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Year 2 Latin Roots

All of the Latin Roots for Year 2

tele far away, distant
micro small
scope watch, view, examine
port carry, bear, bring
re again,back
able,ible capable of, tending
scribe,script write,record
sub under,below,nearly,secondary
aster,astro star,celestrial bodies, outer
vis, vid see
super above, beyond, over, on top of
flu,fluct,flux flow,flowing, wave
tract draw,pull
com,con together, with, fully,completely
fer carry, bear, bring
phon,phone,phony sound,voice
anti,ant against,opposite
onym name,word
pon,pose,posit place,put,lay
bi.bis.bin two,twice,both
cyclo,cycl,cycle circle,circular,path,wheel,ring
cosmo,cosm world,universe
dia through,across,throroughly
ic,ics pertaining to, characterized by, the science of , by disipline
thermo,therm heat,temp,hot
contra,counter against,opposite
graph,graphy write,record,something written
aqua,aqui,aque water
equi,equ even,equal.uniform,fair
duc,duct,duce lead,bring,draw
rupt break,tear,burst
dis apart,asunder,reversal,not
fid,fid,fidel trust,to trust,faithful
ject cast,throw
inter between,among
sphere globe,ball,round,zone
pli,plic,ply fold
ex out,out of, former,throuoghly
pe,pell push,drive
path,patho,pathy fellings,suffering,disease,disorder
logy,ology the study of,the science of
vers,vert turn
intro,intra inward,to the inside,within, on the inside
flex,flect bend,curve
man,manu,mani hand
circ,circum circle,around
spec,spect,spic look,watch,see,apart
dic,dict speak,say,proclaim
bene,beni well
mal,male bad,evil,illwrong
geo,ge earth,land,soil
peri around,near
meter,metry measure, measurement
bio life
auto,aut self (one's own, oneself), same
lun,luna,lune moon
mit,miss,mise send,throw,put
trans, across, through,beyond
grad,grade,gress a step,to step, go, walk
mot,mo,mov move
pro forward,in front of, forth, before, in place of, favoring
logue,log speech,word, reasoning
terra,terr land,earth
audio,audi,audit hear,listen,perseive sounds
arium,torium,tory a place for, a place containing
arch,archi,archy first,cheif,ruler,government,ancient
mono,mon one,single,alone
cura,cur care, heal, cure
theo,the God, a god
pan, panto all,every, entire
cracy,crat rule,government,ruler, and advocate of rule by
zoo, zo animal, living being
non not, nothing
derm, derma, dermat skin
cardi, cardio, card heart
endo, end within, inside
morph shape, form, structure
ist a person who, one who specalizes in
tor, tort, torque twist
gen, gene, gener origin, birth, produce, kind
pod, ped foot
meta, met change, after, over, beyond
volve, volu, volut turn, roll, turn around
act, ag, agit do, set in motion, drive
epi, ep on, upon, over toward
sed, sess, sid sit, settle
odont,dent tooth
hypo,hyp under below, less than, defiecent
voc, voke voice, call,speak
fy, fact, fect make, do, build, cause
cent, centi hundred, hundreth
ann, enn year
cede, ceed, cess go, yeild, withdraw
para,par beside, beyound, abnormal
Created by: Leopold
Popular Military sets




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