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what is estrogen's fx development of female secondary cx
female 2ndary cx are breast dev, widened hips, deposits of fat tissue, body hair
During what mestrual phase is estrogen fx proliferative phase
estrogen assists in maturations of the ovarian follicles
maturation of ovarian follicles causes endometrial mucosa to proliferate
How does estrogen affect FSH and LH inhibits FSH and stimulate LH
Progesterone is secreted by ….. corpus lutem
progesterone is found in greater amount during ……Phase secretory
progesterone is also called………… the hormone of pregnancy b/c
hormone of pregnancy b/c effects on the uterus(endometrium)maintans pregnancy
prostaglandins are…… oxygenated fatty acids produced by cells of endometrium
CNS signals the hypothalamus to release.... GnRH
GnRH stimulates anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH
What is FSH responsible for maturation of the ovarian follicle
When ovarian follicle matures it secretes….. estrogen
estrogen enhances the …… development of the follicle
The maturation of the follicle comes about w/ the action of LH
LH increase precedes…… ovulation
when ovulatinon occurs this hormone decreases estrogen
after the follicle rupture this occurs complete lutienization
the mass of cells becomes… corpus luteum w/c
corpus luteum secretes large amounts of progesterone
corpus luteum loses secretory function 7 or 8 days after the ovulation
After fertilization and implantation the ovum.... secrete hCG
hCG is needed to ... maintain the corpus luteum
the menstrual cycle has this many phases four phases
these are menstrual, proliferative, secretory, and ischemic
menstrual phase lasts…. 1 to 6 days
what hormone is low during menstrual phase? estrogen
during menstrual phase cervical mucus is …… scanty, viscous, and opaque
The endometrium ..... during menstrual phase sheds
the phase after menstrual phase is …… proliferative
proliferative phase lasts 7 to 14 days
during proliferative phase the endometrium.... thickens
During proliferative phase the estrogen peaks
cx of mucosa during proliferative phase favors sperm, elast. ,ferning pattern
vascularity of the entire uterus increases during this phase secretory phase secretory phase lasts
secretory phase is d/t this hormone progesterone
what is the next phase and how long does it last? ischemic phase/days 27 to 28
during ischemic phase estrogen and progesterone….. decreases
during ischemic phase endometrium becomes pale
what are the signs of ovulation? amt of mucus increases, thin, watery, clear, s s of ovul continued
s of ovul continued T increases, midcycle spotting
How many chromosomes are in each cell 46 divided in 23 pairs
how many are similar 22 similar in males & females
how many are different one pair of sex chromosomes (XX females, XY in males)
what are genes regions in DNA containing info for traits of the individual
what are fraternal twins? dizygotic meaning….
dizygotic means arise from 2 separate eggs fertil by 2 separate spermatozoa
what are other cx of dizygotic twins they 2 placentas, 2 chorions, 2amnions
what are monozygotic twins? develop from 1 fertilized ovum/common placenta
after the zygote forms it enters a division period called… cleavage during wc during cleavage continues to divide into cells called….
upon entrying in the uterus morula develops a central cavity w/in the cell mass
the inner solid mass of cells is called blastocyst
the outer layer of cells surrounding the cavity is called…. trophoblast
trophoblast eventually develops into …. chorion
the cells of the trophoblast grow grow into the lining of the uterus
they form processes called villi
The name of the endometrium after implantation is … decidua
the portion of the decidua that covers the blastocyt is… dedicua capsularis
the portion of the decidua under the blastocyst is the … decidua basalis
the maternal part of the placenta develops from the decidua basalis
the fetal portion of the placenta will form by way of … thechorionic villi
what is the first embryonic membrane to form chorion
chorion is.. the outermost embryonic membrane
it encircles the amnion, embryo, and yolk sac
chorion develops from trophoblast
chorion has many fingerlike projections called chorionic villi
chorionic villi are used for early genetic testing at around 8 to 10 weeks
the second membrane to develop amnion
amnion is ….. thin protective membrane that contains amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid is cushion to protect agaisnt injury
amniotic fluid also controls embryo's temperature, allows freedom of movement
How does the fetus breath through the amniotic fluid
what is the placenta measn of metabolic and nutrient exchange
Placenta develops around week third week of embryonic development
the placenta has …. decidua basalis (maternal portion) and chorionic villi
placenta begin to fx in metabolic exchange by week four
what is the funic souffle a soft blowing sound heard over the umbilical cord
what is an uterine souffle timed w/ mother's pulse/heard above symphysis
what is it caused by blood flow entering dilated uterine arteries
what hormones does placenta produce? hCG, hPL, estrogen and progesterone
what is hCG similar to? LH
hCG prevents…. normal involutionof the corpus luteum
when ? at the end of menstrual cycle
if the corpus luteum stops fx before the 11th wk of pregnancy this happens spontaneous abortion
how soon is hCG present in maternal blood serum 8 to 10 days after fertilization
when is detectable in the urine at the time of missed menses
when does it reach its highest level 50 to 70 days gestation after w/c
placental hormone production increases
how does progesterone prevent spontaneous abortion decreases contractility of the uterus
when does placenta take over w// production of progesterone after week 10
the fx of estrogen is proliferative
proliferative meaning enlarges uterus, breasts, glandular tissue, increse vascularity, vasodilation
hPL is similar to..... b/c .... growth hormone/stimulates certain changes in the mother's metabolic processes
most of the fetal blood supply bypasses fetal lungs
because don't carry out respiratory gas exchange
the gas exchange is assumed by the placenta
the blood flow from placenta through the ..... umbilical umbilical vein
after w/c enters the abdominal wall at the umbilicus
after entering the abdominal wall.... divides into small vessesl to liver and ductus venosus
ductus venosus empties into fetal vena cava
fetal vena cava enters.... and passes through the .... and it is pumped into.... right atrium/foramen ovale/left atrium/aorta
the larger portion of the blood passes from the pulmonary artery through teh .... into the .... bypassing.... ductus arteriosus/descending aorta/the lungs
how does the fetus receives O2 via diffusion from maternal circulation
fetal circulation delivers the highest O2 concentration to..., ..., ...., w/c instead allow head, neck, brain/cephalocaudal development
how early is the fetal heart rate detected? 7 weeks
when is the heart essentially completely developed 8 weeks
when is the sex determination possible week 16
when are heart tones audible with the stethoscope at 16 to 20 weeks
when does the brain look like mature brain 24 weeks
how long does the embryonic stage last starts on day 15 until week 8
what happens during embryonic development tissue differentiation into essential organs and the main external features develop
during this stage the embryo is most vulnerable to... teratogens
by the end of week 8 the embryo develops into ftus w/ every organ and external structure present
what is the reminder of gestation devoted to from this point on to refining structures and perfecting function
at 4 weeks of age... the heart begins to beat
at 8 weeks of age... all organs are formed
by week 8 to 12 fetal heart tones can be heard by Doppler
by week 16 baby's sex can be seen
when can mother feel movement? by week 20
when can hands grasp by week 20
when is fetal respiration possible by week 28
irregular contractions of the uterus that occur intermittently throughout pregnancy are... Braxton Hicks contractions
when do they begin by week 16 (about 4 mo)
what is their fx help stimulate movement of blood through the intervillous spaces of the placenta
endocervical glands secrete mucus
w/c fx to form a mucus plug that prevents the ascent of bacteria & other foreign substances
softening of the cervix is called goodell's sign
increased vascularization causes softening and purplish coloration of the cervic
thi is called Chadwick's sign
by week 12 a yellow secretion named ... may be expresed manually and may leak from breast colostrum/leaks during third trimester
colostrum converts to ... during.... mature milk/first few days following childbirth
what is the amt in rise of volume of air breathed each time 30 to 40 %
although pulmonary fx is not impaired by pregnancy this is experienced b/c dyspnea b/c of increase in tidal volume w/c causes slight decrease in PCO2
what are nose bleeds or nasal congestion d/t estrogen induced edema and vascular congestion of the nasal mucosa
blood volume increases by.... 40 to 50 %
it is d/t increase in plasma and erythrocytes
CO increases by about.... 30 to 50%
pulse rate increases by about 10 to 15 bpm
the enlarged uterus may put pressure on.... vena cava
when a woman is supine this results vena cava syndrome
it can be corrected by... lie on the left side
the erythrocyte volume increases by about ... 30@ to transport additional O2
plasma increase is greater than erythrocyte increase resulting in dilutional anemia
total recommended weight gain is... 25 to 25 lbs
for overweight women? 15 to 25 lbs
underweight? ideal weight plus 25 to 35
the BMR increases by 20 to 25%
this instead results in increase thyroid activity
to parallel calcium req. by fetus this increases concentration of PTH
this hormone inhibits uterine activity relaxin
it also diminishes the strenght of uterine contractions and aids in the softening of the cervix
another fx of relaxin is to long term effect of remodeling collagen
decrease in prostaglandins are thought to contribute to.... HTN and preeclamsia b/c are responsible for reduced placetnal vascular resistance
what are the presumptive signs of pregnancy amenorrhea, N, V, excessive fatigue, urinary frequency, changes in the breast, quickening
Objective signs are.... changes in the pelvic organs, chadwicks, goodells, uterine souffle, funic souffle, changes in pigmentation, striae, ballotment, pregnancy tests
diagnostic (positive) changes> fetal heartbeat, fetal movement, visualization of the fetus
term abortion means birth that occurs before 20 weeks
term? normal duration of pregnancy
preterm? labor occuring between 20 and 37 weeks
postterm after 42 weeks
gravida any pregnancy regardless of duration
nulligravida never pregnant
primigravida pregnant the first time
multigravida 2nd or more
para birth after 20 regardless of dead or alive
nullipara never gave birth
primipara one birth more than 20 weeks
the terms gravida and para refers to... pregnancies not to the fetus
GTPAL gravida (# of pregnancies), term (37 and over), para (preterm 20 to 37), abortion (spontaneous or therapeutic), L (living)
Nagele's rule LMP - 3 Months + 7 days
what is Mc Donalds method? measure the distance from the top of the symphysis over the abdomen to the fundus
what can be used as an indicator for uterine size? fundal height
McDonald method may be inaccurate d/t obesity, uterine fibroids, hydramnios
Quickening can be felt when? between 16 and 20 weeks
fetal heartbeat can be felt by ultrasonic doppleer at about 10to 12 weeks
by fetoscope by week 16
gestational sack by ultrasound can be detected by 5 to 6
fetal heart rate by ultrasound 6 to 7
vegetable high in calcium are broccoli, collards, kale, mustard greens, turnips, greens
fish high in ca salmon canned w/ bones, sardines
fruits high in calcium are figs, raisins
best sources of folic acid are green leafy vegetables, orange juice, liver, peanuts, yeast prep, whole grains, cereals
if pica develops what can be substituted by? nonfat powder milk instead of laudry starch and frozen fruit pops instead of ice
what does AFP test for? trisomy 21, spina bifida, neural tube defects
what does increase in AFP indicate neural tube defects or intestines outside of abdomen
what is AFP produced by and when is it tested? fetal liver/by week 8 to 18
what will be done if HEP B + IVIG the first 12 hours after birth
what if negative? baby still gets Hep B vaccine w/in first month of life
why is HGB electrophoresis done? r/o sickle cell,thalassemias (for pt at risk)
what is it given to mother to decrease transmission of HIV Zidovudine
what level of blood sugar is not ok 1+
what is CVS small tissue sample of fetal side of placenta
what does it reflect and when is it doen genetic makeup/10 tp 12 weeks
what are the risks higher risk of loss of pregnancy
what does amniotic fluid contain fetal cells
when is it possible to test 14 weeks
what is it indicated for genetic dz, congenital abnormalities such as neural tube defect, pulmonary maturity (surfactant), dx of hemolytic dz
what does it need consent
if rH incompatible... Rhogam needs to be given to mom after amniocentesis
what is a NST fetal HR patterns in response to fetal mvmt/should be accelerations w/ movement
what does a blunted response indicate? hypoxia, CNS or congenital anomalies
what is a biophysical profile a NST test w/ real time US
what does it measure body mvmt, fetal tone, HR, amniotic fluid volume, fetal breaths
how long to observe for? for 30 min max (has to do things in 30 min)
what is the scoring O for absence 2 for presence
w/c part is most indicative of neuro deficits? fetal tone
if score is 4 to 6 what is it done repeat on the same day
for a normal pregnancy up to 28 weeks gestation how often should visit once per month
29 to 36> q2wks
37 to 40 qwk
when is fetal mvmt not felt during sleep cycle
how long shoudl mvt be counted for until reach 10/count 4 movts in 1hrX3 times per day
when is US and AFP done at 20 wks
when is gestational diabetes detected? 24 to 48 weeks
what are variable decelerations d/t umbilical cord compression
what are late decelerations d/t uteroplacental insufficiency
what are early decelerations d/t head compression
interventions to improve uterine blood flow lateral positioning, elevation of feet, increase hydration, anxiety reduction, ephedrine
interventions to improve umbilical circulation position change, amnioinfusion, modified pushing
interventions to improve O2 maternal O2, modified breathing techniques
interventions to reduce uterine activity position changes, increase hydration, modify pushing, decreases or dc oxytocin, terbutaline
how to get more info extend monitor observatin, verify data, change methoid of assessm, fetal stimulation, vaginal exam, maternal VS, US
for a breastfeeding mom, how many extra calories per day are needed 500 cal
what is the finger position for breastfeeding four fingers under and thumb on top
how should tongue be for breastfeeding? forward cradling the nipple and areola
how does breastfeeding help w/ uterus involution? helps uterus contract (oxytocin)
can a woman w/ flat nipple breastfeed? yes, it will pop out
how about inverted? nipple shield, pumping, stimulation
what are the hormones of lactation estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, prolactin
which one is responsible for growth of the ducts? estrogen
which one is responsible for the let down reflex? oxytocin
which is is responsible for producing milk? prolactin
what is colostrum type of milk produced begining w/ 4 mo, available immdiately after birth until day 10
what is transitional milk? combination of colostrum and mature milk available 1 to 2 wks post delivery
what is foremilk milk at beginning of feeding, thin, watery, and blue, low in fat and calories but high in antibodies and proteins
what is hindmilk milk at the end of feeding, high in fat and calories
where does milk pools? in the sinuses
how does it gets out? by baby's pressure of the mouth w/c squeezes it out
when is a baby hungry? when REM, when rooting, when brings hands to mouth or over head, when makes sucking or smacking noise
what is a late sign? crying
which breastfeeding position is good for c-sec mom side lying
what position is good for first time moms cross-cradle, football hold
what is the frequency of feeding 8 to 12 feeds per day or every 2 to 3 hrs
how long should feed for? as long as the baby continues to suck when stimulated
what is the expected output? the rule is 1 wet and soiled diaper for each day of life
what is the output by end of first week 6 to 8 diapers per 24 hours
how many stools should the baby have by end of first week 3 to 5 per 24 hours
how does the meconium look like by day five yellow and seedy
what are the benefits of kangaroo care? bonding, temp stability, calms, improves breastfeeding and hormonal response
how soon after c-sec should a woman feed? in delivery room or recovery room if possible
when do usually complication of pp occur? 24 to 48 hrs
how often shoudl pp asssesm be done? q15min for the first hr/q30min for another hr/than evey 4hr
what is normal lochia amount? one saturated pad per hr
what if the T is over 101 ABX
when is gestational diabetes detected? 24 to 48 weeks
what are variable decelerations d/t umbilical cord compression
what are late decelerations d/t uteroplacental insufficiency
what are early decelerations d/t head compression
interventions to improve uterine blood flow lateral positioning, elevation of feet, increase hydration, anxiety reduction, ephedrine
interventions to improve umbilical circulation position change, amnioinfusion, modified pushing
interventions to improve O2 maternal O2, modified breathing techniques
interventions to reduce uterine activity position changes, increase hydration, modify pushing, decreases or dc oxytocin, terbutaline
how to get more info extend monitor observatin, verify data, change methoid of assessm, fetal stimulation, vaginal exam, maternal VS, US
for a breastfeeding mom, how many extra calories per day are needed 500 cal
what is the finger position for breastfeeding four fingers under and thumb on top
how should tongue be for breastfeeding? forward cradling the nipple and areola
how does breastfeeding help w/ uterus involution? helps uterus contract (oxytocin)
can a woman w/ flat nipple breastfeed? yes, it will pop out
how about inverted? nipple shield, pumping, stimulation
what are the hormones of lactation estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, prolactin
which one is responsible for growth of the ducts? estrogen
which one is responsible for the let down reflex? oxytocin
which is is responsible for producing milk? prolactin
what is colostrum type of milk produced begining w/ 4 mo, available immdiately after birth until day 10
what is transitional milk? combination of colostrum and mature milk available 1 to 2 wks post delivery
what is foremilk milk at beginning of feeding, thin, watery, and blue, low in fat and calories but high in antibodies and proteins
what is hindmilk milk at the end of feeding, high in fat and calories
where does milk pools? in the sinuses
how does it gets out? by baby's pressure of the mouth w/c squeezes it out
when is a baby hungry? when REM, when rooting, when brings hands to mouth or over head, when makes sucking or smacking noise
what is a late sign? crying
which breastfeeding position is good for c-sec mom side lying
what position is good for first time moms cross-cradle, football hold
what is the frequency of feeding 8 to 12 feeds per day or every 2 to 3 hrs
how long should feed for? as long as the baby continues to suck when stimulated
what is the expected output? the rule is 1 wet and soiled diaper for each day of life
what is the output by end of first week 6 to 8 diapers per 24 hours
how many stools should the baby have by end of first week 3 to 5 per 24 hours
how does the meconium look like by day five yellow and seedy
what are the benefits of kangaroo care? bonding, temp stability, calms, improves breastfeeding and hormonal response
how soon after c-sec should a woman feed? in delivery room or recovery room if possible
when do usually complication of pp occur? 24 to 48 hrs
how often shoudl pp asssesm be done? q15min for the first hr/q30min for another hr/than evey 4hr
what is normal lochia amount? one saturated pad per hr
what if the T is over 101 ABX
what is an important assessmt for c-sec BS
what kind of products besides ice packs are used for hemorrhoids? corticosteroid cream
what is americaid helps w/ pain and comfort
how do tucks help provide cooling and clean environment
what do you need dr order for nipple cream
how is it applied express a little milk, than rub the cream, apply a support bra
what is important for teaching w/ pads don't touch in the middle (bacteria, infection)
how long is ice pack used for? for the first day usually
what kind of clots are normal? small size the size of a dime
what would a full bladder cause? false info on the pp assessm when palpating fundus
what is a normal head circumference? 32 to 37
what is a normal chest circumference? 30 to 35
how is the head measured? prominent part of occiput and above eyebrown
how is chest measurement done? lower edge of scapula and around directly over the nipple line
what is Ballard scoring system done for? gestational age w/ weight (ntrauterine growth)
what is acrocyanosis? hands and feet are always blue
what would morphine and magnesium induce in a newborn? depress resp
how often is APGAR done? at 1 min, than 5min
what would a baby w/ a score of 5 to 7 need? stimulation, adm of O2 via a bag or face mask
what would a baby w/ a score below 4 need? resuscitation
what is the normal BP for a newborn 60to 80/30 to 40
what is the normal respirations for a newborn 30 to 60
what is the normal HR for a newborn 110 to 160
Created by: 1207158322
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