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Muscles & Bones

Anatomy for Lab Practicum

abductors Muscles on the hip that draw legs away from the midline of the body or of an extremity.
adductors Muscles in the inguinal region that draw legs together or towards the midline of the body.
biceps brachii prime mover muscle that flexes the arm at elbow
biceps femoris prime mover muscle of the hamstring group (posterior thigh); flexes leg at the knee
brachialis synergist muscle that flexes the arm at elbow
calcaneus heel bone
carpals wrist bones
cervical vertebrae 7 spinal bones at the neck
clavicle collar bone
coccyx four vertebrae fused together to form the tailbone; inferior to the sacrum
deltoid shoulder muscle
depressor pulls corners of mouth towards the chin; prime mover muscle in frowning
extensors Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, ankle, foot, toes, and fingers to form a straight line.
external oblique most superficial muscle of the abdominal region
femur proximal leg bone
fibula The lateral and smaller bone of the distal leg
fibularis longus lateral distal leg muscle attached to the fibula; synergist muscle that plantar flexes the foot
flexors Muscles that bend the joints at the wrist, hand, ankle, foot, toes, and fingers.
frontal skull bone located at the forehead
frontalis raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
gastrocnemius calf muscle; prime mover muscle that plantar flexes foot
gluteus maximus largest butt muscle
gluteus medius 2nd largest butt muscle; abducts and medially rotates thigh
gluteus minimus smallest butt muscle
humerus proximal arm bone
hyoid a U-shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue; slightly protects the larynx & trachea; where your "adam's apple" is located
ilium hip portion of the hip bone
intercostals muscles between the ribs
internal oblique muscle just deep of the external oblique
ischium the curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis.
lumbar vertebrae 5 spinal bones at the lower back
mandible lower jaw bone
masseter closes jaw; prime mover in chewing; strongest muscle in the human body (by pounds per force)
maxilla upper jaw bone
metacarpals bones of the hand
metatarsals foot bones
occipital skull bone located on the back of head
occipitalis pulls scalp posteriorly
orbicularis oculi Closes eyelids; used in blinking, winking, and squinting
orbicularis oris kissing muscle, puckers lips
parietal skull bone located on the top of head
patella kneecap
pectoralis major Adducts and flexes humerus; chest muscle; prime mover muscle when birds flap their wings to fly
pectoralis minor synergist muscle of the pectoralis major
pelvis hip bone; includes the ilium, pubic, and ischium
phalanges bones of the fingers and toes
platysma thin muscle on the anterior & lateral sides of the neck; tenses skin of neck
pubic genital region of the hip bones that holds the pelvic girdle together
radius lateral bone of the forearm (thumb side)
rectus abdominis abs; "6 or 8 pack"; prime mover muscle flexing the spine to do a sit up
rectus femoris prime mover muscle of the quadriceps group (thigh); extends leg at the knee
sacrum bone intermediate to the left and right pelvis that's formed from five vertebrae fused together near the base of the spinal column; the entire spine sets on this bone
sartorius muscle that crosses your quads diagonally; Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at the hip; flexes knee
scapula shoulder blade
semimembranosus synergist muscle of the hamstring group (posterior thigh); lies deep of the semitendinosus and is named for its prominent membranes
semitendinosus synergist muscle of the hamstring group (posterior thigh) named after the it's prominent tendon
soleus deep of the calf muscle; synergist muscle that plantar flexes foot
sternocleidomastoid flexes neck; rotates head; prime mover muscle of nodding and shaking your head; "yes/no" muscle
talus ankle bone
tarsals ankle bones
temporal skull bone located at the side of head
temporalis elevates and retracts mandible; slightly moves ears
thoracic vertebrae 12 spinal bones that provide attachment points for the ribs
tibia shin bone
tibialis anterior shin muscle; prime mover muscle of dorsiflexion of the foot
transversus abdominis side abs
trapezius largest muscle of the posterior neck & superior back; Elevates, depresses, retracts, and rotates the scapula; rotates the arm
triceps brachii muscle that extends the arm at elbow
ulna medial bone of the forearm (pinky side)
vastus lateralis lateral synergist muscle of the quadriceps group (thigh)
vastus medialis medial synergist muscle of the quadriceps group (thigh)
zygomatic cheek bone
zygomaticus raises corner of mouth; prime mover in smiling
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