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Unit 6 Vocabulary

Fossil Fuels Fuels formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and altered over millions of years
Petroleum Flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture formed from decay of ancient organisms (plankton and algae)
Fractional Distillation Process that separates petroleum hydrocarbons
Natural Gas A fossil fuel composed mostly of methane gas, but also propane and butane
Coal Solid fossil fuel that can be mined
Nonrenewable Resources Resources that are not able to be replaced by natural processes as quickly as they are used
Nuclear Fusion Converting mass into energy by combining atomic nuclei (hydrogen to helium) at very high temperatures
Fission Process of splitting U-235 atoms to produce thermal energy
Nuclear Reactor A power plant that uses energy from controlled nuclear fission of U-235 to generate electricity
Nuclear Waste Any radioactive material that results when radioactive materials are used
Low-Level Waste Contains a small amount of radioactive material with short-half lives
High-Level Waste Highly radioactive material generated in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons programs (long-half lives)
Renewable Resources Energy sources that are replaced by natural processes faster than humans can consume the resource
Photovoltaic Cells Converts radiant energy directly into electrical energy (solar cells)
Hydroelectricity Electric current produced from the energy of falling water
Tidal Energy Generating electricity by using movement of water created by tides
Wind Energy Using mechanical energy of wind to generate electricity
Geothermal Energy Thermal energy contained in and around magma
Biomass Renewable organic matter, such as wood, soy, corn, sugarcane fibers, rice hulls, and animal manure that can be burned to generate thermal energy
Population All the individuals of one species living in a particular area
Carrying Capacity Largest number of individuals in a particular species that the environment can support, given the natural resources available
Pollutants Any substances that contaminate the environment
Created by: 26mccava
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