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Roots, prefixes, suffixes

-ia condition of
-ism condition of
-sis condition of
-y condition of
-ac pertaining to, like, resembling
-al pertaining to, like, resembling
-ar pertaining to, like, resembling
-ary pertaining to, like, resembling
-form pertaining to, like, resembling
-ic pertaining to, like, resembling
-ical pertaining to, like, resembling
-ile pertaining to, like, resembling
-oid pertaining to, like, resembling
-ory pertaining to, like, resembling
-ous pertaining to, like, resembling
-ian specialist in a field of study
-ist specialist in a field of study
-iatrics medical specialty
-iatry medical specialty
-ics medical specialty
-logy study of
singular -a, plural ? -ae
singular -en, plural ? -ina
singular -ex -ix -yx, plural ? -ices
singular -is, plural ? -es
singular -ma, plural ? -mata
singular -nx -anx -inx -ynx, plural ? -nges
singular -on, plural ? -a
singular -um, plural ? -a
singular -us, plural ? -i
prim/i- first
mon/o- one
uni- one
hemi- half
semi- half
bi- two
di- two
dipl/o- double
tri- three
quadr/i- four
tetra- four
multi- many
poly- many
cyan/o- blue
erythr/o- red
leuk/o- white, colorless
melan/o- black, dark
xanth/o- yellow
a- & an- not, without, lack of, absence
anti- against
contra- against, opposite
de- down, without, removal, loss
dis- absence, removal, separation
in- & im- not
non- not
un- not
ab- away from
ad- toward, near
dia- through
per- through
trans- through
hyper- increased, excess
hypo- decreased, below
ogli/o- few
pan- all
super- above, excess
equi- equal, same
eu- true, good, easy, normal
hetero- other, different, unequal
homo- & homeo- same, unchanging
iso- equal, same
macro- large, abnormally large
mega- & megal/o- large, abnormally large
micro- small
neo- new
normo- normal
ortho- straight, upright, correct
poikilo- varried, irregular
pseudo- fake, false
re- again, back
ante- before
pre- before, in front of
pro- before, in front of
post- after, behind
dextr/o- right
sinistr/o- left
ec- & ecto- out, outside
ex- & exo- away from, outside
end/o- in, within
mes/o- middle
syn- & sym- together
tel/e- & tel/o- end, far, at a distance
morph/o form
cyt/o cell
-cyte cell
nucle/o nucleus
kary/o nucleus
hist/o tissue
histi/o tissue
fibr/o fiber
reticul/o network
adne/o gland
papill/o nipple
myx/o mucus
muc/o mucus; mucous membrane
somat/o body; small body
-some body; small body
blast/o immature or embryonic cell
blast immature or embryonic cell
gen origin; formation
phag/o eat; ingest
phil attract; absorb
plas formation; molding; development
trop act on; affect
troph/o feeding; growth; nourishment
-ase enzyme
-ose sugar
hydr/o water; fluid
gluc/o glucose
glyc/o sugar; glucose
sacchar/o sugar
amyl/o starch
lip/o lipid; fat
adip/o fat
steat/o fatty
proteo/o protein
cephal/o head
cervic/o neck
thorac/o chest; thorax
abdomin/o abdomen
celi/o abdomen
lapar/o abdominal wall
lumb/o lumbar region; lower back
periton peritoneum
peritone/o peritoneum
acro extremity; end
brachi/o arm
dactyl/o finger; toe
ped/o foot
pod/o foot
circum- around
peri- around
intra- in; within
epi- on; over
extra- outside
infra- below
sub- below; under
inter- between
juxta- near; beside
para- near; beside
retro- behind; backwards
supra- above
alg/o pain
algi/o pain
algesi/o pain
carcin/o cancer; carcinoma
cyst/o filled sac or pouch; bladder
lith calculus; stone
onc/o tumor
path/o disease
py/o pus
pyr/o fever; fire
pyret/o fever; fire
scler/o hard
tox/o poison; toxin
toxic/o poison; toxin
brady- slow
dys- abnormal, painful, difficult
mal- bad; poor
pachy- thick
tachy- rapid
xero- dry
-algia pain
-algesia pain
-cele hernia
-clasis breaking
-clasia breaking
-itis inflammation
-megaly enlargment
-odynia pain
-oma tumor
-pathy any disease of
-rhage bursting forth; profuse flow
-rhagia bursting forth; profuse flow
-rhea flow; discharge
-rhexis rupture
-schisis fissure; splitting
-dilation expansion; widening
-dilatation expansion; widening
-ectasia dilation; dilatation; distension
-ectasis dilation; dilatation; distension
-edema accumulation of fluid; swelling
-lysis separation; loosening; dissolving; destruction
-malacia softening
-necrosis death of tissue
-ptosis dropping; downward displacement; prolapse
-sclerosis hardening
-spasm sudden contraction; cramp
-stasis suppression; stoppage
-stenosis narrowing; constriction
-toxin poison
staphylo- grape-like cluster
strepto- chain
bacill/i bacillus
bacill/o bacillus
bacteri/o bacterium
myc/o fungus; mold
vir/o virus
aer/o air; gas
bar/o pressure
chrom/o color; stain
chromat/o color; stain
chron/o time
cry/o cold
electr/o electricity
erg/o work
phon/o sound; voice
phot/o light
radi/o radiation; x-ray
son/o sound
therm/o heat; temperature
-graph instrument for recording data
-graphy act of recording data
-gram record of data
-meter instrument for measuring
-metry measurement of
-scope instrument for viewing or examining
-scopy examination of
-centesis puncture; tap
-desis binding; fusion
-ectomy excision; surgical removal
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty plastic repair or surgery; reconstruction
-rhaphy surgical repair; suture
-stomy surgical creation of an opening
-tome instrument for incision or cutting
-tomy incision; cutting
-tripsy crushing
-lytic dissolving; reduction; loosening
-mimetic mimicking; simulating
-tropic acting on
anti- against
contra- against; opposite; opposed
counter- against; opposed
chem/o chemical
hypn/o sleep
narc/o stupor
pharm drug; medicine
pharmac/o drug; medicine
vas/o vessel
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
kerat/o keratin; horny layer of skin
melan/o dark; black; melanin
hidr/o sweat; perspiration
seb/o sebum; sebaceous gland
trich/o hair
onych/o nail
oste/o bone
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord
chondr/o cartilage
arthr/o joint
synov/i synovial fluid, joint, or membrane
burs/o bursa
crani/o skull; cranium
spondyl/o vertabra
vertabr/o vertabra; spinal column
rachi/o spine
cost/o rib
sacr/o sacrum
coccy coccyx
coccyg/o coccyx
pelvi/o pelvis
ili/o ilium
Created by: laptop
Popular Medical sets




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