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Nutrition Fats


Fats Are Lipids. (fats are a subgroup of lipids called triglycerides)
Function of fats storage of energy, supply essential nutrients, cushioning for organs, insulation & add flavor. (serve both structural and metabolic functions.)
Enzyme of fats lipase (produced in the pancreas)
edible animal fats lard (pig fat), fish oil, and butter
edible plant fats peanut, soy bean, sunflower, sesame, coconut, olive, and vegetable oils. (Margarine and vegetable shortening)
saturated fats (bonds) have no double bonds and are fully saturated with hydrogen. (Heavy & dense. solid at room temperature)
edible saturated fats dairy products. (eggs, cream, butter and cheese) (Also fatty meat, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, palm kernel oil, chocolate)
saturated fatty acid is generally higher in..? smokers, alcohol drinkers and obese people
Unsaturated fat (bonds) has one or more double bonds. (Available bonds, less dense & less heavy. liquid at room temperature)
edible unsaturated fats avocado, nuts, and vegetable oils. (canola, and olive oils)
Antioxidants can protect unsaturated fat from ..? Cell membrane damage. (lipid peroxidation = oxidative a degradation of lipids.)
monounsaturated fat contains one double bond
polyunsaturated fat contains more than one double bond.
Fats (chemical/calories) made up of Carbon, Oxygen & Hydrogen. Yields 9cal/g
Cholesterol A sterol (made by the liver)
Fatty Acids End result of fat digestion (simple lipids)
Visible fat seen with naked eye. (Ex. bacon, meat etc.)
Invisible fat Not seen. (Ex. Milk, cheese, nuts, avocados)
Triglycerides Are made up of One glycerol and Three fatty acids.
Lipoprotein contains both proteins and lipids. (fats are not soluble in water so it attaches to a protein to enter cells)
fat-soluble vitamins vitamins A, D, E and K. (stored in the liver and fatty tissues.)
lipase a (hormone-sensitive) enzyme that breakdown fats. (Into fatty acids & glycerol)
linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) polyunsaturated fatty acids(cannot be made by our body)
alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) polyunsaturated fatty acids(cannot be made by our body)
Food source for linoleic acid. Most vegetable oils. (safflower, sunflower, and corn oils)
Food source for (alpha) linolenic acid. green leaves of plants, and in selected seeds, nuts, fish oil and legumes
Chyle product of fat digestion. (absorbed into Lymphatic System)
Chyme partially digested food. (leaving stomach, entering small intestine)
Emulsify breaking up fat into smaller particles.
Lacteal intestinal lymphatics. (absorbs chyle)
HDL (good cholesterol) high density lipoprotein. (enables fats to be carried in the blood stream to the liver for removal)
LDL (bad cholesterol) low density lipoprotein. (artery clogging, transports cholesterol and triglycerides from the liver to peripheral tissues)
high levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to cardiovascular disease.
Gout A type of arthritis.(caused by an elevated level of uric acid in the blood, usually presents in the feet)
Hydrogenation is the chemical reaction that results from the addition of hydrogen
Gallbladder Storage unit for bile.
Bile produced by the liver, aids in digestion of lipids in the small intestine.
serum cholesterol amount of cholesterol found in the blood
Cholesterol (controlled by) diet, heredity, emotional stress, exercise
High cholesterol Total Above 240 mg/dl
Borderline high cholesterol Total 200-239 mg/dl
Desirable level of cholesterol Total Below 200 mg/dl
nonessential fatty acids can be made by the body (The human body can produce all but two of the fatty acids it needs.)
essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acid. (Obtained only through diet)
Lipids are Fats & cholesterol.
Created by: 531876320
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