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what should the thorax ratio be normally 1:2 ration anteroposterior
what is a 1:1 ratio of the thorax called and what respiratory disease is it associated with barrel chest, COPD
describe the inspection of the respiratory system check for labored breathing, tachypnea or bradypnea, accessory muscle use, dyspnea (SOB) symmetrical chest expansion, inspiratory or expiratory sounds, cyanosis
describe palpating the thorax feel for vocal fremitus and even expansion
what is fremitus vibration felt when patient speaks
what is a cause of decreased fremitus pneumothorax, pleural effusion
what is a cause of increased fremitus fluid accumulation- pneumonia or cystic fibrosis
why is percussion of the thorax not routine anymore because we have imaging and its more effective
what is a resonate sounds normal percussed sound
what is hyper resonance abnormal percussion sound indicating pneumothorax
what is a dull sound percussion over bone, collapse, fluid or mass
what is a stony dullness pleural effusion
what pattern should you auscultate lungs in ladder pattern to compare right side to left side
what are the three normal lung sounds vesicular, bronchovesicular and bronchiole
what does vesicular sound like like a gentle breeze
what does bronchovesicular sound like blowing noise air passing through large airways
what does bronchiole sound like air pitched air moving through smaller airways
what are the abnormal lung sounds crackles (rales) - course and fine. rhonchi, wheezing, stridor and absent
describe fine and course crackles snap, crackles and pops, air passing through fluid filled cavities, common in lower lobes. CHF and pneumonia
describe rhonchi sounds sounds like a dad snoring, gurgles and low pitched. larger airway obstruction, COPD or pneumonia sometimes cleared by coughing
describe wheezing sounds air passing through constricted bronchus, high pitched. asthma and bronchitits
describe stridor sounds sounds like a barking seal, constriction of smaller airways, foreign objects or anaphylaxis
describe friction rub sounds pleural surface are inflamed and rub against the ribs, sounds like old floorboards
describe absent lung sounds no breath sounds, pneumothorax
what is an ABG arterial blood gas, looks at blood oxygenation and acid base balance in the blood to determine if its metabolic or respiratory.
what is the allens test test to determine if the radial artery is occluded to draw blood for ABG that the ulnar artery can supply blood to the extremity
post care for ABG no blood pressures on that arm for 24 hours, no lifting objects, limit wrist movement.
capnography looks at how well gas exchange happens in the patient and measures expiratory carbon dioxide
TB test sub dermal injection to test for the presence of tuberculosis
indications of TB test traveled outside of the country, taking immunosuppressants, HIV, or organ transplant patient.
pulse oximetry looks at how much oxygen blood is transporting through the blood. (a 95% SpO2 means blood can carry 5% more O2)
what is a normal value SpO2 for a patient with no respiratory disease 95% or higher
what can effect a pulse oximetry reading cold hands, dark nail polish or poor perfusion
what is a sputum culture sputum collection sent to lab to determine presence of bacteria
what is a bronchoscopy sedative procedure where tubes are inserted into airways to check for abnormalities in patients with unknown hypoxia
what is a thoracentesis the placement of a catheter in a patient to drain fluid from pleural cavity.
what should be done before and after a thoracentesis baseline SpO2, lung sounds.
what characteristics should be noted with thoracentesis drainage presence of a little blood (normal), color, amount.
what is a chest tube insertion draining of fluid, more long term, can remove air.
define orthopnea SOB relieved by sitting up
define platypnea SOB relieved by laying flat
Created by: brandt.a277
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