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Last min Geosci 2

Midterm 2

1950, 2021 Global Emissions (billion tons) 4, 36
Cumulative Emissions: US, Germany, UK, Russia, China 25% USA, 14% China, 7% Russia, 5% Germany and UK
past 100 years temp change 1.1C
Last time the temp was this high last interglaciation 120k years ago
'upper safety limit' CO2 350ppm
June 2022 CO2 421ppm
Preindustrial CO2 260ppm
Annual CO2 concentration cycle lagging photosynthesis
Current Sea Level Rise 0.7 Feet
How well is link between CO2 and Temp understood Still working to understand details, correlation really only starts in 1975, hard to predict
Kyoto Date and what 1997, treaty to slow warming with cutting emissions among only industrial nations, failed bc USA did not ratify and Developing nations not party
Kyoto goal Average of 5% reduction, go back to 1990 levels by 2012
Paris Climate Accord date and what 2015, 'well below' 2C, target 1.5C, 1. each country sets its own levels 2. each rich countries help poor 3. Review targets (NDCs) every 5 years
Atmosphere components Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, Argon 0.93%, CO2 0.04%
Atmosphere levels and max altitudes Troposphere 10KM, Stratosphere 50KM, Mesosphere 80KM, Thermosphere ~320KM
Atmosphere temp curve with elevation increase Decrease, Increase, Decrease, Increase
50% of air below what altitude ~3.5miles
how does barometer work vacuum in the top of a mercury tube, mercury tube in a tray of mercury, as the 'weight' of the atmosphere increases, mercury is forced further up the tube, think open bottom thermometer
Light wave vs. Particle It behaves like both at certain times, it is an electromagnetic wave which is all we need to understand for our purposes
Luminiferous aether what they thought light-wave propogated through
Disproving Luminiferous aether Michelson-Morley Experiment showed speed of light is constant
Who determined light was emag wave James Clerk Maxwell
OG who said light was wave Huygen
Who did light slit experiment Thomas Young
Light slit experiment shine light through two parallel slits, rather than just two shadows you get multiple shadows and bright spots because of constructive and destructive wave interference
Order of spectrum Gamma, X, UV, Visible, IR, Microwave, Radio
visible spectrum 3800-7500 Angstrom
How do electromagnetic waves work electrical and magnetic field oscillation happens perpendicular to eachother with remaining axis being physical distance/space
Created by: zkogut7
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