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POSC 172

behavioralism an approach to the study of social science and international relations that states act in regularized ways (norms and patterns); leads to a belief that behaviors can ve descrived explained, and predicted.
globalization the integration of international customs into a state; increasingly undermines traditional state sovereignty
international relations the study of interactions among various actors that participate in international policies
normative relating to ethical rules; in foreign policy and international affairs, standards suggesting what a policy should be
balance of power any system in which actors enjoy relatively equal power, such that no single state or coalition of states is able to dominate other actors in the system
caliphate an area under the leadership of an Islamic steward (leader of entire Muslim community)
capitalism the economic system in which the ownership of the means of production is in private hands; the system operates according to market forces whereby capital labor move freely
Cold War the era in international relations (1945-1990s) with bipolar powers and rivalry between Soviet Union v.s. U.S.
colonialism the practice of founding, maintaining, and expanding a state's reach to territory abroad, motivated by expectation of economic gain, political agreement, or cultural supremacy
containment a foreign policy designed to prevent the expansion of adversary by blocking it opportunities to expand through foreign aid programs or through use of coercive force; the major U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
détente the easing of tense relations
domino effect a metaphor that posits that the loss of influence one state to an adversary will necessarily lead to a subsequent loss of control over neighboring states, just as dominos fall one after another
hegemon a dominant state that has a preponderance of power; often establishes and enforces the rules and norms in the international system
imperialism the policy and practice of extending the domination of one state over another through territorial conquest or economic domination
League of Nations the international organization formed at the conlcusion of WWI for the purpose of preventing another; based on collective security
legitimacy the moral and legal right to rule, which is based on law, custom heredity, or consent of the governed
nationalism a sense of national consciousness where people identify with a common history, language, or customs, often placing primary emphasis on one's own nation's culture and interest sover those of other nations
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military and political alliance between Western European states and the U.S. established for the purpose of defending Europe from agression by the Soviet Union and its allies; post-Cold War expansion to Eastern Europe
populism belief that champions the common person, contrasting people's concerns with those of the elite; often opposing big business and financial interests
rollback a strategy of using, or threatening the use of, armed force to agressively coerce an adversary into abandoning occupied territory
socialism an economic and social system that relies on intensive government intervention(public ownership) in order to distribute wealth among the population more equitably; in radical Marxist theory, the stage between capitalism and communism
sovereignty dominant power or supreme authority
summits talks and meetings amon the highest-level government officials from different countries
superpowers highest-power states as distinguished from other great powers
Third Reich the German state from 1933-45; a time which coincides with the rule of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party
Treaties of Westphalia treaties ending the Thirty Years War in Europe in 1648; in international relations represents the beginning of state sovereingty within a territorial space
war on terror declaring to use a given society's materail and nonmaterial resources to defeat those using terror, often nonstate actors targeting noncombatants to instill fear in the population
Warsaw Pact the military alliance formed by the states of the Soviet bloc in 1955 in response to the rearmament of West Germany and its unclusion in NATO; permitted the stationing of Soviet troops in Eastern Europe
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) nuclear, chemical, biological, weapons
anarchy the fact that there exists no hierarchically superior, coercive authority that can create laws, resolve disputes, or enforce law and order in the system.
collective security
complex interdependence
dependency theory
external balancing
internal balancing
international institutions
multinational corporations (MNCs)
national interst
neoliberal interest
neoliberal institutionalism
rational actors
relative gains
security dilemma
theoretical perspectives
belief system
cognitive consistency
evoked set
levels of analysis
mirror image
bureaucratic politics model
ethnonational movements
extremist Islamic fundamentalism
fragile states
hard power
organizational process model
pluralist model
power potential
public diplomacy
smart power
smart sanctions
soft power
Track One diplomacy
Track Two diplomacy
transnational movements
arms control
asymmetric conflict
commercial peace theory
conventional wars
democratic peace theory
guerilla warfare
interstate wars
intrastate wars
instrastate wars with foreign involvement
jus ad bellum judges whether or not to go to war
jus in bello judges what is legal or illegal in wars
just war tradition warfare that is justified by a moral or legal tradition
national security the ability for a state to protect its interests, secrets and citizens from threat (both external and internal).
noncombatant immunity civilians or surrendered peoples in a conflict may not be targeted or harmed
nonviolent resistance the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests
nuclear proliferation the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
terrorism political in purpose, nonstate actors, noncombatant(civilian) targets. Made up of civilians
unconventional wars wars distinguished by willingness to flout restrictions on legitimate targets of violence or refuse to accept the traditonal outcomes of battles as an indicator of victory or defeat
war 1,000 or more deaths in a 12-month period AND two or MORE state actors
Created by: khv11
Popular Law sets




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