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3143 Quiz 2

Why do depressed people abuse depressants? A way to deal with stress and anxiety. Have counteracting stimulant effects.
What are the two major needs of depressants in modern society? As CNS depressants, they act as: Sedatives (reduce anxiety) and Hypnotics (sleeping pills)
What are the desired effects of abusing sedatives? Reduced anxiety. Decreased inhibitions. Increased self confidence. Elevated mood. Decrease criticism
Medical uses of Sedatives include: Tranquilizers. Sleep aids. Anti-convulsants. Anesthetic
Name the two major types of sedatives: Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines
How do barbiturates function? Increase the actions of GABA on receptors of a separate binding site.
How do benzodiazepines function? Enhance inhibitory effects on nerve impulse transmissions at GABA receptor sites.
Name the four general types of inhalants? Volatile solvents. Aerosols, propellants, & gases. Anesthetics. Nitrites
Pentobarbitals (Seconal) 2-3 hrs
Amobarbitals (Amytal) 5-6 hrs
Phenobarbitals (Luminal) 6-10 hrs (SCHEDULE IV) -long time of onset (about 1 hr) -anticonvulsant
Tuinal Seconal + Amytal; most frequently misused and abused
Barbituates were given before or after surgery? Barbiturates were given after surgery for their properties as sleeping pills
Benzodiazepines were given before or after surgery? Benzodiazapenes were given before surgery for their properties as tranquilizers
How safe are barbiturates? Not at all safe. There is only a small difference between the ED and LD
How safe are benzodiazepines? Relatively safe. The LD is 5-10 times greater than the ED
What are the medical uses of sedatives-hypnotics? Sedative; tranquilizing. Hypnotic; sleep inducing - Anti-convulsant; seizure control - Anesthetic; pain reliever
What drugs were used illicitly to come down from the effects of stimulants? (Housewife Syndrome) Barbiturates
When is gastric lavage used to treat barbiturate overdose? When the drugs are still in the stomach; have yet to be digested.
When is hemodialysis used to treat barbiturate overdose? When the drugs have already been absorbed into the bloodstream.
When withdrawal from barbiturates is overseen by medical professionals (as it must be), do they give them any kind of drugs? Yes, they must use short-acting barbiturates (Seconal/Pentobarbitals) to prevent convulsion.
Valium (Diazepam) Anti-anxiety; mild tranquilizer. Provides short-term control of certain types of seizures. More psychological dependence; few withdrawal symptoms
Xanax (Alprazolam) Anti-anxiety
Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) Hypnotic used to induce sleep or relieve anxiety. Very potent. Muscle relaxant. Amnesia.
Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) Anesthetic. Sold as a dietary supplement
Ketamine (Special K) Sedative and anesthetic for animals. Rave club and party scene
BRAND NAME: Phenobarbital Barbital, Luminal
BRAND NAME: Methaqualone Quaalude
BRAND NAME: Triazolam Halcion
BRAND NAME: Zolpidem Ambien
BRAND NAME: Diazepam Valium
BRAND NAME: Alprazolam Xanax
BRAND NAME: Flunitrazepam Rohypnol
SCHEDULE I DRUGS Methaqualone, Rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine
SHCEDULE IV DRUGS Phenobarbitals, Xanax, Valium
Date Rape Drugs Rohypnol, GABA, Ketamine
Names of the drug used to treat Schizophrenia/Psychosis Thorazine
ADHA is treated with what kind of drug. Name an example. Stimulants---Ritalin
List the drugs used to treat Mania Thyroid Supplementation Lithium Anticonvulsants
Prozac is used to treat what kind of mental illnesses Depression AND anxiety
Name the drugs anxiety can be treated with Prozac, Valium (benzo.), and Zoloft (antidepressant]
Created by: 1437437180
Popular Pharmacology sets




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