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LASOM Spiritual Lead

Spiritual Leadership - Moving People On To God’s

1. According to the author, what is the key to all organizations’ potential for growth and success? Effective leadership.
2. Why does George Barna believe the American church is in decline? Lack of strong leadership.
3. Society’s great deficit is that it is woefully in need of people who understand how to be spiritual leaders.
4. Effective leaders act as a indispensable catalyst to insure the right work is done.
5. What is the author’s definition of Spiritual Leadership? Moving people onto God's agenda
6. What are the seven elements of the Spiritual Leader’s task? (1) to move people - influence (2) use spiritual means - that honor God (3) accountable to God (4) focus on people (5) influence all people, not just God's people (6) work from God's agenda (7) hear from God
7. What is the key to spiritual leadership? For leaders to understand God’s will for them and their organizations.
8. What does current leadership theory suggest about good leaders? They are also good followers and this particularly true of spiritual leaders.
8-b. Jesus model for Christian leaders Absolute obedience to the Father's will
9. What is the greatness of an organization directly proportional to? The greatness of its leader
10. What is the key to growing an organization? Develop their leaders.
11. What is leadership development synonymous with and what does this increase? a.) personal development. b.) increases their ability to lead
12. List Robert Clinton’s six-stage model of how God develops leaders. (1) Sovereign Foundations (2) Inner Life Growth (3) Ministry Maturing (4) Life Maturing (5) Convergence (6) Afterglow or Celebration:
12-b. Inner Life Growth: the period in which ones character and spiritual life develop.
12-c. Ministry Maturing: people make their earliest attempts at spiritual leadership.
12-d. Life Maturing: spiritual leaders begin to focus on their strengths and to find leadership opportunities in which they can be most effective.
12-e. Convergence: peoples ministry and life experiences converge into a specific job or responsibility for which they draw on all they have learned to achieve maximum effectiveness.
12-f. Afterglow or Celebration: a level of leadership Clinton claims even fewer people achieve. it comes after people have successfully led others for a significant period of time.
13. What are the two factors that determine the length of time required for God to develop character worthy of spiritual leadership? (1) trust in God (2) obedience to God's will
14. Many organizations are locked into doing things a certain way, not because it is still effective today, but because it was effective yesterday.
15. According to the author, where is vision for spiritual leaders derived from? It must come from God.
16. Instead of selling a vision to others, what must spiritual leaders do? Share what God has revealed to them and trust the Holy Spirit to confirm the vision in the hearts of their people.
17-a. You cannot be a poor communicator and a good leader.
17-b. Max De Pree "I learned that if you are a leader and you’re not sick and tired of communicating, you probably aren't doing a good enough job.”
18. Leaders who take on a new position should ask themselves? Where should my organization go?
19. Name the three unworthy goals given in the textbook. (1) Achieving Results (2) Perfectionism (3) Size
19-b. Perfectionism: God commands us to be holy, and give him our best, not to be perfect
19-c. Size: Leaders must measure success by God's standards, not the worlds. God is not impressed with crowds as people are.
19-a. Achieving Results: Demand for measurable results puts pressure on leaders to focus on quick accomplishments.
21-a. Developing People – To take their people from where they are to where God wants them to be.
21. List the Three Worthy Goals of spiritual leadership. (1) Developing People – (2) Equipping Others to Lead – (3) Glorifying God –
21-b. Equipping Others to Lead – a) Leaders delegate. b) Leaders give people freedom to fail. c) Leaders recognize others’ success. d) Leaders provide encouragement and support.
21-c. Glorifying God – True spiritual leaders value glorifying God more than personal or organizational success.
22. What happens when leadership is not based on the work of the Holy Spirit and on spiritual character? Without the Spirit’s guiding, empowering presence, leaders may hold executive positions, but they are not spiritual leaders.
24. What are two major ways leaders influence people? (1) By who they are (2) By what they do
25. List the seven legitimate sources of influence. (1) God’s Hand (2) Leading Through Surrender (3) Integrity (4) Successful Track Record (5) Preparation (6) Humility (7) Courage
26- a. The leader’s ______________ life is critical. prayer
26-b. List the six reasons why the leader's prayer life is critical. (1) Nothing of eternal significance happens apart from God. (2) Prayer is fundamental because to be a spiritual leader, one must be filled with the Holy Spirit. (3) God’s wisdom is a reward for dedicated praying. (4) Leaders pray because God is all-powerful. (5) Prayer is the leader’s foolproof remedy for stress. (6) God reveals his agenda through prayer.
27. What are the three keys to servant leadership that are evident from John 13:1-7? (1) It flows from the love leaders have for God and their people. (2) Leaders must know and accept who they are. Insecure people worry about how others perceive them. (3) Christlike servant leaders must understand whom they serve. Spiritual leaders are not their people’s servants; they are God’s.
28. Why is a "pessimistic leader" is a contradiction in terms? Faith in itself is hope and trust in God, Creator of all things. You can’t give what you don’t have or lead where you won’t go. Not having and giving faith and hope in Him is not an option for a genuine spiritual leader.
29. Leaders encourage others. What are three primary ways leaders encourage followers? (1) Through the leader’s presence. (2) Through their words. (3) Through personal concern for their followers.
30-a. _________ leaders lead followers. Ordinary
30-b. _________ leaders lead leaders. Great
30-c. _________ leaders lead movements. Extraordinary
31. ______________ is a fundamental responsibility of leaders. Decision Making
32. List the five principles spiritual leaders should follow when making decisions (1) Leaders seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance (2) Leaders strive to be teachable (3) Leaders know their history (4) Leaders plan (5) Leaders give an account to God
32-a. Leaders seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance – The Holy Spirit reveals God’s will.
32-b. Leaders strive to be teachable – Listening leaders constantly grow wiser.
32-c. Leaders know their history – Understand how the organization arrived where it is today.
32-d. Leaders plan – Planning enables organizations to effectively mobilize their resources to achieve their goals and overcome anticipated challenges.
32-e. Leaders give an account to God – they know God is observing and assessing their actions.
33. List the three guidelines for handling decisions once they have been made. (1) Leaders accept the consequences (2) Leaders admit their mistakes – (3) Leaders stand by their decisions –
33-a. Leaders accept the consequences - They do not make their subordinates shoulder the weight of negative outcomes for their decisions.
33-b. Leaders admit their mistakes – Effective leaders are not successful because they never make err in judgment but because they continually learn from their shortcomings.
33-c. Leaders stand by their decisions – The confident ability to stand firmly behind a decision is a characteristic of good leadership.
34. List the four ways leaders strengthen their decision-making skills. (1) Leaders evaluate their decisions – (2) Leaders walk closely with God – (3) Leaders seek God’s vision - (4) Leaders seek God’s wisdom –
34-a. Leaders evaluate their decisions – Leaders must carefully and honestly assess their decisions as well as the motive and spirit behind them.
34-b. Leaders walk closely with God – Seeking the mind of God at the front end of a decision can save leaders years of painful regret later.
34-c. Leaders seek God’s vision - When leaders have received God's vision for the future, they will gain a clear sense of direction on which to base decisions.
34-d. Leaders seek God’s wisdom – God is willing to dispense the wisdom necessary for problem solving and making good choices.
35-a. In regard to time, what is the key to successful leadership? Staying on God’s agenda.
35-b. Spiritual leaders don’t allow their busy lives or numerous responsibilities to sidetrack them from God’s agenda. Rather, they become the masters of their schedules through determined and conscientious efforts.
36. List the five ways that leaders avoid becoming slaves to their time. (1) Leaders subjugate (2) Leaders eliminate – (3) Leaders cultivate – (4) Leaders delegate – (5) Leaders concentrate –
36-a. Leaders subjugate their schedule to God’s will and invest themselves in those activities and projects most critical.
36-b. Leaders eliminate – good leaders graciously yet regularly say no to many of the opportunities presented to them.
36-c. Leaders cultivate – Wise leaders cultivate healthy routines to ensure their priorities are not overlooked.
36-d. Leaders delegate – Leaders who assign tasks to others have unlimited production potential.
36-e. Leaders concentrate – Leaders who cannot focus will be enslaved to interruptions and fruitless diversions.
37. What are the four areas of life that effective leaders fastidiously reserve adequate time for? (1) Leaders schedule unhurried time with God – if they neglect their relationship with God, they forfeit their spiritual authority. (2) Leaders schedule regular, quality time with their family (3) Leaders schedule time for their health (4) Leaders schedule time for people
38. What are five timewasters leaders avoid (1) Technology (2) Lack of personnel (3) Idle conversation (4) Excessive hobbies (5) Disorganization
39. What are six reasons that people instinctively resist change? (1) People are reluctant to make personal changes. (2) People find it difficult to keep pace with change. (3) People prefer the status quo. (4) People naively hope things will get better. (5) People do not see the need for change. (6) People believe it is too difficult to mobilize their organization to change.
40. What are the seven things leaders must do to implement change? (1) Seek God’s direction (2) Discern the organizational culture (3) Provide a clear picture of the desired destination (4) Cultivate a sense of urgency (5) Enlist Advocates (6) Provide support (7) Follow through to the finish
41. ________ _______ stick with it until the change has been fully implemented. Effective leaders
42. ________ _______ recognize they have not been completely successful until the desired changes are clearly and full implemented. Wise (Effective) leaders
43. Why is the phrase a solitary leader a contradiction in terms? Even the most outstanding leaders cannot accomplish significant tasks apart from the capable effort of others.
44. A leadership team is a __________ of its leader. reflection
45. List the six things leaders who build crack teams do. (1) Leaders develop a dynamic culture. (2) Leaders maximize diversity. (3) Leaders love their people. (4) Leaders maintain focus. (5) Leaders foster healthy communication. (6) Leaders help their people.
46. Explain the mantra: First who…then what. The building blocks of outstanding organizations are excellent people. To attract such individuals, leaders must inspire greatness.
47-a. The textbook says that ______ may be the leader’s _______ _______ because it is subversive and subtle. pride worst enemy
47-b. "Pride _______ leaders to reality and causes them to view themselves in _________ proportion. blinds distorted
48. What are the safeguards a leader can build into his/her life in order to avoid sexual sin? (1) Leaders make themselves accountable (2) Leaders heed their own counsel (3) Leaders consider the consequences (4) Leaders develop healthy habits (5) Leaders maintain a healthy, growing walk with God
49. A ______ ______ in spiritual leaders reveals a ______ distant from God. critical spirit heart
50. What happens when leaders hunger for wealth (greed)? They can also be tempted to act unethical.
*45. People who cannot handle ______ need not apply for ______ positions? criticism leadership
51. List three spiritual rewards that spiritual leaders can expect if they lead people according to God’s standards. (1) Heaven’s rewards – (2) Relationships – (3) Legacy –
51-a. Heaven’s rewards – no other compensation could equal the joy resulting from knowing almighty God is pleased with you and what you have done with your life.
51-b. Relationships – Effective leaders nurture and enjoy three major categories of relationships throughout their lives; their families, their colleagues and their friends.
51-c. Legacy – Wise leaders want to leave a mark on their world that outlasts their transitory lives.
52. How do Kouzes and Posner define leadership success? “Leaving the area a better place than when you found it.”
53. What is one of the most important, yet most often overlooked responsibilities of leadership? Preparing their organization for a successor.
54-a. While leaders cannot always choose their _______ , they can prepare their organization for the _____ _____ and they can invest in emerging leaders who will be capable of eventually taking their place. successor next leader
54-b. Biblical examples of preparatory leadership. Moses and Joshua Elijah and Elisha
55. True leaders are not ________ by changing or turbulent times. intimidated
12-a. Sovereign Foundations: involve God's activity during people's formative years
20-a. What is the antithesis of spiritual leadership? Using people to achieve organizational goals.
20-b. __________ who achieve their goals but whose people suffer and fall by the wayside in the process have ________. Leaders failed
25-a. Legitimate sources of influence. God’s Hand: (1) God will fulfill his promises to the leader. (2) God will vindicate their reputation over time. (3) Lives are transformed. (4) Demonstrate Christlike character.
25-b. Legitimate sources of influence. Leading Through Surrender: Encountering God in profound, life-changing way. To be more yielded in faith to God, whatever his will was.
25-c. Legitimate sources of influence. Integrity / Honesty: When people's actions accurately mirror their beliefs and values. It demands consistency under every circumstance.
25-d. Legitimate sources of influence. Successful Track Record: Consistent, long-term success is evidence that God has honored leaders and solidifies their credibility.
25-e. Legitimate sources of influence. Preparation: Involves education and training and brings profound confidence and credibility to leaders.
25-f. Legitimate sources of influence. Humility: Few things are as powerful as leaders who view themselves with an accurate and humble perspective.
25-g. Legitimate sources of influence. Courage: It's not the absence of fear. It's being frightened and yet doing the right thing anyway.
Created by: NICJOLLEY
Popular Religion sets




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