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AP Franklin Pierce

Pierce Administration

Kansas-Nebraska Bill 1854 divided the Nebraska Territory at the 40th parallel into the Territory of Kansas south of the line, and the Terr. of Nebraska north fo the line. Settlers in each territ. were to decide the issue of slavery by popular vote.
Which bill did the Kansas-Nebraska Bill repeal? Missouri Compromise
squatter sovereignty popular vote
Personal Liberty Laws violations fo the fugitie slave provisions (in the 1850 compromise). jury trial for fugitives, local jails not be used to detain suspected fugitives, fugitives allowed to testify in their own behalf. These laws made recovery of fugitive slaves difficult
"bleeding Kansas" the armed clashes between proslavery and antislavery forces
John Brown's raid raid at Pottawatomie Creek. He and his four sons murdered five proslavery settlers.
Senator Charles Sumner gve a speech in 1856 which bitterly attacked slavery and individual Souther Senators.
Senator Butler the target of Sumner's criticism
Representative Brooks nephew of Butler, entered Sumner's office and beat him over the head with a cane.
Lecompton Constitution controlled by proslavery delegates. 1) accept the constitution with slavery. 2) accept the constitution without slaves (mean forbidding any more slaves to enter Kansas but permitting all those already there) Congress did not approve this.
Ostend Manifesto meeting in1854 After Spain seized an American ship, the Black Warrior, the Amer. ministers to GB, France, and Spain met in Ostend, Belgium. Drew up an unofficial statement known as the Ostend Manifesto.
Ostend Manifesto document Declared if Spain refused to sell Cuba, the US would be justified in seizing it by force. Pierce repudiated ( reject) the document. This shows how far the South would to go to add more slave territory.
Roger B. Taney (Buchanan) ruled the Dred Scott case
Dred Scott (Buchanan) slave taken by this master from slave state MO to free state IL, then to WI, then back to MO. Scott claimed his freedome on the basis of his residence in IL and WI.
Court decision in Dred Scott case (Buchanan) He was not a citizen so he had no right to sue in a fed. court; Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional; only a state had the right to forbid slavery
obiter dictum (Buchanan) additional points made by the Court that's unnecessary and uncalled for (unoffical statements sggested by, but not part of, the case) These statements were made in the Dred Scott decision
Did the NOrth accept Taney's ruling on the Dred Scott case? (Buchanan) No, they refused to accept the decision as anything other than obiter dictum
Freeport debate - What did Lincoln force Douglas to do. (Buchanan) Lincoln forced Douglas to make a choice between squatter sovereignty & Dred Scott case.
Freeport debate - Dred Scott court decision vs. Kansas-Nebraska principle of squatter sovereignty (Buchanan) The Supreme Court had said that slavery could not be kept out of territories, yet the Kansas-Nebraska Bill permitted the settlers to make a choice
Freeport Doctrine (Buchanan) (Douglas reply to Freeport Debate) pointed that slaery, while legal in all territories, could not exist in Northern areas. North would not pass laws to sustain slavery, so people of IL can be sure that slavery would not spread northward.
Created by: Tiffastic
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