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Medical Terminology


macro- large, visible to the naked eye
micro- small, not visible to the naked eye
hyper- high/above normal/elevated
hypo- low/below normal/decreased
eu-/normo- normal
pan-/omni- all
a-/an- absent/lacking
megalo- large/ larger than normal
mono- single, singular
di- 2, double
tri- 3, triple
quad- 4, quadruple
poly- many/a lot
oligo- few, several, very little
tachy- rapid, fast
brady-/brachy- slow
epi-/peri-/circum- around
endo-/intra- inside, inner, interior
exo-/extra- outside, outer, exterior
inter- between
trans- across
dia-/per- through, complete
medi(o/a)- middle
para- nearby
juxta- next to/beside/adjacent
ab- away
ad- toward
dis- separate
chromo-/chromate- color
leuko white
erythro red
cyano blue
chloro green
melan black
flav yellow
homeo- body
cephalo- head
cerv- neck
thoraco- chest
abdomino- abdominal
pelvo/i- pelvic
perition- peritoneum
derm- skin/dermis
neuro- nerve
hemo- blood
arterio-/angio- arteries
veno-/vena- venous
vasculo- vascular
musculo- muscle
myo-/sacro- muscle
skelet- skeleton/bone
osteo- bone
cyto- cell
-cyte cell/cellular
thyro- thyroid
trachea- trachea
esophago- esophagus
thyme- thymus
masto-/mammo- mammary gland
pulmo-/pneumo- lung
cardio- heart
gastro- stomach
hepato- liver
cholecysto- gallbladder
spleno- spleen
pancreato- pancreas
adreno- adrenal gland
entero- intestines
colo- colon, large intestine
-ology study of
-philia love of
-phobia fear of
-tension pressure
-xia oxygen
-capnea carbon dioxide
-pnea air
-ase enzyme
dys- problem/abnormal
Mal- bad
-itis inflammation
-plasia growing/increasing in number
-plasm growth/formation
-oma tumor
-trophy growth, typically in cellular growth size
-pathy disease
-osis condition (abnormal)
-ia abnormal condition
-ism state
-ic/-eal pertaining to/related to some process
Meta- change/transformation
-stasis/-static maintenance of "normal" conditions
-dynamic changing (continually)
-lytic/-lysis destruction
-megaly enlarged
-penia decreased/below normal
-emia relating to a blood condition
-ectomy excision/removal
-otomy incision/cutting
-ostomy to make a hole (for some connection)
-scopy to view
-graph(y) process of recording
-gram recording
-plasty surgical repair
-therapy treatment
Chemo- chemical
Echo-/Sono- sound
Electro- pertaining to electrical charge
Anti- opposed to/counteracting/relieving
Pro- before/proceeding/precursor/inducing/promoting
Centri- center
Fibro- fiber
Thrombo- clot
Blasto- germ cell
-blast progenitor/stem cell, formative cell
-clast absorbing (degradative) cell
-phag(o/ia) to eat/consume/ingest
-disp(o/ia) to drink
-pepsia digestion
-emesis vomiting
-uria urination
Sterco- denoting feces
-ptosis lowered position of an organ
Pyo- pus
Pro- relating to fever/heat
Noso- denoting disease
Chrono(o)- denoting time
Noct(i)- night/dark
latro- medicine/doctors
Steno- narrowing
Therm(o)- heat/temperature
Psychro- denoting cold
Noci- denoting pain/injury
Herni(o)- hernia
Necro- death
-praxia motor activity
-taxia related to motor activity
-lexia condition involving speech
-algesia/-algia denoting pain
-genic producing
-genesis origin/development
Hydro- water
Cholesterol- cholesterol
Lipid- lipids/fats
Hemoglobin(o)- hemoglobin
Glyc(o)- glucose/sugar
Fruct(o)- fructose
Galact(o)- galactose
Steato- fat/fatty tissue
Natre-/-natre sodium
Kal-/-kal potassium
Calci- calcium
Chlor- chlorine
Chol(e)- bile
Histo- tissue
Hidr(o)- sweating
Hema-/Hemo-/Hemato- blood
Halit- breath
Propio- pressure/touch
Ger-/Gero-/Geronto- old age
-lith stone
-cide killer/killing
-ceptor receptor/sensor
Axio- Axial
Cata- down/downward
Ec- outside
Ventr(o)- toward the front
Dorso- back
Later(o)- relating to the side
Caud(o)- tail
Meso- middle
Kary(o)- nucleus
Nucleo- nucleus
Poikilo- variation/irregularity
Reticulo- Reticulocyte
Sphero- shape of a sphere
Anthropo- human race
Corpor(o)- body/relating to the body
Somato-/-soma body
Organo- organ
Viscero- internal organs
Kelo- tissue
Proteo- protein/relating to a protein
Pharm-/Pharmaco- drugs/medications
-morpho- denoting form/structure
Nutri(o)- relating to nutrition/to nourish
Physio- nature
Lumin(o)- light
Nomen- name
Nom(o)- custom/law
Spectro- spectrum
-type class
Techn(o)- skill
Vir(o)- virus
Zygo- union/junction
-myco- fungus
-mycosis disease caused by fungus
Onco- cancer/relating to tumor or mass
-poiesis formation (blood)
-partum birth/labor
Santi- health
Calori- heat
-coma deep sleep
-gymn(o)- naked
Vito- life
Acu- needle
Anomalo- abnormal/irregular
Baro- weight/pressure
-dynia pain/relating to pain
Dynamo- strength/power
Equi- equal/equality
Eti(o)- cause/relating to the cause
Ion(o)- ion
-labile unstable/fragile
Lyo- loosen/dissolve
Radio- radiation
Scler- hardening/thickening
Scirrh(o)- hard
Schisto- fissure/split
-shisis cleft/split
Schiz(o)- denoting split/division
-lucent light emitting
Tumesc(o)- swelling
-tumescence swelling
Tempo- relating to time
-phoria feeling/related to a feeling
-physis growth/related to growing
Psammo- sand-like quality/material
Apo- away from/separation
Acr(o)- extremity
Anter(i/o)- in front/ to the front
amb(i)- both sides
Poster(i/o)- behind/referring to behind
Dextr(o)- right/towards the right
Levo- left/towards the left
Retro- behind/backward
Alt(i)- high
Auto- self
Allo- different/different human
Xeno- different/foreign/alien
Choano- a funnel
Chord- string
Chym- juice/fluid
-cilia hair
Carn- flesh
Carcin(o)- cancer/tumor
Crypt- hidden
Dipl(o)- double
Dolich(o)- long/abnormally long
Ambul- walk/to walk
Ankyl(o)- fusion/fused/not straight
Contra- against/to counter
-crine to secrete
-rrhage-/-rrhagia heavy flow/bursting with blood
-malacia softening
-tresia perforation/opening
rrhaphy- suture
-clysis irrigation/washing
-desis surgical union/surgical fixation
-centesis removal of fluid/aspiration
-graft organ/tissue used for transplantation to replace
My- muscle
-asthen- weakness
-coccus round (shaped cell)
Arthro- joint
Cephal(o)- head
Facio- face
Crani(o)- skull
Trich(o)- hair
Stoma-/Oro- mouth
Gloss(o)-/Linguo- tongue
Labio-/Cheilo- lips
Dent-/Odont(o)- teeth
Gingivo- gums
Rhino-/Naso- nose
Buccal cheek
Geni(o)-/Mento- chin
Mandibulo- mandible
Maxillo- maxilla
Sialadeno- salivary gland
Trache(o)- trachea
Laryngo- larynx
Pharyngo- throat
Thyro- thyroid gland
Epiglott(i)- epiglottis
Oto- ear
Myringo-/Tympano- eardrum/tympanic membrane
Cochleo- cochlea
Mastoido- mastoid process
Opto-/Optho-/Oculo- eye
Pupillo- pupil
Blepharo-/Palpebro- eyelid
Conjuctiv(o)- conjunctiva
Ophyro- eyebrow
Retin(o/i)- retina
Kerat(o)- cornea
Irid(o)- iris
Hyal(o)- vitreous humor of eye
Dacryoaden(o)- lacrimal/tear gland
Lacrimo- lacrimal/tear duct
Celi(o)-/Laparo- abdomen/belly
Gastro- stomach
Pyloro- pyloric sphincter
Cholecyst- gallbladder
Choledocho- common bile duct
Chol(e/o)-/Bili- bile
Cholangio- bile duct
Entero- intestines
Pancreato- pancreas
Duodeno- duodenum (first section of small intestine)
Jejuno- jejunum (second section of small intestine)
Ileo- ileum (third section of small intestine)
Appendo-/Appendico- appendix
Ceco-/Typhlo- cecum
Col(o)-/Colono- large intestine/colon
Sigmoido- sigmoid colon
Ano-/Proct(o)- anus/rectum
Arthr(o)- joint
Condyl-/-condyl- condyles (at ends of bones)
Chondro- cartilage
Om(o)- shoulder
Scapulo- scapula/shoulder blade
Acromio- acromion of scapula
Axillo- axilla (arm pit)
Brachio- arm
Humero- humerus
Gleno- glenoid cavity/fossa (humerus to scapula socket)
Olecrano- elbow (olecranon)
Cubito- elbow/forearm
Cervi(o)- cervical vertebrae
Spino-/Rachi(o)- spine
Myelo- spinal cord
Spondylo- vertebrae
Sterno- sternum
Cleid(o)-/Claviculo- clavicle
Cost(o)- ribs
Cox(o)- hip
Acetabulo- acetabulum (hip bone socket)
Ischi(o)- ischium
Ili(o)- ilium
Pubo- Pubis
Sacro- sacrum
Coccy-/Coccyg-/Coccygo- coccyx
Crur- leg
Femor(o)- femur
Chir(o)-/Cheiro- hand
Onych(o)- nail(s)
Phalang(o)-/Dactyl(y/o) phalanges/digits
Carp(o)- wrist (carpal bones)
Metacarp- metacarpals (hand bones)
Podo- foot
tarso(o)- ankle (tarsal bones)
Metatars- metatarsals (foot bones)
Salpingo- fallopian tubes/oviducts
Ovari(o)-/Oophori- ovary
Ovo-/Ovi-/Oo- egg/ovum
Episi(o)- vulva
Colpo-/Vagin(o)- vagina
Cervic(o)- cervix of uterus
Hyster(o)-/Metrio- uterus
Hymeno- hymen
Sperm(o)-/Spermato- sperm
Orchi(o)-/Orchido- testicles
Oscheo- scrotum
Epididym(o)- epididymis
Prost- prostate
Balan(o)-/Phallo- penis
Created by: mcasada
Popular Medical sets




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