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Holidays info

holidays, tourist info and directions pg.46

bleiben to stay
Blick (auf) view (of)
Broschuere brochure
buchen to book
Camcorder camcorder
Campingplatz campsite
Doppelbett double bed
Dusche shower
einpacken to wrap, pack
einschliesslich including, inclusive
Empfang receptoin
Ferien holidays
Formular form
Fotoapparat camera
frei free, vacant, unoccpied
Gebuehr charge, fee
Halbpension half-board
im voraus in advance
inklusive inclusive
Jugendherberge youth hostel
Kamera camera
kennen lernen to get to know, to meet
Klimatisierung, Klimaanlage air conditioning
Koffer suitcase
kosten to cost
Kueste coast, seaside
Land country, sountry side, land
Miete rent
mieten to rent, to hire
sich sonnen to sunbathe
Sommer summer
Sonnenbrille sunglasses
Sonnencreme sun cream
Stadtplan street map
Strand beach
Taschenlampe torch
Tourist/in tourist
treffen to meet
(un)trinkbar (not)drinkable
uebernachten to spend the night, stay
Unterkunft accommodation
Urlaub holiday
verbringen to spend (time)
vergessen to forget
Verkersamt tourist office
verlassen to leave (a place)
Vollpension full board
Wasserski waterskiing
Wechsel change
wechseln, umtauschen to change (money)
wilkommen heissen to welcome
Windsurfbrett windsurfing board
Zeitraum period (of time)
Zelt tent
zwei Wochen a fortnight
Created by: MightyWarrior
Popular German sets




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