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365 Exam 2

365 CH Lower GI

diarrhea passage of at least 3 loose or liquid stools per day
etiology of diarrhea virus is most common, Escherichia coli, clostridium difficile
diarrhea gastric acid susceptibility PPI decrease stomach acid, organisms survive
diarrhea intestinal microflora susceptibility microbial barrier is altered by antibiotics leading to overgrowth of bad things, wipe out normal flora
antidiarrheals coat and protect mucous membranes, absorb irritating substance; decrease peristalsis and motility, decrease intestinal secretions
C diff treatment oral vancomycin for 10 days; orally so it goes through the GI tract
interventions for diarrhea hygiene, infection control precautions, potential dangers of infectious illness, proper food handling, cooking and storage
fecal incontinence involuntary passage of stool
fecal impaction straining weakens pelvic floor and liquid seeps around leads to a hard and stuck stool blocking passage
treating fecal incontinence bowel training, high fiber diet and increased fluids, PT, stool management (dignicare)
constipation fewer than three bowel movements weekly or hard, dry, small, difficult
perceived constipation subjective problem in which the person's elimination pattern is not consistent with what he or she believes is normal
pharmacologic managment of constipation laxatives, enemas, stool softeners
stool softeners prevent valsava, does not affect peristalsis; use these with opioids
stimulants for constipation oral - senna, suppository - bisacodyl
acute abdominal pain nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fever and fatigue, rebound tenderness, bloating
acute abdomen assessment history of frequency, duration, timing , location
acute abdomen CBC determines if infectious, inflammatory, bleeding
appendicitis inflamed appendix most commonly caused by an obstruction of accumulated feces
appendicitis pain mcburney's point, RLQ; anorexia, low grade fever due to inflammation, rebound tenderness, muscle guarding
appendix rupture board like, rigid abdomen
peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum
primary peritonitis spontaneous bacterial
secondary peritonitis ruptured organs; perforated bowel, appendicitis
peritonitis manifestations abdominal pain, tenderness over area, muscular rigidity, spasm, fever and tachycardia
diagnostics for peritonitis CBC (H&H may be concentrated)
crohn's disease inflammation in any segment of the GI tract from mouth to anus
ulcerative colitis inflammation limited to the colon
Created by: ahommel
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