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LU Disharmonies

D&D Point prescriptions treatment protocols etc.

Wi-Co Tongue and Pulse? T: Thin WC P: Floating Tight
Wi-Co Tx Principles? RE Restore LU Qi descending
Wi-Co Point prescription? LU-7 DU-16 UB-1 (unique to Wi-Co)
Wi-Co herbal formula? Ma Huang Tang or Gui Zhi Tang
Wi-H Tongue and Pulse? T: Red w/ Thin YC P: Floating Rapid
Wi-H Tx Principles: RE Restore LU descend
Wi-H point prescription? LU-7 LU-11 (unique to Wi-H) DU-16 DU-14 (unique to Wi-H) LI-4 UB-12 GB-20 (unique to Wi-H) SJ-5 (unique to Wi-H)
Wi-H herbal prescription? Sang Ju Yin or Yin Qiao San
True or False? You can use moxa to treat a Wi-H pattern? False
Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU Tongue and Pulse? T: White, Slippery Coat P: Floating/ Flooding (Rolling)
Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU Tx Principles? RE Expel Cold Resolve Dampness Open Water Passages Restore LU descending
Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU point prescription? LU-7 LI-6 (unique to Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU) LI-7 (unique to Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU) DU-26 (unique to Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU) - Use reducing method LI-4 UB-12 REN-9 UB-13
Wi-Wa/Wi-Co-Da in LU herbal prescription? Xiao Qing Long Tang
T: Swollen w/ Sticky WC P: Slippery and Slow What is the Pattern of Disharmony? Cold Pathogen congesting LU/Cold-Phlegm
Tx Principles: Resolve Phlegm, Warm Yang and restore LU descending is for what pattern? Cold Pathogen congesting LU/Cold-Phlegm
True or False? Cold Pathogen congesting LU/Cold-Phlegm has points unique to it when considering other LU disharmonies. False
How are Cold Pathogen congesting LU/Cold-Phlegm and Phlegm-Damp obstructing LU similar to each other in terms of point prescription? Nearly identical except Cold Pathogen congesting LU/Cold-Phlegm has UB-23 and Phlegm-Damp has UB-20
Which pattern of disharmony calls for She Gan Ma Huang Tang? Cold Pathogen congesting LU/Cold-Phlegm
True or False? Phlegm-Damp obstructing LU presents with a Swollen Slippery Tongue and Coat respectively. False, sticky not slippery
Is the Phlegm-Damp Pulse Slippery or Cottony? trick question its both
Tx Principles for Phlegm Damp include: Resolve dampness and phlegm and what else? restore LU descending
Phlegm Damp obstructing the LU point prescription is exactly the same as Cold-Phlegm except for what points? What are all the other points for Phlegm Damp? UB-20 for Phlegm Damp and UB-23 for Cold-Phlegm Phlegm-Damp Points: LU-1,5&7 REN-9,12,17&22 ST-40 PC-6 UB-13&20
Er Chen Tang treats what pattern? Phlegm-Damp in LU
Phlegm-Heat in LU has a Scarlet Tongue with what kind of Coat? Sticky and Yellow
The Pulse for Phlegm-Heat is what? Rapid
Resolve Phlegm Clear Heat Stimulate descension of LU-Qi are all what? Tx principles for Phlegm-Heat in LU
LU-1,5,7,10 are all part of which pattern of disharmony point prescription? What are the rest? Phlegm-Heat in LU LI-11 UB-13 REN-12 ST-40
What is the difference between Heat Pathogen congesting the LU and Phlegm-H congesting the LU? phlegm
LU-Heat has what kind of Tongue? Red w/ YC
a rapid and overflowing pulse points to which disharmony? LU-H
True or False? Wen Dan Tang and Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan are the most appropriate formulas for LU-H. False, Phlegm-Heat in LU
LU-H Tx principles are Clear LU-Heat restore LU Qi descending and maybe what else? nourish fluids
What could LU-H lead to? LU-Dryness Phlegm-Heat in LU
What is the point Unique to the pattern of LU-H amongst the LU pattern point prescriptions? ST-42 (nourishes fluids)
What are the points for LU-H? LU-1,5,7&10 LI-11 UB-13 ST-42
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang does what? clears LU-H
LU-Dryness shares a point w/ LU-Yin Xu. What is it? KD-6
T: Swollen and Dry w/ Thin Dry Coat P: Fine and Slippery LU-Dryness
True or False? Phlegm is present in a LU-Dryness presentation. True
Which patterns usu. have underlying SP Qi deficiency? Phlegm-Damp (also Yang Xu or chronic cough, or Wi-Co-Dam inv.) Phlegm-Cold (more precisely SP-Yang Xu; also KD-Yang Xu often) LU-Qi Xu (also heredity, emotional stress, improper tx of Wi inv.)
What are the 4 Tx principles for LU-Dryness? resolve Phlegm Nourish fluids nourish LU Yin restore LU Qi descending
LU-7&9 REN-12&17 ST-36&40 UB-13 SP-6 KD-6 are all for which pattern? LU-Dryness
LU Dryness herbal prescription? Bei Mu Gua Lou San
Phlegm-Fluids obstructing the LU differs from Phlegm-Damp obstructing the LU how? Phlegm-Fluids: T: not swollen P: Wiry Tx Principles: Resolve Phlegm Tonify SP, LU & KD Phlegm-Damp: T: Swollen P: Slippery OR Cottony Tx Principles: Resolve Dampness and Phlegm Restore descending funx of LU both pale and sticky WC Ts
LU-5&9 REN-12&17 UB-13&43 ST-36&40 FOR? Phlegm-Fluids obstructing LU
Herbal Formula for Phlegm-Fluids? Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang
True or False? LU-Qi Xu presents with a Pale T w/ a WC. True
The LU-Qi Pulse: Is it Weak or is it Thready? Weak
Which Pulse is thready? LU-Yin Xu
LU-Qi Xu needs what interference? Tonify LU-Qi Warm Yang
What are the tonifying points in the prescription for LU-Qi Xu? REN-6 (unique to LU-Qi Xu) DU-12 ST-36 REN-12
True or False? You can reinforce the treatment of LU-Qi Xu with moxa. True
What are the 7 points in the LU-Qi Xu point prescription? LU-7&9 REN-6&12 DU-12 UB-13 ST-36
True or False? Ren Shen Bu Fei Tang is the herbal formula for LU- Qi xu. True
Why do LU-Qi Xu and LU-Yin Xu both utilize tonifying treatment strategies? Because they are deficient presentations
For LU-Yin deficiency you would tonify LU-Yin, Nourish Body Fluids and potentially what else? Clear Empty Heat
What is the unique point for LU-Yin xu? REN-4
LU-9&10 REN-12&17 UB-13&43 DU-12 KD-6 REN-4 SP-6 LI-11 FOR? LU-Yin Xu
UB-1 is unique to? Wi-Co
REN-4 is unique to? LU-Yin Xu
REN-6 is unique to? LU-Qi Xu
SP-9 is unique to? Phlegm-Fluids obstructing LU
LI-6&7 are unique to? Wi-Co-Da in LU
GB-20, SJ-5,DU-14 & LU-11 are unique to? Wi-H
ST-42 is unique to? LU-H
LI-4 is a release the exterior point in addition to being downward moving, thus it is in the point prescriptions for which patterns of disharmony? Wi-Co-Da & Wi-H Why not Wi-Co? I dunno
Why might LI-11 be in these 3 categories: LU-Yin Xu, LU-H and Phl-H in LU? it drains Da, clears H and cools Bl LU-Yin empty H LU-H heat Phl-H heat and Da
LU-1 regulates the H20 passageways. Which patterns might this be useful for? Phl-Da in LU
LU-1 descends LU-Qi, transf. Phl , clears H and regulates the H20 passageways. It only is in the point prescription for 3 patterns. Why? dunno
Which 3 point prescriptions does LU-1 serve in? LU-H Phl-H in LU Phl-Da in LU
Which points serve in the most LU prescriptions? LU-7 and UB-13
LU-7 and UB-13 serve in 9 patterns. Which ones overlap? o LU-Qi Xu o LU-Dryness o LU-H o Phl-H LU o Phl-Da LU o Co-Phl LU o Wi-Co-Da LU
Which LU point is tonifying and therefore present in both LU-Qi xu and LU-Yin Xu presentations? LU-9
What tonifying SP point is present in LU-Yin Xu and LU-Dryness prescription? SP-6
Phlegm-Fluid and LU-Dryness both have which ST points in their prescriptions? ST-36&40
ST-36 revives Yang, therefore it is found in which point prescription where there is an energy deficiency? LU-Qi Xu
True or False? ST-40 features in all the Phlegm patterns. True, pretty sure
PC-6 is the only PC point (also only fire point) to feature in the LU patterns. What does it do? Which patterns does it play in? unbind chest, reg. qi, harmonize ST, clear H o Phl-Da LU o Co-Phl LU must be mostly related to unbinding the chest
REN-9 must be a stronger H20 passages point than LU-1 as it features in more of the patterns for LU. What are they? o Phl-Fluids LU o Phl-Da LU o Co-Phl LU o Wi-Co-Da LU all the non H related Da or Phl issues
REN-12 is one of the more common points for LU patterns. What does it do? harmonize MJ, descend rebellious Qi, tonify ST, fortify SP, reg. Qi
REN-22 descends rebellious Qi, alleviates cough and wheezing, which patterns does it feature in? Why? o Phl-Da LU o Co-Phl LU they both cause cough and chest oppression
DU-12 works for which 2 patterns? the deficiency patterns
DU-16 as a point helping with Wind acts in which 2 patterns? Which wind patterns does it not serve in? Wi-Co and Wi-H does not serve in Wi-Co-Da
UB-12 expels Wi and so serves in which 2 patterns? Which wind pattern is it not in? Wi-Co-Da Wi-H not in Wi-Co
UB-20 serves in 3 Phlegm patterns none of which have H. What are they? What does it do? Phl-Fluid Phl-Da Co-Phl tonify SP Qi & Yang, resolve Da, raise Sp Qi, reg & harmonize MJ Qi
Why is UB-13 in so many pattern prescriptions for the LU? tonify LU Qi, nourish LU Yin, descend and dissem. Lu Qi, clear LU-H, RE
Which 2 patterns have UB-23? o Phl-Fluid LU o Co-Phl LU fortify Yag and reg H20
UB-43 is in which 2 patterns? LU-Yin xu and Phl-Fluids tonify and nourish LU & KD and SP/ST resolves Phl
Diet rich in hot [and greasy] foods and or smoking leads to? LU-H and LU-Dryness [Phl-H]
recurrent EPFs eventually weaken LU and SP leading to what? Phlegm settling in LU
SP-Yang Xu is a precursor to what? Dampness and Phlegm
Wind has impaired Qi mechanism and leads to what? production of Phlegm
anger resentment, frustration can all lead to what? Qi stag to H to Dryness to Phlegm or just heating Dampness and Phl
Phlegm accumulating in patient w/ Yin Xu can lead to what? LU-Dryness
excess consumption of greasy foods/ dairy leads to what? phlegm
excess physical work weakens what? What does it lead to? SP&KD Yang Phlegm
Phlegm-Fluids presentation can be caused by a long term deficiency of which 3 organs - usually seen in immunocompromised or elderly? Phlegm-Fluids
SP Qi Xu can lead to what other Qi Xu? LU
emotional stress or stooping over a desk or excess use of voice can lead to what? LU-Qi Xu
improper treatment of Wind invasion can tax what ? LU-Qi
What can develop out of long-term LU-Qi xu? LU-Yin xu
LU Yin xu is associated w/ what other deficiencies? ST or KD Yin
Both internally or externally derived LU-Dryness can lead to what? LU-Yin Xu
What can "consume" LU-Yin? chronic cough
What can deplete LU-Yin? excessive sweating
What pattern can eventually lead to obstruction of SP +/or KD from Dampness? Wi-Co-Da
LU-H ultimately leads to what? LU-Yin Xu
Phlegm impairs the function of the LU and what else? SP/ST
Impaired function of the LU, SP & ST by Phlegm leads to what? dryness and might aggravate blood stasis
Which pattern might eventually disrupt HT-Yang? Phl-Fluids
Which pattern aggravates KD SP and LU? Phl-Fluids
LU-Qi xu can lead to stagnation of what or deficiency of what? LU Qi or SP Qi respectively
LU-Yin xu leads to what heat pattern? empty-heat due to LU&KD Yin Xu
Created by: Goldbellie
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