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The Roman Republic

When was the Roman Republic established? 509 B.C.
What is a republic? A form of government which voters elect officials to run the country.
Who could vote in Rome? Male Citizens
Were most people in the Roman Republic citizens? No
Who were Patricians? Roman nobility & the upper class. They owned land & paid taxes.
Who were Plebeians? Merchants, farmers, & shopkeepers. They owned land & paid taxes.
Who were citizens? Plebeians & Patricians
Who were Liberti? They were freed slaves. Some became very wealthy. As centuries passed, they could become citizens.
Who were slaves? People who were servants, teachers, accountants, craftsmen, & builders. They had no rights and were not citizens.
Who has complete power over a family? The oldest male
Women... -had few legal rights -had to follow the authority of their father or husband -could own property and run businesses
What did most women do? They took care of the household and raised children.
What are the key Roman values? Discipline,family, self-sacrifice, & putting the needs of the Republic above yourself.
What did most children learn to do? Read & write
Who did wealthy parents hire for their children? Tutors
Did Romans worship more than 1 god? Yes
They built_______and held______and_________to honor their gods and goddesses. temples, feasts, festivals
They adopted... Greek and Etruscan deities.
Jupiter Head god
Juno Wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage & protector of women
Neptune God of the sea
Minerva Goddess of craft and wisdom
Mars God of war
Venus Goddess of love
Vulcan God of fire and forges
Vesta Goddess of homes & children
Apollo God of the sun
Diana Goddess of the hunt
Mercury God of trade & messenger
Ceres Goddess of the harvest
Pluto God of the underworld
Proserpina Goddess of the underworld
Created by: StudentScholar
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