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Random Vocab 29


光線 こうせん beam; light ray
人柄 ひとがら personality; character; personal appearance; gentility
共感 きょうかん sympathy; empathy; response
現行 げんこう present; current; in operation
王国 おうこく kingdom; monarchy
平気 へいき 1. coolness; calmness; composure; unconcern 2. all right; OK; okay
前向き まえむき facing forward; front-facing; forward-looking; positive; proactive
野心 やしん ambition; aspiration; designs; treachery
後日 ごじつ in the future; another day; later
種目 しゅもく event; item of business
着工 ちゃっこう start of (construction) work
挿絵 さしえ illustration (e.g. book); picture
真夏 まなつ midsummer
分担 ぶんたん apportionment; allotment; share
仮定 かてい assumption; supposition; hypothesis
ほのお 1. flame; blaze 2. flames (of intense emotion, e.g. love, jealousy, anger); passion
標識 ひょうしき sign; mark; flag
新規 しんき new; fresh
管轄 かんかつ jurisdiction; control
音声 おんせい voice; (the concept of) sound
越す こす 1. to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across 2. to go over (e.g. with audience) 3. to pass time (e.g. a winter)
感激 かんげき deep emotion; impression; inspiration
埋める うめる 1. to bury (e.g. in the ground) 2. to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall); to cause to be packed 3. to plug (a gap); to stop (a gap)
勤労 きんろう labor; labour; exertion; diligent service
巻き込む まきこむ to roll up; to involve; to enfold; to swallow up; to drag into
文庫 ぶんこ 1. library; book collection 2. paperback book
付き合い つきあい association; socializing; socialising; fellowship
繁殖 はんしょく breed; multiply; increase; propagation
傑作 けっさく 1. masterpiece; best work 2. amusing blunder; funny mistake
辞退 じたい declining; refusal; nonacceptance; turning down
不振 ふしん dullness; depression; slump; stagnation
詐欺 さぎ fraud; swindle; graft; cheating; trick; scam
海軍 かいぐん navy
装飾 そうしょく ornament
代える かえる 1. to replace 2. to exchange; to interchange 3. to substitute
支社 ししゃ branch office
内陸 ないりく inland
ひょう 1. vote; ballot 2. label; ticket; tag; stub
時折 ときおり sometimes
例える たとえる to compare; to liken; to speak figuratively; to illustrate; to use a simile
横綱 よこづな 1. yokozuna (highest rank in sumo); grand champion 2. best in its field; crème de la crème; cream of the crop
合間 あいま interval; break; pause; spare moment
捕らえる とらえる 1. to seize; to capture; to arrest 2. to grasp; to perceive; to treat (as)
周期 しゅうき cycle; period
乏しい とぼしい meagre; meager; scarce; limited; destitute; hard up; lacking; scanty; poor
動詞 どうし verb
描写 びょうしゃ depiction; description; portrayal
拘束 こうそく restriction; restraint; binding; constraint
模型 もけい model; dummy; maquette
生殖 せいしょく reproduction
教わる おそわる to be taught (by); to learn from
絶滅 ぜつめつ destruction; extinction
本能 ほんのう instinct
実情 じつじょう real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs
役場 やくば town hall
顧客 こきゃく customer; client; patron
気まぐれ きまぐれ whim; caprice; whimsy; fickle; moody; uneven temper
解体 かいたい demolition; disassembly; dismantling
捜索 そうさく search (esp. for someone or something missing); investigation
学院 がくいん institute; academy
鉱山 こうざん mine (ore)
協定 きょうてい arrangement; pact; agreement
望遠鏡 ぼうえんきょう telescope
東部 とうぶ eastern part; the east (of a region)
伝達 でんたつ transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals, electricity); communication; delivery
だて 1. elegance; dandyism; sophistication 2. affectation; showing off; putting on an air
はま beach; seashore
消息 しょうそく 1. news (from somebody); letter; contact 2. (somebody's) whereabouts; (somebody's) movements
及び および and; as well as
九州 きゅうしゅう Kyushu (southernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
ほり 1. moat; fosse 2. canal; ditch
迎え むかえ meeting; greeting; welcome
役員 やくいん officer; official; executive; staff
関税 かんぜい tariff (import tax); duty; customs
婿 むこ 1. husband; groom 2. (one's) son-in-law
昆虫 こんちゅう insect; bug
紙幣 しへい paper money; note; bill
反射 はんしゃ 1. reflection; reverberation 2. reflex; reflexes
金庫 きんこ 1. safe; strongbox; cashbox; vault; strongroom 2. depository; cash office; treasury; provider of funds
つまむ to pinch; to hold; to pick up
梅雨 つゆ 1. rainy season (in Japan from early June to mid-July) 2. rain during the rainy season
ふう seal
銀座 ぎんざ Ginza (shopping district in Tokyo)
戦車 せんしゃ tank (military vehicle)
落下 らっか fall; drop; come down
分配 ぶんぱい division; splitting; sharing; distribution; dissemination; allocation
1. ring; circle; loop 2. hoop 3. wheel 4. circle (e.g. of friends)
徒歩 とほ walking; going on foot
国人 こくじん 1. indigenous person; inhabitant of a country 2. local; native
東南 とうなん south-east
同日 どうじつ the same day
江戸 えど old name of Tokyo
閲覧 えつらん 1. inspection; reading 2. browsing (the WWW, Internet); web browsing
おす male (animal)
戸籍 こせき 1. family register 2. census
鳴らす ならす 1. to ring; to sound; to chime; to beat; to snort (nose); to snap (fingers) 2. to be popular; to be esteemed; to be reputed 3. to state; to insist; to complain
ねん 1. sense; idea; thought; feeling 2. desire; concern 3. attention; care
人員 じんいん number of persons; personnel
鉱物 こうぶつ mineral
南下 なんか going south
重複 ちょうふく duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration
名付ける なづける to name; to call; to christen; to term
北極 ほっきょく 1. North Pole 2. the Arctic
頭脳 ずのう 1. head; brains 2. intellect; understanding
体育館 たいいくかん gymnasium
理学 りがく 1. physical science (e.g. chemistry, biology, etc.) 2. physics
懸念 けねん worry; fear; anxiety; concern
規格 きかく standard; norm
賞品 しょうひん prize; trophy
開拓 かいたく 1. reclamation (e.g. wasteland); cultivation; development; opening up (e.g. new market) 2. pioneering; pathfinding; trail-blazing
Created by: Bens0n
Popular Japanese sets




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