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COGO Unit 1

AP comparitive government-unit 1 vocab

qualitative data Describes qualities or characteristics. It is collected using questionnaires, interviews, or observation, and frequently appears in narrative form.
quantitative data Data that can be counted or measured in numerical values.
empirical statements (factual/objective) apply concepts, support generalizations, or make arguments.
normative statements (value) argue how situations should be.
correlation A measure of the relationship between two variables
causation A cause and effect relationship in which one variable controls the changes in another variable.
human development index (HDI) Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy.
gross domestic product (GDP) The sum total of the value of all the goods and services produced in a nation.
gini coefficient A measure of income inequality within a population, ranging from zero for complete equality, to one if one person has all the income.
freedom index A publication written by the Freedom House; it measures how free a country is based on political rights (such as the right to vote) and civil rights (such as the rights to speak and worship freely).
transparency international A non-governmental organization that monitors and publicizes corporate and political corruption in countries around the World.
fragile states index The Fragile States Index (FSI; formerly the Failed States Index) is an annual report published by the United States think tank the Fund for Peace and the American magazine Foreign Policy.
regime At its most basic it is categorized somewhere on the scale of democratic to authoritarian. The "programming" of politics.
state The monopoly of force over a given territory. The set of political institutions that carry out policy. The "machinery" of politics.
nation A group of people with a common culture living in a territory and having a strong sense of unity.
government The leadership or elite in charge of running the state. Composed of elected, or unelected officials. The "operator" of politics.
power The ability to achieve a desired goal.
authority The legal right to exercise power on behalf of the society/government.
sovereignty Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.
legitimacy Political authority conferred by law or by a state or national constitution.
stability The capability of the government to achieve its specified goals while staying in power.
liberal democracy A political system that promotes participation, competition, and liberty and emphasizes individual freedom and civil rights.
illiberal democracy A procedural democracy, with elections, but without real competition, and lacking some civil rights and liberties.
authoritarianism The enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
theocracy A government controlled by religious leaders.
totalitarianism A political system in which the government has total control over the lives of individual citizens.
nationalism Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
rule of law Principle that the law applies to everyone, including those who govern.
rule by law Leaders use the law for their own purposes and are not accountable to those laws themselves.
democratization A process of transition as a country attempts to move from an authoritarian form of government to a democratic one.
democratic consolidation The widespread acceptance of democracy as the permanent form of political activity; all significant political elites and their followers accept democratic rules and are confident everyone else does as well.
federal system A system of government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments.
unitary system System of government in which all power is invested in a central government.
social cleavages Divisions theoretically outside the realm of politics (religion, ethnic groups, race, social and economic classes) that interact with the political system and have a tremendous impact on policy-making.
political cleavages (cross-cutting cleavages) When national, ethnic, religious, or linguistic divisions affect political allegiances or policies.
devolution The process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government.
internal actors Individuals, groups, or institutions within a country that influence and participate in the political processes and decision-making.
Created by: IsaLondy
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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