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Diagnostic/treatment procedutes

record the minute electrical impulses of the brain Electroencephalogram
record of minute electrical potentials(waves)that are extracted from ongoing EEG activity to diagnose auditory, visual, sensory pathway disorders Envoked Potentials
record of various aspects of sleep (eye & muscle movement, respiration & EEG patterns) Polysomnography
introduction of a needle into the spine to diagnostic or therapeutic purposes Lumbar puncture
x-ray of blood vessels in the brain after intracarotid injection of contrast medium Cerebral angiogram
x-ray of spinal cord obrained after intraspinal injection of contrast medium Myelogram
involuntary muscle contraction after percussion at a tendon Deep tendon reflexes
pathologic response to stimulation of the plantar surface of the foot Babinski sign
image made with ultrasound beams through the skull to asses the blood flow in intracaranial vessels Transcranial Doppler sonogram
technique combining nucular medicine & computed tomography to produce images of brain anatomy and corresponding physiology Positron-emission tomography (PET)
Incision and coring of the caroitid artery to clear a blockaage Carotid endarterectomy
excision of part of the skull to approach the brain Craniectomy
incision into the skull to approach the brain Craniotomy
removal of a herniated disk diskectomy ( discectomy)
excision of one or more laminae of the vertebrae to approach the spinal cord Laminectomy
surgical repair of a nerve Neuroplasty
spinal fusion spondylosyndesis
electrical shock applied to the brain to induce convulsions to treat patients with severe depression Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
use of specialized illuminating light boxes and visors to treat seasonal affectaive disorders Light therapy
treatment of psychiatric disorders using verbal and nonverbal communication psychotherapy
treatment to decrease or stop unwanted behavior Behavioral therapy
treatment to change unwanted patterns of thinking Cognitaive therapy
an agent that relieves pain analgesic
an agent that prevent or lessens convulsion anticonvulsant
an agent that induces sleep Hypnotic
drugs used to reduce anxiety anxiolytic agents
agents that has a calming effects Sedative
Created by: craftygrmy
Popular Medical sets




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