describes the rapture of the Church. (NLT) 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with t
Question #570 for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the verse of First Corinthians chapter fifteen in which Paul describes what will happen when Jesus returns. (NLT) 1 Corinthians 15:52 It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed.
Question #571 for 30 points: Will all people be judged? Yes, Christians will be judged by Christ [God] to determine who deserves rewards, while those who refused Christ as Savior will be judged unworthy of eternal life.
Question #572 for 30 points: Who were the twelve sons of Jacob? "Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher "
Question #573 for 30 points: Which of the Ten Commandments deal with our relationship with God? You must not have any other god but me. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind. You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Question #574 for 30 points: Which of the Ten Commandments deal with our relationship with others? Honor your father and your mother. You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Question #575 for 30 points: Who were the twelve apostles of Jesus? "Simon Peter, Andrew, James son of Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Alpheus, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot [Canaanite], Judas Iscariot "
"Question #576 for 30 points: From Proverbs chapter six, list five things which God hates. " Proud look; lying tongue; hands which kill the innocent; heart that plots evil; feet that rush to do wrong; false witness; one who causes trouble (accept any five)
Created by: heatherrobbins09
Popular Religion sets




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