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Points 1

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Shortness of breath, frequent urination, enuresis, yawning LU Luo Xu
Sensation of cold in teeth, fullness + congestion in chest LI Luo Xu
Hot palms or wrists LU Luo Shi
Toothache, deafness LI Luo Shi
Flaccid/atrophied muscles of the legs and/or feet, pharangitis, sudden aphasia ST Luo Xu
Epilepsy, insanity ST Luo Shi
Suffocating sensation in the chest, cough, angina, heart-attack ST Great Luo Xu
Rapid breathing, irregular breathing, dyspenia ST Great Luo Shi
Pain in thenar eminence, stiff/strained/twisted/knotted muscles LU Sinew Channel
Inability to raise shoulder, inability to turn neck from side to side LI Sinew Channel
Stiff/strained/twisted/knotted muscles, inability to open the eye, inability to close the eye ST Sinew Channel
Clears LU heat and descends LU qi; cools blood and stops bleeding; calms the corporeal soul (po) LU-3
On the cubital crease of the elbow, in the depression at the radial side of the tendon of biceps brachii. LU-5
On the flexor aspect of the forearm, 7 cun proximal to LU-9 on the line connecting LU-9 with LU-5 LU-6
Releases the exterior and expels wind; promotes the descending function to the LU; pacifies wind and phlegm; benefits the head and nape; opens and regulates the conception vessel; regulates the water passages; activates the channel and alleviates pain. LU-7
Tonifies the LU and transforms phlegm; promotes the descending function of the LU; regulates and harmonizes the 100 vessels; activates the channel and alleviates pain. LU-9
Regulates the defensive qi and adjusts sweating; expels wind and releases the exterior; regulates face, eyes, nose, mouth and ears; activates the channel and alleviates pain; induces labor; restores the yang. LI-4
Clears heat and alleviates pain; clears yangming finre; calms the spirit; benefits the wrist joint. LI-5
On the radial side of the forearm, 3 cun distal to LI-11, ont he line connecting LI-11 with LI-5. LI-9
On the elbow, midway between LU-5 and the lateral epicondyle of humerus, at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease LI-11
Benefits the throat and voice; alleviates cough and wheezing. LI-18
Benefits the eyes and stops lacrimation; eliminates wind and clears heat. ST-1
With the eyes looking forwards, this point is located directly below the pupil, level with the lower border of the ala nasi, on the lateral side of the naso-labial groove. ST-3
Directly anterior to the angle of the jaw, in a depression at the anterior border of the masseter muscle. ST-5
Level with the top of and 1.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence, in the depression between the anterior border of the SCM and the lateral border of the thyroid cartilage. ST-9
Descends LU qi and clears heat from the chest; activates the channel and alleviates pain. ST-12
Which primary channel has no meeting points? LU
Which primary channel has the following meeting points: SI-12, DU-14, ST-12, R-24, ST-4, DU-26 LI
The LU opens to the nose via The Large Intestine Channel
The LU diverges at the anterior axillary fold
The LU emerges at the SCF
Which primary channel has the following meeting points: UB-1, DU-26, R-24, GB-3, GB-4, GB-5, GB-6, Du-24, DU-14, R-12, R-13, SP-1 ST
The lower he-sea point for the large intestine is: ST-37
The tissue for the LI is the lower gums
The tissue for the ST is the upper gums
Created by: PCOM_2010
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