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Medical Terminology

Chapter 10 - Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Root For Blood Vessel: angi/o Vessel
Root For Blood Vessel: vas/o Vessel, Duct
Root For Blood Vessel: vascul/o Vessel, Duct
Root For Blood Vessel: arter/o, arteri/o Artery
Root For Blood Vessel: arteriol/o Arteriole
Root For Blood Vessel: aort/o Aorta
Root For Blood Vessel: ven/o, ven/i Vein
Root For Blood Vessel: phleb/o Vein
Root For Heart: cardi/o Heart
Root For Heart: atri/o Atrium
Root For Heart: ventricul/o Cavity, Ventricle
Root For Heart: valv/o, valvul/o Valve
Roots For Lymphatic System: lymph/o Lymph, Lymphatic System
Roots For Lymphatic System: lymphaden/o Lymph Node
Roots For Lymphatic System: lymphangi/o Lymphatic Vessel
Roots For Lymphatic System: splen/o Spleen
Roots For Lymphatic System: tonsil/o Tonsil
Roots For Lymphatic System: thym/o Thymus
Abbreviations: ASCVD Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
Abbreviations: ASHD Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
Abbreviations: AV Atrioventricular
Abbreviations: CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Abbreviations: CAD Coronary Artery Disease
Abbreviations: CCU Coronary Care Unit or Cardiac Care Unit
Abbreviations: CHD Coronary Heart Disease
Abbreviations: CHF Congestive Heart Failure
Abbreviations: DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
Abbreviations: EKG or ECG Electrocardiogram or Electrocardiography
Abbreviations: HTN Hypertension
Abbreviations: MI Myocardial Infarction
Abbreviations: mmHg Millimeters of Mercury
Abbreviations: NSR Normal Sinus Ryhthm
Abbreviations: P Pulse
Abbreviations: PMI Point of Maximal Impulse (Intensity)
Abbreviations: PVC Premature Ventricular Contraction
Abbreviations: PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
Aneurysm A localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, caused by weakness of the vessel wall; may eventually burst
Arrythmia Any abnormality in the rate or rhythm of the heart beat “without rhythm”
Fibrillation Spontaneous, quivering, and ineffectual contraction of the muscle fibers, as in the atria or the ventricles
Cyanosis Bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen
Edema Swelling of body tissues caused by the presence of excess fluid, causes include cardiovascular disturbances, kidney failure, inflammation, and malnutrition
Embolus A mass carried in the circulation. Usually a blood clot, but may also be air, fat, bacteria, or other solid material from within or from outside the body.
Thrombus A blood clot that forms within a blood vessel (root: thromb/o)
Endocardium Thin membrane that lines the chambers of the heart and covers the valves. (Innermost Layer)
Epicardium The thin outermost layer of the heart wall
Myocardium The thick middle layer of the heart wall composed of cardiac muscle
Pericardium The fibrous sac that surrounds the heart
Hypertension (HTN) A condition of higher than normal blood pressure; essential (primary, idiopathic) hypertension has no known cause
Hypotension Lower than normal blood pressure
Infarct An area of localized tissue necrosis (death) resulting from blockage or narrowing of the artery that supplies the area
Ischemia Local deficiency of blood supply caused by circulatory obstruction (root: hem/o)
Perfusion The passage of fluid, such as blood, through an organ or tissue
Regurgitation A backward flow, such as the backward flow of blood through a defective valve
sphygmomanometer Instrument for determining arterial blood pressure (root: sphygm/o means pulse) Blood pressure apparatus or cuff
Stenosis Constriction or narrowing of an opening
Syncope Temporary loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain (Fainting)
Created by: KristalLeann
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