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BMS 250 Lab

Lab 8

Why do you see spots when pressing on your eye in the dark? pushing your eye forces gated ion channels to open and produce an electrical signal which you then perceive the touch as light
Why are you able to perceive the differences in sweetness between two fructose solutions of different concentrations? a bigger stimulus (more sweetness/fructose) would cause a greater frequency of action potentials; more molecules, more binding to receptors, more action potentials
Phasic receptors fast adapting receptors that generate a burst of action potentials when initially stimulated and then quickly adapt by reducing or stopping the generation of action potentials even though the stimulus is still present
Tonic receptors slow adapting receptors that continue generating action potentials over time; respond continuously to stimuli at a constant rate
What type of receptors are thermoreceptors? phasic receptors
The smaller the receptive field, the____ the area of the primary somatosensory cortex dedicated to that receptive field larger
What type of reflex is the stretch/knee jerk reflex? monosynaptic
Stretch/knee jerk reflex arc: tap on patellar ligament excites nerve endings of.... QF= quadriceps femoris SC=spinal cord muscle spindle in QF, stretch signals travel to SC by sensory fiber &dorsalroot, primarysensoryneuron stimulates alphamotorneuron in SC, motorsignals in nervefiber stimulate QF to contract-kneejerk, sensorynervefibers stimulate inhibitorymotorneuron in SC
What receptor was activated in the elicitation of the stretch/knee jerk reflex? muscle spindle
What type of nerve is the femoral nerve? mixed
5 basic components of a reflex arc receptor, sensory/afferent neuron, interneuron/association neuron, motor/efferent neuron, effector
In general, what type of information is sent through the posterior (dorsal) root? sensory information
In general, what type of information is sent through the anterior (ventral) root? motor information
Adaptation decrease in action potential over time even though stimulus is still present
Where in the brain is the signal for taste processed? insula
Created by: kkade
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