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24 Eco Problems

Biological Pest Control Good! Using natural predators, pheromones and sterilization to reduce pest populations.
Human Population Growth Exponential growth Caused by modern technology and medicine decreasing the death rate, we use up our resources too fast = habitat destruction
Climate Change Caused by increased Greenhouse Gasses like CO2 being released from fossil fuels and methane from livestock = habitat destruction
Ozone Depletion Caused by CFCs in the atmosphere. (These are banned. They were in old fridge/AC, and propellant spray cans) It removes our UV protective layer burns plants = habitat destruction
Acid Rain Caused by S and N in the atmosphere, from burning coal, combining with water and acidifying lakes = habitat destruction
Thermal Pollution Caused by hot water from industry poured into waterways = habitat destruction
Nutrient Pollution Caused by N and P from fertilizer and soaps causes and algae bloom and eventually low O2 in water = habitat destruction
Smog Caused by heavy, toxic smoke over a city from exhaust combining with sunlight. Causes Health issues
Proper Waste management Good. This solution can help keep toxics out of soil and water and prevent pollution and imbalance
Invasive Species Creatures that are non-native enter a habitat, grow out of control and out compete native species = food web destruction
Nuclear Power Creates dangerous radioactive waste that lasts thousands of years, if not treated properly can leak and cause mutations
GMO Genetically modified organisms. Genetically engineered. Contain a gene splices from another species to do something special like make their own pesticide or be frost resistant. Unknown consequences.
Biocides Chemicals meant to kill pests and weeds. They can have health affects on humans, cause pollution and destroy food webs
Fossil Fuels Coal, oil and natural gas. Put CO2 and other chemicals in the atmosphere. Cause climate change, smog/air pollution
Created by: kgarlitz
Popular Biology sets




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