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Vd Conc in the body/plasma drug concentration
CL Rate of Elimination/Plasma drug conc.
T1/2 .7 x Vd/CL
Loading Dose Conc (target) x Vd/Bioavailabitily
Maintenance Dose C (target) x CL/Bioavailability
Zero order Kinetics Rate of elimination is constant (linear reduction in drug concentration over time)
First Order Kinetics Rate of Elimination is proportional to the drug Conc. (constant Fraction) so that the elimination varies exponentially with time
what is more predictable first or zero order kinetics Zero (there is nothing to thing about )
what is a Phase I metabolism HOR, Hydrolysis, Oxidation, Reduction (yields slightly polar water soluble often still active metabolite)
What is a Phast II metabolism GAS (Glucuronidation, acetylation, and sulfation) yields very polar inactive metabolites
how long does it take to get to the IND level of drug dev 4 years (requires dev. of a lead compound and animal testing)
what are the phases after IND status has been granted Phase 1(safe?) 2 (does it work?) 3 (Double blind study)
How long does it take to get to the NDA New drug application can typically be filed 8-9 years after the intiation
what is phase 4 of drug development post marketing surveillance
what is the order of drug dev. lead compound, animals, IND, Safe?, Work on patients?, Double blind study?, NDA, Phase 4 surveillance
what effect does a competitive antagonist have on the curve it shifts it to the right (can still overcome)
what effect does a non-competitive antagonist have on the curve shifts the curve downward, you can't overcome the effect
what is Kd refers to the number of receptors involved
what is Ed Effective Dose (refers to the effect the drug is having)
how does a partial agonist compare to a full with respect to potency and efficacy a partial will always have lower efficacy but may be more or less potent
Any thing that ends in -cillin Mech blocks cell wall synthesis by inhibiting cross linking
Imipenem Mech blocks cell wall synthesis by inhibiting cross linking
Aztreonam Mech blocks cell wall synthesis by inhibiting cross linking
Cephalosporin blocks cell wall synthesis by inhibiting cross linking
Vancomycin mech blocks peptidoglycan synthesis
Cycloserine Mech blocks peptidoglycan synthesis
bacitracin Mech blocks peptidoglycan synthesis
Chloramphenicol mech 50S block
allmost all Mycins (not vanco or aminoglycosides) mech 50S block
Aminoglycosides (Amikamycin, Gobramycin, Tobramycin) Mech 30S block
Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim Mech Block Nucleotide synthesis
Created by: FIRST AID
Popular Medical sets




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