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Latin Chapters 1 & 2

From Wheelock's Latin 7th Edition

(pron) me, myself
quid (pron) what
níhil (noun) nothing
nōn (adv) not
saepe (adv) often
(conj) if
amō to love, like
amare to love, like
amavi to love, like
amatum to love, like
cōgito, cōgitāre, cōgitāvi, cōgitātum to think, ponder, consider, plan
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum to owe, ought, must, should
dō, dare, dedī, datum to give, offer
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum to wander, err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken
laudo, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātum to praise
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitum to remind, advise, warn
salveō, salvēre to be well, to be in good health
salvē, salvēte hello, greetings
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātum to preserve, save, keep, guard
cōnservō, cōnservāre, cōnservāvī, cōnservātum to preserve, conserve, maintain (stronger)
terreō, terrēre, terruī, territum to frighten, to terrify
valeō, valēre, valuī, valitūrum to be strong, have power, be well
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum to see, observe, understand
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātum to call, summon
fāma, fāmae rumor, report
fōrma, fōrmae form, shape
fortūna, fortūnae fortune, luck
īra, īrae ire, anger
nauta, nautae sailor
patria, patriae fatherland, native land
pecūnia, pecūniae money
philosophia, philosophiae philosophy
poena, poenae penalty, punishment
poenās dare pay the penalty
poēta, poētae poet
porta, portae gate, entrance
puella, puellae girl
rosa, rosae rose
sentenia, senteniae feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
vīta, vītae life, mode of life
antīquus, antīqua, antīquum (adj) ancient, old-time
magnus, magna, magnum (adj) large, great, important
meus, mea, meum (adj) mine
multus, multa, multum (adj) much, many
tuus, tua, tuum (adj) your
et (conj) and: even
sed (conj) but
ō (interjection) O!
sine (prep) without
est is
Created by: cjak
Popular Latin sets




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