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muscles,insertion, origin, action and intervention

Deltoid muscle O-later clavicle, acromion, scap spine I-delt. tub. A-arm raise forw., adb, raise backw. N-axillary
Supraspinos muscle O- sup. fossa I-greater tuber. A-abd N-bra. plex- supscap.
Infraspinos muscle o-infraspinous fossa i-great.tub. a-rot. outw. n-sup. scap
Teres minor muscle o-lateral border scapula. i-greater tubercle a-rot. outw. n-axillary
Teres major muscle o-inf. angle scap. i-lesser tub. a-rot inw and scap up n-brachial
Subscapular muscle o-sub scap fossa i-lesser tub a-rot inw. and add n- sub scap
Biceps brachial muscle o- supra gleno tub and coracoid i-rad. tub. a-flex, add, abd, sup n-musculo cut.
Triceps brachial muscle o-infr. glen. tub. and post surf of hum i-olecranon a- extensor, add n-rad
Coracobrachialis muscle o-coracoid i-med humerus a-add, forw n-musculo cut
Brachialis muscle o-delt. tub, humerus surf. i-coronoid process a-flex n-musc. cut
Anterior muscles of the forearm – superficial layer pronator teres;o-med epicon and coronoid process, i-lat rad, a-pro and flex, n- med - flexor carpi radialis;o-med epicon, i- 2 metacarp, a- flex, abd and pro, n- med - longus palmaris;0-med epic, i-palm lig, a-flex,n-med - flexor carpi ulnaris o-med ep
Anterior muscles of the forearm – profound layer 3rd plane – flexor digitorum profundus;o-med uln, interosous, i-2-5 phalanx, a-flex, add, n-uln&med - longus flexor policis;o-rad, inteross, i-plocis,a-flex, abd, n-med 4th plane – pronator quadrates.o-uln, i-rad, a-pro,n-med
Posterior muscles of the forearm – superficial layer – extensor digitorum;o-lat epic, i-2-5 phalanx,a-ext, abd,n-rad - extensor of the little finger;o-lar epic, i-phalanx 5,a-ext, n-rad - extensor carpi ulnaris;o-lat epic, i-5 metac, a-ext, n-rad - anconeus;o-lat epic, i-uln post, a-ext, n-rad
Posterior muscles of the forearm – profound layer longus abductor of policis,o-uln and inteross, i-policis, a-abd, ext,n-rad extensor policis brevis;o-inteross and rad,i-policis,a-ext abd, i-rad - extensor policis longus; ;o-uln,intross, i-policis, a-ext, n-rad - extensor of indices.o-inteross and ul
Brachioradialis muscle o-lat hum i-styloid rad a-flex i-rad
Supinator muscles EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS LONGUS,o-lat hum,i-2 metacarp,a-sup,ext,abd,n-rad SUPINATOR MUSCLE,o-lat epicon, uln,i-rad lat, a-sup,n-rad
Hand muscles thenar eminence-abductor policis brevis, flexor policis brevis, and opponens of policis, adductor of policis. hypothenar eminence-Palmaris brevis, Flexor digiti minimi brevis and abductor of digiti minimi, Opponens of digiti minimi lumbricales and inte
Latissimus dorsi o-thor-lumb fascia, last 3-4 rib, iliac crest i-inter tub groove a-rot inw. trunk rise n-brachial plex
Trapezius o-C7-T12, nuchal occi i-clav, acromion, spine scap a-head incl, rise trunk n-cervical plx
Muscles of the back – 2nd layer LEVATOR OF SCAPULA,o-c1-c5,i-sup ang scap, a-inc head, rise trunk,n-brachial plx, cervical plx RHOMBOIDEUS,o-c7-t4,i-med scap,a-rise scap, incl head, n-brachial plx and cerv plex SERRATUS POSTERO-SUPERIOR,o-c7-t3,i-rib 2-5,a-rise rib,n-brachial plx SER
Muscles of the back – 3rd , 4th, and the 5th layer extensor of vertebral column,o-spinous processes ILIOCOSTAL MUSCLE. LONGISSIMUS MUSCLE SPINAL MUSCLE 4th TRANSVERSOSPINAL MUSCLE-semispinal muscle, - multifidi muscles and- rotators muscles. 5th-inter-spinous muscles,- inter-transverse muscles,rota
Pectoralis major muscle o-med clav, stern&6 costal cart, rect abd i-inter tub. groove a-add,pro, rise thorax n-brachial plx
Pectoralis minor muscle o-3-5 rib i-coracoid a-rise rib, scap down n-brachial plx
Subclavicular muscles o-1 rib i-clav inf a-draws clav-shoulder
Serratus anterior muscle o-1-10 ribs i-med bord scap a-scap forw, insp, expirat n-brach plx
Intercostal muscles external- rise rib &internal-down n-inter costal
Levators of the ribs and subcostal lev-12, a-rise rib, n-inter cost sub-o-int. rib, i-1-2 rib down, a-exp,n-inter cost.
Tranversus thoracic o-sten post, xyphoid i-2-6 cart n-inter cost
Rectus abdominalis o-5-7 rib i-pub symphysis a-flex n-intercost,illio hypogastric and inguinal
External oblique abdominal muscles o-last 8 rib i-rectus sheeth, iliac crest a-flex thorax, rotates trunk n-intercost,illio hypogastric and inguinal
Internal oblique abdominal muscles o-inguinal lig, iliac crest, thor-lumb fascia i-pub sympysis, aponeurosis, last 3 ribs a-flex thorax, rot trunk n-intercost,illio hypogastric and inguinal
Transversus abdominalis muscle o-last 6 cost cart, lumb vert.iliac crest.,inguinal lig i-rectus abdominalis.pubic crest. a- abdominal pressure n-intercost,illio hypogastric and inguinal
liopsoas muscle PSOAS MAJOR,o-T12 – L4;costiform processes,muscular fibers ILIAC MUSCLE-o-iliac fossa i-lesser trochanter a-flex, draw backw forw n-lub plx, femoural
Quadratus lombar and quadratus femoris muscles QUADRATUS LUMBAR-o-iliac crest to costiform processes of the lumb vert. last rib to costiform processes a-inc. vert. n-lumb plx, subcost QUADRATUS FEMORIS -between ischiatic tub. & inter troch. crest. a-rot fem. outw. n-sacral plx
Obturator muscles internal , between int, surf. obturator mem. & greater troch. a-rot outw. external, between ext surf. obturator mem &greater troch,a- rot outw. n-obturator
Gemellus muscles and piriform muscle PIRIFORM MUSCLE- base pelvis, apex greater trochanter, a-rot external,abd, n-sacral plx gemellus- 2 o-ischiatic spine, ischiatic tub., i-tendon obturator inter. a-rot femour outw. n-sacral plx
Gluteal muscles the major gluteus; a-ext, add, rot extern. - the minor gluteus;a-abd - the middle gluteus.a-ext add o-gluteal lines i-greater troch.
Sartorius muscle o-illiac spine i-med surf. tibia a-flex, rot outw n-femoural
Scarpa triangle laterally- sartorius medially longus adductor superiorly inguinal lig femoural vessles, femoural artery, lymphoid formation, crural canal
Adductors of the thigh LONGUS ADDUCTOR MUSCLE-pub tub,i-linea aspera, a-add, rot outw, n-obturator. ADDUCTOR BREVIS-o-inf ramus pubis, i-linea aspera, a-add, rot outw, n-obturator. ADDUCTOR MAGNUS,o-is hiatic tub, ischio-pubian border,,i-linea aspera, median condyle,a-add. n
Pectineus and gracilis muscles pectineus- o-sup ramy pub.i-pectineal line,a-flex,add,rot outw.n-obturator,femoural gracilimus-o-inf. ramy pubis, i-intern. tibia, a-flex,add, rot inw,n-obturator
Quadriceps femoris muscle rectus femoris;o-acetabulum, iliac spine, i- patella, a-flex, abd,n-lumb plx - vastus lateralis;o- linea aspera, intr troch. line, i- patella, a-flex, abd,n-lumb plx - vastus medialis;o-linea aspera. Inter-troch line.i- patella, a-flex, n-lumb plx - va
Biceps femoris o-ischiatic tub., linea aspera. i-fibular head a-ext, flex, rot femour. n-fibular, schiatic
Semitendinous muscle o-ischiatic tub i-med tibia a-ext, flex, add, rot inw n-tibial
Semimembranous muscle o-ischiatic tub. i-medial condy tibia, popliteal lig, a-flex ,ext,add, rot inw n-tibial
Muscles from the anterior region of the calf TIBIALIS ANTe,o-inteross, tibia cond,i-1 cuneiform, metatar,n-pero.profu. LONGu EXT OF HALLUCIS,o-inteross, tibia med, i-hallucis,n-pero. prof. LONGUS EXT OF DIGITORUM,o-inteross,fib,i-2-5 pha,n-per pro. PERONEUS-o-inteross, fib, i-5 meta tarsal,n-p.p.
Muscles from the lateral region of the calf LONGUS PERONEUS -o-fib. i-later. malleola, foot,a-pro, pero, super. BREVIS PERONEUS-o-fib lower, i-5 mtatarsal, calcaneus, a-pronation, abd,n-proneus super.
Popliteal region gastrocnemius,soleus,
Created by: 111277361734879
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