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BOB Alone Questions

Practice Questions for Alone

Which parade do Maddie and George pretend to be a part of while going to Lewistown? The Rose Parade
Which poet does Maddie describe as being a "rebellious teenager"? E. E. Cummings
What does Maddie use instead of water to flush the toilet when it stops? red wine
Which tansport line is Ashanti in when she texts Maddie? #78
Who taught Maddie about literary conflicts in fourth grade? Mrs. Hawkins
What type of vehicle does Maddie's mother arrive in to rescue her? A Chinook helicopter
How many days of isolation have passed when Maddie resorts to using lake water to wash her clothes? 21 days
What animal do Maddie's friends all say she is good at drawing? Elephants
Who did Maddie's parents name her after? The first woman secretary of state
What section of the library does Maddie visit after finding some camping books? The Teen Fiction Section
What does Maddie use as a crutch after the tornado? A shower curtain
What does Maddie remember from her friend's Bar Mitzvah? A parable about a drowning man
What show do Maddie and George binge watch? A box set of "I Love Lucy"
What does Maddie say that Jennifer never travels without? Her flutes
What does Maddie watch instead of doing her homework? Videos of kittens and golden retrievers.
Which direction does Maddie travel to get from her home to Peakmont? North
What are the commercials advertising when Maddie first turns on her radio? Magic car wax and daimond jewelry
What does Maddie use as a mask when she thinks there might be poison in the air? Her Grandpa's red bandana
How long does Maddie wait at the intersection when she is biking to her gradparents' apartment for the sleepover? Fifteen minutes
What does Maddie promise to do for her mom after she gets back from her sleepover? Ask her Dad for two concert tickets for Paul's birthday
What does Maddie buy for George at the grocery store in Peakmont? Rawhide bones and a squeaky plush carrot
How many days has Maddie been in isolation by the time she reaches her 13th birthday? 126 days since evacuation
What does Maddie do with her braid after she cuts her hair? She wraps it in her mother's silk scarf and tucks it into the vanity under the mirror.
When was the emergency alert sent to Maddie's phone? 12:01 am
Which author does Maddie say "thinks my thoughts"? Jane Eyre
What does Maddie have to pull out of the hem of her mother's dress? dead grass and pine needles
What does Maddie claim always happens before Halloween in Colorado? It snows
Where does Maddie park her empty shopping cart after restocking her pantry for winter? The east side of her mom's garage
What street does Maddie's mom live on? Lake Drive
How many times does Maddie circle the block in her mother's minivan before she feels confident enough to bring George with her? four times
What day of the week did Maddie change houses before her isolation? every Monday
What does Maddie find outside the service door of the library? A feral cat
Where does Maddie play solitaire? On the ironing board in front of the sofa
What food does Maddie imagine making as she fantasizes about "picnics on mountainsides"? Deviled eggs
What "presents" does Maddie wrap for herself and George during her first Christmas in isolation? Books, a watercolor kit, and a rawhide bone
Which Christmas carol makes Maddie cry, and which one does she switch to instead? "Silent Night" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
What does Maddie use to befriend the squirrel in her yard? Trails of sunflower seeds
Which songs does Maddie learn on her dad's ukulele? "Clementine" and "You Are My Sunshine"
Where does Maddie hang her magazine people collage? On the chandelier over the dining room table
What is the first flower Maddie sees peeking up from under the snow? A bright purple crocus
What store is Maddie headed to when she discovers the raiders? Bullseye (a knock-off Target?)
Who do the raiders vaguely remind Maddie of? The pastors at the megachurch
What does Maddie compare the sky to during the tornado? Guacamole
What does Maddie cut her leg on during the tornado? The sharp landscape edging
Where does Maddie wake up after the tornado? The bathtub
What does Maddie compare the gash on her leg to? "A canyon cut by an angry river"
What does Maddie pour on the gash on her leg to avoid infection? Hydrogen peroxide
What book does Maddie remember her Grandma reading to her? "Little House on the Prairie"
What is Rule #3 of Maddie's rules for reading through the fiction section of the library? "Quit the book if there are no important female characters"
How much time in isolation does Maddie calculate using the almanacs in the library? "seventeen months, eleven days and counting"
What did the TV call the mass evacuation? "Operation Relocate Freedom"
What does Maddie use to fend of the pack of dogs in Peakmont? Jerky and a fire extinguisher
How long does Karana from "Island of the Blue Dolphins" have to survive on her own? 18 years
Where does Maddie sit on the Carousel in Lewistown? The sleigh pulled by polar bears
Where does the lightning strike to cause the fire? A cottonwood tree
What are the only things Maddie grabs from her house during the fire? Her shoes and her backpack
What does Maddie find in the bottom of her backpack while cleaning it out after the fire? A flattened twinkie
What is does Maddie say is the "greatest treasure" she found after the fire? A postcard from her mom from Washington, D.C.
What does Maddie's mom say "make [her] heart happy, just like you do" in her old postcard from Washington, D.C.? The blooming cherry blossoms
What does Maddie think she might want to be when she grows up? A librarian
What does Maddie do to protect herself from animals after the flood? She rings her dad's marathon cowbell to scare them away.
What literary character does Maddie compare herself to near the end of her isolation? Penelope, waiting for Odysseus
What does Maddie wonder about the poet T.S. Elliot? Whether they are a man or a woman
What poet does Maddie say she is "officially in love with"? Mary Oliver
When she was little, what did Maddie think Chinook helicopters looked like? Giant boots with propellers
Where did the rescue helicopter actually land? The baseball diamond
Created by: emmelryl000
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