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Spanish Verbs 04/20

1,000+ Spanish verbs in twenty stacks. This is 04 of 20.

to disturb, to bother, to annoy, to trouble, to tease, to hassle, to molest, to pester molestar
to compensate compensar
to drive mad enloquecer
to not notice desapercibir
to dedicate, to devote oneself dedicarse
to chat on the internet or technology chatear
to spell deletrear
to concentrate on concentrarse en
to stab apuñalar
to begin, to start, to commence, to initiate empezar
to insist insistir
to transform into transformarse en
to be able to, can, may poder
to box boxear
To emigrate emigrar
to turn off, to put out, to extinguish apagar
to interview entrevistar
to rest descansar
to water regar
to revise revisar
to analyze analizar
to save, to keep, to guard guardar
to snore roncar
to make a basket encestar
to dye tenir
to take advantage of aprovecharse
to fix, to repair, to make good reparar
to swear jurar
to examine examinar
to reply, to respond, to answer, to answer for responder
to bless bendecir
to increase incrementar
to hug, to embrace each other abrazarse
to have fun, to enjoy oneself divertirse
to get tired cansarse
to become nervous ponerse nervioso
to locate, to localize, to track down localizar
to call llamar
to pursue, to carry on, to prosecute proseguir
to feed alimentar
to become llegar a ser
to promise prometer
sightseeing, promenade pasear
to explode estallar
to quote, to cite citar
to have to tener que
to bring, to yield, to generate reportar
to fail (i.e., to be unsuccessful) fracasar
to invest invertir
to collect, to pick, to pick up, to gather up, to scoop up, to gather in recoger
to park parquear
to modernize modernizar
to choose eligir
to copy copiar
to go to, to address, to make an application to dirigirse a
Created by: sethgoodman
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