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P.Law Ch 31

Family Law

Family Law laws explaining the rights and responsibilities of members of a family
how has the American family changed? more blended families and more single parent households
How old do you have to be to get married in Minnesota? 18
bigamy marriage to two people at the same time, which is illegal in the United States
Reynolds v US court ruled that one cannot use religion as a defense to the crime of polygamy
marriage license it is a certificate that is issued by either a city, county, or state government that gives a couple permission to marry
fault divorce a divorce that is premised on the marital fault of one spouse
annulment stating that a marriage was never valid
family word used to describe many types of relationships such as parents and kids, marriage, adoption, etc
divorce a court order that ends a valid marriage
Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court case that upholds same-sex marriage via 14th amendment equal protection clause
prenuptial agreement an agreement made before marriage that defines each partner's ownership rights in the other partner's property.
divorce rate in America 40-50%
Premarital counseling a type of therapy for couples who are preparing for marriage, usually not required by law, but encouraged and usually results in a reduced marriage license fee
consent permission, needed for a marriage to be valid along with an officiant and witnesses
how many people get married in the US? 90%
incest sexual relations with a close relative, illegal
common law marriage cohabitation lasting a designated period of time (usually 7 years) that is considered legally binding in some states
Loving v Virginia 1967 court case that declared all laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional
Sister Wives reality TV show about a family practicing polygamy
Warren Jeffs polygamist leader of the FLDS, convicted of child sexual assault and forcing young girls to marry older men
polygamy having more than one spouse at a time
statutory rape the act of unlawful sexual intercourse by an adult with someone under the age of consent, even if the minor is a willing and voluntary participant in the sexual act
Child enticement a person over the age of 18 invites a child to engage in sexual conduct
cohabitation living together without being married
paternity fatherhood
selective service a system by which men ages 18 through 25 register with the U.S. government for military service
Family and Medical Leave Act 1993 requires employers with 50 or more workers to grant up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave a year to allow workers time off to help care for a new baby or an ill family member without fear of losing their jobs
marital property assets owned by both spouses
equitable distribution the just and fair, but not necessarily equal, division of property between spouses upon divorce
Where did Richard and Mildred get married since it was illegal in Virginia? Washington DC
grounds for an annulment lack of consent, bigamy, fraud
Why did George Reynolds feel polygamy was important? religious belief for his salvation
Why could Richard and Mildred not stay in Virginia? their marriage was illegal and they would have been arrested and placed in jail
requirements for a marriage license identification, age of consent, blood test (in some states), waiting period (in some states), and fee
Created by: ndouvier
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