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250 SAT

acerbic (adj) used to describe something that is spoken or written in a way that is direct, clever, and cruel The letters show the acerbic wit for which Parker was both admired and feared. резкий, язвительный
acrimony (n) anger, argument, and bad feeling The decision was reached without acrimony or controversy. раздражение, язвительность
acumen (n) skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business or politics She has considerable business/financial acumen. проницательность, сообразительность
anathema (n) something that is strongly disliked or disapproved of For older employees, the new system is an anathema. проклятие
alacrity (n) eagerness speed She accepted the money with alacrity. рвение, готовность
antipathy (n) a feeling of strong dislike, opposition, or anger He is a private man with a deep antipathy to the press. неприязнь, антипатия
approbation (n) approval or agreement, often given by an official group The council has finally indicated its approbation of the plans. одобрение
ascetic (adj) avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons They live a very ascetic life. аскетический
aspersion (n) a criticism, suggestion, or remark that damages another person's reputation She shrugs off the aspersions as an inevitable part of public life. клевета
assiduous (adj) showing hard work, care, and attention to detail The government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation. усердный
blandish (v) to try to persuade someone by saying pleasant things Artfully he flattered and blandished him. льстить, обольщать
boon (n) something that is very helpful and improves the quality of life Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted. благо, дар
brusque (adj) quick and rude in manner or speech His secretary was a little brusque with me. резкий, бесцеремонный, грубый
buffet (v) to strike with force (n) an arrangement of food set out on a table The little boat was buffeted mercilessly by the waves. ударять
burnish (v) to polish The company is currently trying to burnish its socially responsible image. полировать
buttress (v) to support or hold up (n) something that offers support It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls. укрепить, поддержать
cogent (adj) intellectualy convincing He makes a cogent argument for improving early childhood education. убедительный
concomitant (adj) happening and connected with another thing Any increase in students means a concomitant increase in money for the university. сопутствующий, одновременного
conflagration (n) a large fire that causes a lot of damage Conventional conflict could contain the seeds of a larger conflagration. пожарище
contrite (adj) feeling regret and guilt for something bad that you have done She seemed genuinely contrite when she apologized. кающийся
conundrum (n) a problem that is difficult to deal with The best shows pose moral conundrums that are hard to solve. головоломка, загадка
credulity (n) readiness to believe In childhood our credulity helps us a lot. доверчивость
calumny (n) a statement about someone that is not true and is intended to damage the reputation of that person He was subjected to the most vicious calumny, but he never complained and never sued. клевета
cupidity (n) a strong feeling of wanting to have something, especially money or possessions This is just cupidity for money. жадность, алчность
cursory (adj) quick and probably not detailed He gave the picture a cursory glance. беглый, поверхностный
Created by: rabra
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