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Medical Terminology

Chapter 7 - Nervous System and Mental Health

neur/o, neur/i Nervous System, Nervous Tissue, Nerve
gli/o Neuroglia
gangli/o, ganglion/o Ganglion
mening/o, meninge/o Meninges
myel/o Spinal Cord (Also Bone Marrow)
radicul/o Spinal Nerve Root
encephal/o Brain
cerebr/o Cerebrum (Loosely, Brain)
cortic/o Cerebral Cortex, Outer Portion
cerebell/o Cerebellum
thalam/o Thalamus
ventricul/o Cavity, Ventricle
medull/o Medulla Oblongata (Also Spinal Cord)
psych/o Mind
narc/o Stupor, Unconciousness
somn/o, somn/i Sleep
-phasia Speech
-lalia Speech, Babble
-lexia Reading
-plegia Paralysis
-paresis Partial Paralysis, Weakness
-lepsy Seizure
-phobia Persistent, Irrational Fear
-mania Excited State, Obessession
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Regulates involuntary activities. Controls smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands. (Visceral Nervous System)
Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain and Spinal Cord
Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) Part of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes a response to stress, increases heart rate and respiration rate, and delivers more blood to skeletal muscle. (FIGHT OR FLIGHT)
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Water fluid that circulates in and around the brain and spinal cord for protection
Contralateral Affecting the opposite side of the body
Ipsilateral On the same side (Unilateral)
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) Sudden damage to the brain resulting from reduction of cerebral blood flow. Possible causes are atherosclerosis, thrombosis, or a ruptured aneurysm. (Stroke)
Coma State of deep unconsciousness from which one cannot be roused
Convulsion Series of violent, involuntary muscle contractions: Tonic - Involves prolonged muscle contractions Clonic - Alteration of contraction and relaxation
Concussion Injury resulting from a violent blow or shock
Compulsion Repetitive, stereotyped act performed to relieve tension
Delusion False belief inconsistent with knowledge and experience
Hallucination False perception unrelated to reality or external stimuli
Amnesia Loss Of Memory
Delirium Sudden and temporary state of confusion marked by excitement, physical restlessness, and incoherence
Dementia Gradual and usually irreversible loss of intellectual function
Paranoid Mental state characterized by jealousy and delusions of persecution
Psychosis Mental state extreme enough to cause gross misperception of reality with delusions and hallucinations
Euphoria Exaggerated feeling of well-being, elation
Lethargy State of sluggishness or stupor
Stupor State of unconsciousness or lethargy with loss of responsiveness
Reflex Simple, rapid, and automatic responses to stimulus
Paralysis Temporary or permanent loss of function
Seizure Sudden attack/epilepsy (Most Common Forms: Tonic-Clonic or Grand Mal, Absence Seizure, Petit Mal, and Psychomotor Seizure)
Tremor Shaking or involuntary movement
ACh Acetylcholine
ANS Autonomic Nervous System
CNS Central Nervous System
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident or Cardiovascular Disease
CVD Cerebrovascular Disease
DTR Deep Tendon Reflexes
EEG Electroencephalogram or Electroencephalography
ICP Intracranial Pressure
LOC Level Of Conciousness
LP Lumbar Puncture
MS Multiple Sclerosis
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
REM Rapid Eye Movement (Sleep)
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
Created by: KristalLeann
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