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Spanish Verbs Common

1,000+ common Spanish verbs compiled from other StudyStack contributors.

abalanzar to tackle
abandonar to abandon
abastecer to supply
ablandar to soften
aboardar to board
abolir to abolish
abordar to approach, to tackle (an issue)
aborrecer to hate
abrazarse to hug, to embrace each other
abreviar to abbreviate
abrigar to shelter, to keep warm
abrir to open
absorber to absorb
aburrirse to get bored
acabar de to finish, to end
acabar de hacer algo to have just done something
acaecer to happen
acampar to camp
acariciar to caress
acceder to get access, to gain admission
acechar to stalk, to lie in wait, to waylay
acelerar to speed up, to accelerate
aceptar to accept
acercar to bring near or nearer, to get close to, to zoom in
acercarse to approach, to go up to
aclarar to clarify, to clear up
acoger to welcome, to receive warmly
acometer to assault
acomodar to accommodate, to adjust
acompaƱar to accompany, to join, to escort, to go along with
acomplejar to become self conscious
aconsejar to advise, to counsel
acontecer to happen, to occur, to befall
acordar to agree
acordarse to remember
acosar to harass, to hassle
acostarse to go to bed, to lie down
acostumbrarse to get used to, to get accustomed to
actuar to act
acudir to turn up
acudir a to attend, to go to
acumular to accumulate, to gather
acusar to acuse
adaptar to adapt
adelantar to pass, to overtake, to bring forward, to advance (in school and other things)
adelgazar to slim down, to get thin
adivinar to guess
admirar to admire
admitir to admit to, to accept something
adoctrinar to indoctrinate
adoptar to adopt
adorar to worship
adorer to adore, to love
adular to praise
advertir to warn, to caution
afeitar to shave
aferrar hold firmly
afirmar to affirm, to say, to assert, to declare
afrontar to confront, to face
agarrar to grasp, to grab, to catch
agasajar to entertain, to regale, to lionize, to treat well
agotar to exhaust, to deplete, to drain, to wear out, to run out of something like something in a store
agradar to please
agradecer be grateful for, to thank
agredir to attack
agregar to add
agrupar to group
aguantar to stand, to put up with, to bear a situation or a person, to withstand, to tolerate
ahogarse to choke
ahorrar to save time or money
aislar to isolate, to insulate
alabar to praise
alardear to bluff
alarmar to alarm
alcanzar to reach
alegrar to gladden, to enliven, to cheer up
alegrarse to be glad, to rejoice
alejar to put something farther away, to put distance between a person or thing, the opposite of acercar.
alejarse to go away from
alimentar to feed
almorzar to have lunch
alojar to accommodate, to host, to house
alojarse to stay
alquilar to hire, to rent
alzar to raise
amanecer to dawn
amar to love
amarrar to tie
amenazar to threaten, to menace
amenizar to liven up
ampliar to widen, to extend
aƱadir to add something
analizar to analyze
andar to walk
animar to cheer, to encourage
anochecer to get dark
anotar to score a goal (...un gol), to note (down), to write down, to annotate, to log
anticipar to anticipate
antojar to crave
apagar to turn off, to put out, to extinguish
aparcar to park, to put aside
aparecer to appear, to show up
apartar to seperate
apelar to appeal
apetecer to crave
apetecerse to fancy, to feel like (having something)
aplaudir to clap, to appluad
aplicar to apply
apoderar to take over
aporrear to club, to pound, to pound on, to pummel, to bludgeon, to thwack, to thump, to bang away
aportar to bring, to provide
apostar to gamble, to bet
apoyar to support
apoyarse to lean on
aprender to learn
apresurarse to hurry (oneself), to hasten, to press on
apretar to press, to squeeze, to tighten
aprobar to approve, to pass
aprovechar to leverage
aprovecharse to take advantage of
apuƱalar to stab
apurar to hurry
archivar to file
arder to burn
argĆ¼ir to argue, to make a case, to argue against
armonizar to harmonize
arrancar to start up, to pluck, to tear off, to tear out, to rip off
arrastrar to drag
arreglar to fix, to repair, to fix up, to mend, to patch up
arrendar to rent an apartment or house
arrepentir to repent
arrepentirse to regret
arriesgar to risk
arrojar to throw
arrugar to crease
arruinar to ruin, to spoil, to wreck, to bankrupt
asar to roast
ascender to ascend
asegurar to assure, to ensure, to secure, to insure
asesinar to kill
asistir to assist, to attend (a class)
asomarse to peek
asombrar to astonish
aspirar a to aspire to
asustar to frighten
atacar to attack
atar to tie, to bind, to tether, to tie down
atender a to look after, to attend to
aterrizar to land
atesorar treasure
atestiguar to testify
atraer to attract
atrapar to catch, to trap
atrasarse to get behind
atraverse to dare
atribuir to attribute
atribuirse a to be attributed to
attender to attend
aumentar to increase
autorizer to authorize
avanzar to advance, to go forward, to push forward, to move in, to move along
avenirse to acquiesce
avergonzar to shame, to embarrass
avergonzarse to be ashamed
averiarse to break down
averiguar to find out, to figure out, to ascertain, to trace back
avisar to warn, to alert, to notify
ayudar to help
ayunar to fast, to go without food
ayundar to help
ayundar a alguien a to help someone to (do something)
bailar to dance
bajar to go down, to duck
bajar de to get off of, to get out of
bajar de las escaleras to go downstairs
balancear to balance
baƱarse to bathe oneself, have a bath
barrer to sweep
batear to bat
batir to beat
bautizar to baptize
beber to drink
bendecir to bless
beneficiarse de to benefit
besar to kiss
bloquear to block
borrar to erase, rub out
bostezar to yawn
boxear to box
brillar to shine
brincar to jump
bromear to joke, to kid
bucear to suba dive
burlarse to make fun of someone or something
buscar to look for, to search
caber to fit (e.g., four hundred students do not fit in this room); not used with clothes
caer to fall
caerse to fall down (person)
calcular to calculate
calentar to heat
calenter to warm up
calificar to qualify
callarse to be quiet
calmar to calm
calmarse to become calm
cambiar to change
caminar to walk
cansar to weary
cansarse to get tired
cantar to sing
caracterizar to characterize
cargar to load or to carry, also to charge (to an account)
casarse to get married
castigar to punish
causar to cause
cazar to hunt
ceder to give in, to yield
celebrar to celebrate
cenar to eat dinner, to have dinner
cepillar to brush
cepillarse to brush oneself
cerrar to close
cerrar con llave to lock
cerrarse con llave to lock
cesar to stop
cesar de hacer algo to stop doing something
chapotear to splash
charlar to chat, to chit chat
chatear to chat on the internet or technology
chillar to scream, to squeal, to shriek
chistar to mumble
chocar to crash, to collide, to hit, to clash, to shock
chupar to suck
citar to quote, to cite
clavar to nail
cobrar to earn, to gain, to collect
cocer to cook
cocinar to cook
coger to catch, to get, to pick
coincidir to coincide
cojear to limp
coleccionar to collect
colgar to hang
colmar to overfill
colocar to place, to put, to position, to lay (down)
colorear to color
columpiar to swing
combater to combat, to fight
combinar to combine
comenzar to start, to begin, to commence
comer to eat
cometer to commit
compaginar to combine
comparar to compare
comparecer to appear before a judge
compartir to share
compensar to compensate
competir to compete
complacer to please
completar to complete
componer to compose
comportarse to behave
comprar to buy
comprender to understand
comprobar to check, to ascertain, to check up on, to test out
comprometerse a to commit to
comunicar to communicate
concentrarse en to concentrate on
concluir to conclude
condenar to condemn
conducir to drive, to lead, to conduct
conectarse to get in touch
confesar to confess, to admit
confiar to trust, to rely, to entrust, to confide
confiar en to trust, to rely on, to depend on to confide in
confirmar to confirm
confundir to mix up
congelar to freeze
conjugar to conjugate
conocer to know, to meet
conquistar to conquer
conseguir to get, to achieve, to obtain, to gain
consentir to agree, to consent
conservar to keep, to preserve, to conserve, to retain
consistir en to be made up of
consolar to console
constar to record
constar de to consist of
construir to build, to construct
consultar to consult
consumir to consume
contagiar to infect
contagiarse be contagious
contaminar to contaminate
contar to count, to tell
contar con to count on, to rely on
contar historias to tell stories
contener to contain
contestar to answer
continuar to continue
contradecir to contradict
contraer to contract
contratar to hire
contribuir to contribute
controlar to control
convencer to convince
convenir to suit, to be convenient
convenir en to agree to
conversar to talk, to converse
convertir to convert
convertirse to become
convocar to call, to announce
copiar to copy
corregir to correct, to right, to edit (a manuscript)
correr to run
cortar to cut
cosechar to harvest
coser to sew
costar to cost
crear to create
crecer to grow, to grow up, to increase
creer to believe
criar to breed (animals), to raise, to rear (children)
criticar to criticize
cruzar to cross
cruzarse de brazos to stand idly by, to do nothing
cubir to cover
cubrir to cover
cuidar to take care of (to care for), to look after, to nurse
culpar to blame
cultivar to cultivate, to grow, to farm
cumplir to comply, to fulfill
curar to cure
daƱar to damage, to harm
dar to give
dar miedo to scare
darse cuenta de to realise
deber must, ought, should
debutar to make a debut
decidir to dicide
decir to say
declarar to declare
decorar to decorate
dedicar to dedicate
dedicarse to dedicate, to devote oneself
defender to defend, to protect
degradar to harm, to humiliate
dejar to leave, to quit, to stop
dejar caer to drop
dejar de to quit (to stop)
dejar de cumplir to stop complying (to default, in legal terms)
dejar de hacer algo to stop doing something
dejar de salir to stop going out, to stop dating
deleitarse to delight
deletrear to spell
demandar to sue
demonstrar to demonstrate, to show
demorar to delay
demostrar to demonstrate, to show, to prove
denunciar to report, to denounce
depender to depend
depositar to deposit
deprimir to depress
derramar to spill
derrochar to waste
derrotar to defeat
desafiar to challenge, to defy, to brave
desalojar to evict
desaparecer to disappear
desapercibir to not notice
desarrollar to develop
desayunar to have breakfast
desbordar to overflow
descalzarse to take your shoes off
descansar to rest
descargar to unload
descender to descend
desconectar to disconnect, to switch off, to tune out, to unlink
desconectarse to log off
desconfiar to mistrust
desconocer to not know
describir to describe
descubrir to discover
descuidar to neglect
desear to want, to wish, to desire, to wish for, to long for, to covet
desembarcar to dismebark
desencadenar to unchain
desestabilizar to destabilize
desestabilizarse to become unstable
desfilar to parade, to march
deshacer to undo, to unmake
deslizar to slip in
desmantelar to break up
desmayarse to faint
desnudarse to get naked
despachar to give out
despedirse to say goodbye
despegar to take off (plane), to lift off, to detach, to peel off, to blast off
despejar to clear away
despertarse to wake up
despiderse to say goodbye
desplazar to displace, replace
desplazarse to travel
destacar to emphasise, to draw attention to
destapar to uncover
destornillar to unscrew
destrozar to shatter
destruir to destroy
desviar to deviate
detener to stop, to halt, to arrest, to detain
devolver to return, to give back, to pay back
diagnosticar to diagnose
dibujar to draw
diferir to defer
dificultar to make difficult
difundir to spread (rumors), to diffuse, to broadcast
dirigir to lead, to direct, to conduct, to steer, to head
dirigirse a to go to, to address, to make an application to
discrepar to disagree
disculparse to apologize
discutir to argue, to discuss, to debate, to dispute
diseminar to disseminate
diseƱar to design
disentir to dissent
disfrazarse to put on a costume (Halloween)
disfrutar to enjoy
dispensar dispense
distinguir to distinguish
distraer to distract
distribuir to distribute
disuadir to dissuade, talk out of
divertir to amuse
divertirse to have fun, to enjoy oneself
dividir to divide
divorciarse to divorce
doblar to fold, to bend
doler to hurt, to ache, to pain
dominar to dominate
dormir to sleep
driblar to dribble
drogar to drug
ducharse to shower
dudar de to doubt
duplicarse to double
durar to span, to last
echar to throw, to cast, to kick out
echarse to lean, to lie, to lie down
eclipsar to eclipse
edificar to build
educar to educate, to train
ejercer to exercise
elaborar to elaborate, to work out (figure out), to process
elegir to choose, to select, to elect, to opt
elevar to raise, to elevate, to lift, to heighten
eligir to choose
eliminar to eliminate
embalar to pack
emborracharse to get drunk
emigrar To emigrate
emitir to broadcast, to emit
emocionar to excite
empacar to pack
empapar to soak, to drench, to steep, to saturate
empeorar to worsen, to deteriorate, to aggravate
empezar to begin, to start, to commence, to initiate
emplear to use, to employ
empobrecer to impovrish, to make poor
empujar to push
enamorar to inspire love
enamorarse de fall in love with
encantar to charm, to enchant, to delight
encarcelar to imprison, to jail, to lock up
encargar to order
encender to light, to ignite, to kindle, to turn on, to switch on
encerrar to enclose, to encase, to enshrine, to confine, to lock up, to lock in, to shut in
encestar to make a basket
enchufar to unplug
encontar to meet
encontrar to find, to meet, to encounter
enfadarse get angry, to get mad, to get irritated
enfriar to get cold
engaƱar to cheat, to deceive, to fool, to trick, to mislead, to dupe, to delude, to hoodwink, to bluff
enganchar to hook, to snag, to hitch, to hook up, to rope in
engordar to fatten
engrandecer to augment
enloquecer to drive mad
enojar to anger, to annoy, to displease
enojarse to get angry, to lose one's temper
enredar to tangle
enriquecer to make rich
ensamblar to assemble
enseƱar to teach, to show, to train, to educate
ensuciar to dirty, to mess, to soil, to foul, to litter
entender to understand
enterarse to find out
enterarse de to find out about
enterrar to bury
entrar to enter
entregar to deliver, to give, to hand, to hand over, to turn in
entrenar to train
entretener to entertain, to amuse
entrevistar to interview
entristecer to sadden
envejecer to get older, to age
envenenar to poison
enviar to send
envidiar to envy
envirar to clasp
equilibrar to balance
equipar to equip
equivocarse to make a mistake, to err, to go wrong
eruptar to burp
escanciar to pour (wine)
escapar to escape, to get away, to flee, to break away, to take flight
escoger to choose
esconder to hide, to stash, to obscure, to conceal, to tuck away, to cache
escribir to write
escuchar to listen
esforzarse to make an effort
espantar to scare away
esperar to wait, to expect, to await, to hope
espiar to spy
esquiar to ski
esquivar to dodge, to avoid, to sidestep, to circumvent, to duck, to elude
estafar to swindle, to cheat
estallar to explode
estar to be
estar de acuerdo to agree with
estar en auge to be on the increase
estirar to stretch
estornudar to sneeze
estrenar to premiere, to open
estrujar to squeeze
estudiar to study
evacuar to evacuate
evaluar to evaluate
evitar to avoid, to prevent, to avert
exagerar to exaggerate
examinar to examine
excitar to excite
exclamar to exclaim
exigir to demand
existir to exist
expandir to expand
experimentar to experience, to experiment
explicar to explain
explorar to explore
explotar to explode
exponer to expose
exportar to export
expresar to express
exprimir to squeeze
extender to extend, to spread, to expand, to stretch
exteriorizar to express, to externalize, to act out
extraƱar to miss (person), to long for, to find strange
extraviar to mislead, to lead astray
fabricar to manufacture, to fabricate, to produce
facilitar to make easy, to facilitate
facinar to fascinate
facturar to check
fallar to fail (i.e., lesser failure, fail a test, make a mistake)
falsificar to falsify
faltar to lack, be lacking, to come up short, to miss, to be absent
fanforronear to brag
fascinar to fascinate
fastidiar to annoy, to anger
favorecer to favor
felicitar to congratulate
festejar to party
fiarse to trust
filmar to film, to shoot (film)
fingir to pretend, to fake, to feign
firmar to sign
fiscalizar to criticize
florecer to flourish
fomentar to encourage
formar to form
fortalecer to strengthen
fortificar to fortify
fotografiar to photograph
fracasar to fail (i.e., to be unsuccessful)
fregar to scrub
freir to fry
frenar to halt
fumar to smoke
fumigar to fumigate
funcionar to function, to operate, to work, to run
galopar to gallop
ganar to win, to earn, to gain
ganarse la vida to earn a living
gastar to spend (money)
girar to spin, to turn, to rotate
gobernar to govern, to rule
golpear to hit, to strick, to smack, to knock, to kick, to bang, to punch
gozar de to enjoy, to get a kick out of
grabar to engrave, to record
graduarse to measure
gritar to shout
guardar to save, to keep, to guard
guardar la cama to stay in bed
guiar to guide
guiƱar to wink
guisar to cook
gustar to like
haber to have
hablar to talk, to speak
hacer to do, to make
hacer descender to lower, to bring down
hacer una pausa to pause
hacerse cargo de algo to take charge of something
haga silencio to make silence (polite way to say be quiet)
halagar to praise, to flatter
halar to pull
hallar to find
helar to freeze
heredar to inherit
herir to hurt, to injure, to wound
hervir to boil
hojear to skim through
honorar to honor
huir to flee, to escape, to run away
humillar to humiliate
hundirse to sink, to plunge
ignorar to ignore, to disregard
iluminar to light up
imaginar to imagine
imitar to imitate, to copy
impedir to prevent, to stop
implementar to implement, to put into effect
implicar to imply
implorar to implore
importar to import
imprimir to print
inaugurar to inaugurate, to open for the first time
incendiar to burn
incidir en to influence, to have an impact on
incitar a to encourage to
incluir to include
incrementar to increase
indemnizar to compensate
indicar to indicate, to show
influir to influence
informar to inform, to report, to brief, to apprise
iniciar to start, to initiate, tobegin
inquietar to disturb, to disquiet
inquietarse to worry
inquirir to inquire
insistir to insist
insistir en to insist on
inspeccionar to inspect
inspirer to inspire
instalar to install
insultar to insult
integrar to integrate
intentar to attempt, to try, to intend, to have a go, to give it a whirl
intentar hacer algo to attempt, to try, to intend do something
intercambiar to exchange
interesar to interest
interesarse por to be interested in
interpretar to interpret
interrogar to question
interrumpir to interrupt
intimidar to intimidate
introducir to introduce, to insert
invadir to invade
inventar to invent
invertir to invest
invitar to invite
involucrarse to involve
inyectar to inject
ir to go
ir a acampar to go camping
irse to go away
jubilarse to retire
jugar to play, to play sports, to gamble
juntar to put together, to piece together
jurar to swear
justificar to justify
juzgar to judge
juzgar mal to misjudge
ladrar to bark, to bay, to yap
lanzar to launch, to throw, to pitch, to toss, to hurl
lastimar to hurt, to injure
lavar to wash
leer to read
lesionar to injure
levantar to get up, to lift up, to raise up
liberar to release, to liberate, to set free, to set loose
licenciarse to graduate
lidiar to deal with
lienar to fill
limpiar to clean
llamar to call
llamar puerta to knock (on the door)
llegar to arrive
llegar a ser to become
llegar a ver a to catch sight of, to get to see
llenar to fill
llevar to carry
llevar [period of time] haciendo algo to spend [period of time] doing something
llevar a cabo to carry out, to accomplish, to implement
llevarse to carry off, to take away
llevarse bien con to be good with, to get on with
llorar to cry
llover to rain
localizar to locate, to localize, to track down
lograr to achieve
lubricar to lubricate
luchar to struggle, to fight, to wrestle, to grapple, to tussle
luchar contra to fight against, to combat, to battle
lucir to make bright
madrugar to get up early
madurar to mature
maldecir to curse
malgastar to squander, to waste
malograr to spoil
maltratar to mistreat
manchar to stain, to spot, to smear
mandar to send
manejar to drive
manifestarse to show, to demonstrate, to protest
manipular to manipulate
mantener to maintain, to keep, to keep up, to hold, to sustain, to support
maquillarse to put on makeup
marcar to mark, to check off, to tick, to dial, to score
marchar to march
marchitar to wilt
martillar to hammer
masticar to chew
matar to kill
matricularse to enroll
maullar to meow, to mew
medir to measure, to gauge, to measure out (size)
mejorar to improve, to enhance, to upgrade, to get better
mentir to lie
merecer to deserve
merendar to snack, to have tea
meter to put in
mezclar to mix
mimar to spoil, to pamper
mirar to look at
mirar hacia abajo to look down
mirar hacia arriba to look up
modernizar to modernize
modificar to modify
mojar to wet, to dip, to moisten, to dampen
moler to grind
molestar to disturb, to bother, to annoy, to trouble, to tease, to hassle, to molest, to pester
montar to mount, to ride
morder to bite
morir to die, to die out
moverse to move
mudarse to move
multar to fine
murmurar to whisper
nacer to be born
nadar to swim
narrar to narrate
navegar to navigate
navegar a vela to sail
necesitar to need
negar to deny
nevar to snow
notar to notice
notificar to notify
obedecer to obey
obligar to obligate, to compel, to oblige, to coerce
obsequiar to award
observar to observe
obtener to get, obtain
ocultar to hide
ocupar to occupy
ocuparse to occupy; to be busy
ocurrir to occur, to happen
odiar to hate
ofender to offend
ofrecer to offer
oir to hear
oler to smell
olvidar to forget
omitir to omit
ondear to wave
opinar to opine (to give an opinion)
oponerse to stand against, to object, to counter
orar to pray (silently, inwardly)
ordenar to order
organizar to organize
orientar to direct
otorgar to award
oxidar to rust
pagar to pay, to pay for, to repay, to pay back, to pay out
paracer to seem
parar to stop
parecer to seem, to look like, to resemble
parpadear to blink
parquear to park
participar to participate
partir to leave, to depart
pasar to pass, to go by, to go through, to go, to happen
pasear sightseeing, promenade
pasearse to walk, to stroll, to wander, to walk about, to promenade, to saunter, to parade up and down
patear to kick
patinar to skate
pedir to ask, to order
pegar to paste, to stick on, to glue
peinar to comb
pelear to fight
penalizar to punish
pensar to think
perder to lose (something), to miss, to waste, to shed, to misplace
perdonar to forgive, to pardon
perjudicar to harm, to damage, to impair, to handicap
permanecer to stay, to remain, to abide, to keep
permitir to allow, to permit, to enable, to allow in
persegir to chase, to pursue, to persecute, to go after, to hunt down, to haunt
pertenecer to belong, to pertain
pertenecer a to belong to
pesar to weigh
pescar to fish
pienarse to comb
pintar to paint
planchar to iron
planificar to plan
plantar to plant
platicar to talk
poblar to inhabit
poder to be able to, can, may
polpear to beat
poner to put, to add, to place, to set, to lay, to put on, to put up
ponerse nervioso to become nervous
posar to pose
poseer to own
practicar to practice
preferir to prefer, to favor
preguntar to ask a question, to inquire, to ask about, to query, to enquire
premiar to award
preocupar to worry
preocuparse de to be worried about, to mind
preparar to prepare
prepararse to get prepared, to get ready, to gear up
presentar to present, to submit, to introduce, to put forward, to bring forward
presentarse to introduce oneself, to come forward, to present oneself
presionar to press, to push, to depress, to squeeze
prestar to lend, to loan
prestar atencion to pay attention
presumir to boast
presurizar to pressurize
pretender to pretend, to purport, to profess
prevenir to prevent, to forestall, to forwarn
principiar to start
probar to prove, to try, to test, to taste, to sample
probarse to try on
proclamar to proclaim
procurar to procure
producir to produce
profundizar to deepen
prohibir to prohibit, to ban, to forbid, to bar
prometer to promise
promover to promote
pronunciar to pronounce
proponer to propose, to put forth, to put forward
proporcionar to provide, to supply, to furnish, to proportion
proseguir to pursue, to carry on, to prosecute
proteger to protect
protestar to protest
proveer to provide
provenir de to be from, to stem from, to originate from
provocar to provoke, to trigger, to induce, to elicit, to touch off
publicar to publish
pudrir to rot, to decay, to putrefy
pulir to polish
quebrar to break
quedarse to meet, to stay, to remain
quejarse to complain
quemar to burn
querer to want, to love, to wish
quitar to remove, to take away, to take off, to wash away, to clear away, to brush away
quitarse la ropa to take off clothes (get undressed)
rascar to scratch
reaccionar to react
realizar to carry out, to perform, to realize
rebajar to lower, to reduce, to mark down, to discount
rebelarse to rebel, to revolt
recalcar to emphasize
recargar to recharge
recaudar to collect, to gather in, to raise (money)
recetar to prescribe
rechazar to decline, to reject, to refuse, to deny, to turn down, to repel, to dismiss
recibir to recieve
reciclar to recycle
reclamar to claim, to reclaim, to appeal for
recobrar to recover
recoger to collect, to pick, to pick up, to gather up, to scoop up, to gather in
recomendar to recommend
recompensar to reward
reconocer to recognise
recordar to remember, to recall, to remind, to recollect, to look back on, to retrace
recorrer to travel, to roam, to walk, to rove, to tramp
recortar to cut back
recuperar to recover, to retrieve, to regain, to recoup, to recuperate
recuperarse to recuperate, to bounce back, to rally
recurrir a to resort to, to fall back on
reducir to reduce
reemplazar to replace
reflexionar To reflect
regalar to give away, to give a present
reganar to scold
regar to water
regatear to haggle, to bargain
registrar to register
regocijar to rejoice
regresar to return
rehusar to refuse
reinar to rein
reir to laugh
relajarse to relax, to chill out
relatar to tell, to relate
relevar to relieve
rellenar to fill out
relucir to glisten
remover to stir up, to rake up, to rake over
renovar To renew, to renovate
rentar to rent
renunciar to give up, to resign, to renounce, to relinquish, to recant
reparar to fix, to repair, to make good
repartir to distribute, to hand out, to give out
repasar to review
repetir to repeat
replicar to reply
reportar to bring, to yield, to generate
reposar to rest
reprimir to repress
requerir to require, to call for, to want
resbalar to slip, to slide
reservar to reserve, to book (a reservation)
resfiarse catch a cold
resistir to withstand
resolver to resolve, to solve, to settle
respaldar to support, to back up, to back
respetar to respect
respirar to breath
responder to reply, to respond, to answer, to answer for
resultar to work out, to result in, to turn out
retirar to retire
retornar to return, to go back
retrasar to slow down, to delay
reunirse to get together, to meet up
revelar to reveal
revisar to revise
rezar to pray (out loud)
robar to steal
rodar to roll
rodear to surround
rogar to beg
romper to break
roncar to snore
rondar to roam, to haunt, to prowl
ruborizarse blush
saber to know (a fact, to know something thoroughly, to know how to do something; this verb + infinitive to express knowledge or ignorance of a skill, or how to do something), to be conscious of
saborear to flavor
sacar to take out, to bring out, to draw out
sacar buenas notas to get good grades
sacar malas notas to get bad grades
sacrificar to sacrifice
sacrificarse to sacrifice oneself
sacudir to dust
salir To leave, to get out, to go out, to depart, to walk out, to break out
salpicar to splash
saltar to jump, to leap, to hop, to pounce, to vault
saludar to greet
salvar to save, to salvage, to rescue
sanar to heal
sangrar to bleed
satisfacer to satisfy
secar to dry
secarse to dry off
secoger to choose
seguir to follow, to continue, to keep, to puruse, to go on, to keep on, to proceed
senalar to point out
seƱalar to point, to mark, to designate, to indicate, to show
senaterse to sit down
sentir to feel, to sense, to regret, to be sorry
separar to separate
ser to be
servir to serve, to help
significar to mean, to signify, to imply
silbar to whistle
situar to place, to position, to situate, to site
sobrar to spare (to have extra)
sobrevivir to survive
soler to usually do
soler hacer algo to usually do something
solicitar to solicit
sollozar to sob
soltar to let go of, to release
solucionar to sort out, to solve
someter a to submit to, to bring before, to place before
sonar to ring, to sound, to toot
soƱar to dream
sonreir to smile
sonrojarse to blush
soplar to blow
soportar to bear, to endure, to put up with
sorprender to surprise
sospechar to suspect
subastar to auction
subir to increase, to upload, to rise, to go up, to come up, to walk up, to move up, to bump up, to carry up
subir las escaleras to go upstairs, to climb the stairs
suceder to happen, to occur, to come about, to befall
sufrir to suffer
sugerir to suggest
sujetar to hold, to secure, to fasten
sumar to add, to equal
superar to overcome, to surpass, to get over, to pass
suplicar to implore
suponer to suppose, to guess, to presume, to expect
surgir to arise, to emerge, to appear, to come up, to crop up, to pop up, to bob up
suspender to suspend, to to flunk, to lay off
sustituir to replace, to substitute
tapar to cover, to plug up, to cap
tardar to delay
tardar en to take time to, be slow to, to dalay in
temer to fear
tender to tend
tender a to tend to
tener to have
tener en cuenta to bear in mind, to take into account
tener lugar to take place
tener miedo de to be afraid of
tener que to have to
tenir to dye
terminar to terminate, to finish
tirar to pull, to throw away, to throw out, to toss away
tirar hacia adelante to go ahead
tiritar to shiver
tocar to touch, to play (an instrument)
tolerar to tolerate
tomar to take, to take up, to drink
tomar medidas to take action, to take measures, take steps
torcer to twist
torear to fight bulls (in a ring)
toser to cough
tostar to toast
trabajar to work
trabar to connect
traducir to translate
traer to bring
tragar to swallow
traicionar to betray
transformarse en to transform into
transladar to transfer
transportar to transport
trasladar to move
trasladarse a to move to
tratar to treat
tratar de to try
trazar to plan
trepar to climb
tropezar to trip, to stumble, to encounter, to run into
tropezar con to trip over, to stumble over
trotar to trot
tumbarse to lie down
ubicarse to locate, to be found, to be placed
unir to bring together, to attach, to bind
utilizar to use, to utilize
vaciar to empty
vacilar to hesitate
valorar to value, to appreciate
variar to vary
vencer to conquer
vender to sell
venir to come
ver to see
veranear to spend the summer
verificar to testify
vestirse to get dressed
viajar to travel
vibrar to vibrate
vigilar to supervise
violar to violate, to rape
visitar to visit
vivir to live
volar to fly
volver to return
vomitar to vomit
votar to vote
zambulliar to buzz
zapatear to zap
zarpar to weigh anchor
Created by: sethgoodman
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