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Neo/Paleo ERVC


Prehistory the period of time before written record
Paleolithic Age Old stone age
Nomad moving from place to place with no permanent home
Neolithic Revolution The development of agriculture and the domestication of animals as a food source. This lead to the development of permanent settlements and the start of civilization
Systematic agriculture the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basi
civilization complex cultures which share similar characteristics : cities, a central government, job specialization, complex religions and social classe
irrigation a way of supplying water to an area of land
surplus an amount beyond what is required, excess, more than what is needed or expected
scribe a professional writer or record keeper
Mesopotamia "land between the rivers"
hierarchy a group organized by rank
Hammurabi's Code a set of laws that governed life in the Babylonian empire
domesticate to tame, to bring plants or animals under human control
Fertile Crescent an area of rich farmland in Southwest Asia where the first civilizations began
Artisan A skilled craftsperson
Huang He "Yellow River", site of China's earliest civilization (Shang Dynasty)
Harappa and Mo-henjo-Daro Two cities in the Indus River Valley, Well planned and laid out in grid pattern
Africa Continent where earliest human fossils were found
Mandate of Heaven the belief that the Chinese king's right to rule came from the gods
dynastic cycle rise and fall of Chinese dynasties according to the Mandate of Heaven
Himalaya Mountains Tallest mountain range in the world;helped isolate China from the rest of Asia
Taklimakan Desert Located in western China; helped isolate China from the rest of Asia
Asia loess fine silt deposited by wind and water. It constitutes the fertile soil of the Yellow River Valley in northern China
theocracy A government controlled by religious leaders
shaduf a bucket on a lever used to lift water from a canal
Created by: Jennhill18
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