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Med Term

Level 0 Medical Terminology List

Pulse number of heartbeats per minute/ rate rhythm of the heart
Bloop Pressure (BP) measurement of the pressure of the blood inside the arteries
Bradypnea abnormally slow breathing rate
Tachycardia abnormally fast heartbeat
Systolic Pressure maximum blood pressure during contraction of ventricles
Hypercapnia high levels of carbon dioxide in blood
Apical apex of the heart
Korotkoff Sounds sound you hear while taking BP
Temoporal body part near the temples or sides of the skull
Comorbid more than one disease/ condition at the same time
Emesis vomitting
Tinnitus ringing in the ears
Persitalsis muscle contraction/ involuntary muscle movement
Abduction action of moving away from the midline
Adduction action of moving toward the midline
Afebrile having no fever
Anterior near the front
Apnea cessation of breathing/ no breathing
Arrhythmia too slow or too fast heart rhythm
Aspiration inhaling a foreign object
Atrophy shrinking of muscle or nerve tissue
Auscultation action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or organs
Bowel Movement act of defecating (pooping)
Defacation discharge of feces from the body
Diaphoretic excessive sweating
Diastolic heart muscles relaxes to allow cambers to fill with blood
Dorsal back portion of the body
Dyspepsia impaired digestion
Dysphasia language disorder
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
Dysrythmia abnormal heart rhythm
Edema swelling
Erythema abnormal redness of skin
Febrile fever
Flaccid flabby and lacking firmness
Hematuria presence of blood in the urine
Hemiparessi weakness of one side of the body
Hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the body
Hemoptysis coughing up blood
Hemorrhage blood loss
Hemerrhoid swollen vein or group in the anus
Hyperemesis severe vomitting
Hypovolemia low blood plasma volume
Hypoxemia low blood oxygen values
Idiosyncratic abnormal reactivity to a chemical (drug, food, or other)
Inspiration breathing in air
Intramuscular taking place in the muscle
Ischemia restricted blood flow in a part of the body
Lateral away from the middle of the body/ to the side
Level of Consciousness how awake, alert, or aware you are
Medial toward the middle or center
Nocturia waking to many times to urinate
Pallor pale color of the skin
Palpation act of touching or feeling
Posterior towards the back/ backside
Prone lying flat, facing downward
Pruritis severe itching of the skin
Purulent consisting/discharge/containing of pus
Pyrexia raised body temperature
Scrotum below the penis, part of male genital
Superior above
Supine lying flat, facing upward
Syncope fainting
Systolic heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from chambers to arteries
Tachypnea fast breathing (rapidly & shallow)
Urination discharge of fluid from the body
Urticaria hives
Visceral internal organs of the body (pertaining to chest & abdomen)
Void to urinate
Dx diagnosis
NPO nothing by mouth
HTN hypertension
GI gastrointestinal
HIPPA health insurance portability & accountability act
RLQ right lower quadrant
BID twice a day
TID three times a day
Q quickening/ every, each
ROM range of motion
SOB shortness of breath
UTI urinary tract infection
I/O intake/ output
NKA no known allergies
DVT deep vein thrombosis
CVA cerebrolvascualr accident
A- not/ without
Ab- away from
Ante- before. in front of
Bi- twice/ double
-ectomy surgical removal of a body part
Patho- disease
Pseudo- false
Post- after
Peri- surrounding/ around
Tachy- fast
Brady- slow
Cyano- blue color
Hypo- below normal
Hyper- above normal
Homeo- similar
Created by: srpenapacheco
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