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Cardiovascular Drugs

Statins Statins may be better known as cholesterol-lowering drugs. When people are unable to control their cholesterol levels through diet and exercise, doctors may prescribe different types of statins.
Examples of Statins Examples include Lipitor, Zocor, Mevacor and Crestor.
Diuretics Diuretics are cardiovascular drugs that help to reduce fluid retention. These may also reduce blood pressure. When the body is retaining fluid, this can often make the heart work harder, and the intent with using diuretics is to reduce heart workload.
Examples of Diuretics Examples include HCTZ, Thiazide and Quinapril.
Anticoagulants Anticoagulants lengthen the time it takes for blood to clot, which can help prevent formation of blood clots that might cause a stroke. People who have artificial valves, who have had a stroke, or who are at risk for one may need an anticoagulant to minim
Examples of Anticoagulants Examples include Heparin and Coumadin.
Antiplatelet Antiplatelet drugs may be preferred to anticoagulants, and simple ones include medications such as aspirin. These also work to keep blood clots from forming but through a different mechanism than most anticoagulants.
Example of Antiplatelet Examples of these include aspirin and Plavix.
Beta Blockers Beta-blockers have numerous uses. They can help control blood pressure, slow fast arrhythmias, and reduce chest pain associated with angina. Use of various beta-blockers may result in a slower heartbeat, which may help control numerous heart disease sympt
Example of Beta-Blockers Examples of these include Levatol, Lopressor, Toprol and Zebeta.
Digitalis Digitalis provides a good contrast to beta-blockers. Medications with digitalis stimulate the heart to beat more forcefully. Some people with arrhythmias may require this medication; at other times, it is used when a person is in congestive heart failure.
Example of Digitalis An example is Digoxin.
Vasodilators Vasodilators like beta-blockers may reduce the work of the heart and are often prescribed to treat chest pain resulting from angina.
Examples of Vasodilators Examples include Norvasc, Nitroglycerin, Apresoline and Loniten.
Calcium Channel Blockers Calcium channel blockers make up another group of cardiovascular drugs that are used in the treatment of some forms of angina. They may also be prescribed to treat certain arrhythmias or high blood pressure, migraines, and Raynaud's disease.
Examples of Calcium Channel Blockers Examples include amlodipine (Norvasc), Diliazem (Cardizem, Tiazac,) and Verapamil (Calan, Verela)
ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been proven to slow the progression of heart failure. They are vasodilators, which are medications that cause the blood vessels to expand, lowering blood pressure and reducing the heart's workload.
Examples of ACE inhibitors Examples include Altace, Zestril and Vasotec.
Created by: mbk2023
Popular Pharmacology sets




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