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calcitonin (<--->) osteoporosis (Tx: osteoporosis)
raloxifene (Evista) osteoporosis (Tx: osteoporosis)
eteriparatide (Forteo) osteoporosis (Tx: osteoporosis)
estrogen (<--->) osteoporosis (Tx: osteoporosis)
alendronate (Fosamax) osteoporosis \ bisphosphonate (Tx: osteoporosis)
risedronate (Actonel) osteoporosis \ bisphosphonate (Tx: osteoporosis)
etidronate (Didronel) osteoporosis \ bisphosphonate (Tx: osteoporosis)
ibandronate (Boniva) osteoporosis \ bisphosphonate (Tx: osteoporosis)
zoledronic acid (Reclast) osteoporosis \ bisphosphonate (Tx: osteoporosis)
aspirin (ASA) (<many>) NSAID \ salicylate (Tx: moderate pain, inflammation, fever)
diflunisal (Dolobid) NSAID \ salicylate (Tx: moderate pain, inflammation, fever)
salsalate (Disalcid) NSAID \ salicylate (Tx: moderate pain, inflammation, fever)
ibuprofen (Advil) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
fenoprofen (Nalfon) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
ketoprofen (Oruvail) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
flubiprofen (Ansaid) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
naproxen (Aleve) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
tolmetin (Toectin) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
meclofenamate (Meclomen) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
piroxicam (Feldene) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
sulindac (Clinoril) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
diclofenac Na (Voltaren) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
diclofenac K (Cataflam) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
etodolac (Lodine) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
ketorolac (Toradol) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
nabumetone (Relafen) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
oxaprozin (Daypro) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
meloxicam (Mobic) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
indomethacin (Indocin) NSAID (Tx: arthritis)
celecoxib (Celebrex) NSAID \ COX-2 inhibitor (Tx: arthritis)
rofecoxib (Vioxx) NSAID \ COX-2 inhibitor (Tx: arthritis)
valdecoxib (Bextra) NSAID \ COX-2 inhibitor (Tx: arthritis)
hydrocortisone (HC) (Cortef) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
prednisone (Deltasone) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
prednisolone (Orapred) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
betamethasone (Celestone) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
dexamethasone (Decadron) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
methylprednisolone (Medrol) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
triamcinolone (Aristocort, Kenelog) corticosteroid (Tx: arthritis)
etanercept (Enbril) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
infliximab (Remicade) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
anakinra (Kineret) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
rituximab (Rituxin) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
leflunomide ( Arava) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
adalimumab (Humira) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
abatacept (Orencia) DMARD (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
aurothioglucose (Solganal) DMARD \ gold compound (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
gold sodium thiomalate ( Aurolate) DMARD \ gold compound (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
auranofin (Ridaura) DMARD \ gold compound (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
cyclosporine (Sandimmune) DMARD \ immunosuppressive (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
azathioprine (Imuran) DMARD \ immunosuppressive (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
methotrexate (Rheumatrex) DMARD \ immunosuppressive (Tx: rheumatoid arthritis)
colchicine (<--->) antigout agent (Tx: gouty arthritis)
febuxostat (Uloric) antigout agent (Tx: gouty arthritis)
probenecid (Benemid) antigout agent (Tx: gouty arthritis)
allopurinol (Zyloprim) antigout agent (Tx: gouty arthritis)
neostigmine (Prostigmin) cholinesterase inhibitor (Tx: myasthenia gravis)
pyridostigmine (Mestinon) cholinesterase inhibitor (Tx: myasthenia gravis)
ambenonium (Mytelase) cholinesterase inhibitor (Tx: myasthenia gravis)
methocarbamol (Robaxin) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
carisoprodol (Soma) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
orphenadrine (Norflex) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
metaxalone (Skelaxin) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
chlorzoxazone (Parafon Forte DSC) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
baclofen (Lioresal) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
diazepam (Valium) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
dantrolene (Dantrium) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
tizanidine (Zanaflex) skeletal muscle relaxant (Tx: muscle spasm)
diphenhydramine (Benedryl) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
chlorpheniramine (ClorTrimeton) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
brompheniramine (Dimetapp) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
clemastine (Tavist) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
azelastine (Astelin) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
olopatadine (Patanase) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
promethazine (Phenergan) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
cyproheptadine (Periactin) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
loratadine (Claritin) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
desloratadine (Clarinex) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
cetirizine (Zyrtec) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
levocetirizine (Xyzal) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
fexofenidine (Allegra) antihistamine (Tx: allergic reactions)
beclomethasone (Beconase AQ) steroid (Tx: asthma)
dexamethasone (Dexacort) steroid (Tx: asthma)
triamcinolone (Nasacort) steroid (Tx: asthma)
flunisolide (Nasalide) steroid (Tx: asthma)
budesonide (Rhinocort) steroid (Tx: asthma)
fluticasone (Flonase) steroid (Tx: asthma)
mometasone (Nasonex) steroid (Tx: asthma)
ciclesonide (Omnaris) steroid (Tx: asthma)
pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) nasal decongestant (Tx: nasal congestion)
phenylephrine (NeoSynephrine) nasal decongestant (Tx: nasal congestion)
acetylcysteine (Mucomyst, Acetadote IV) mucolytic (Tx: COPD)
dornase alfa (Pulmozyme) mucolytic (Tx: COPD)
guaifenesin (Robitussin) expectorant (Tx: bronchial congestion)
iodides (SSKI) (<--->) expectorant (Tx: bronchial congestion)
codeine (<--->) antitussive (Tx: cough - dry)
hydrocodone (Tussionex) antitussive (Tx: cough - dry)
dextromethorphan (DM) (Delsym) antitussive (Tx: cough - dry)
epinephrine (Adrenalin, Epi-Pen) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
metoproterenol (Alupent) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
terbutaline (Brethene) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
levalbuterol (Xopenex) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
pirbuterol (Maxair) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
salmeterol (Serevent) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
formoterol (Floradil, Perforomist) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
arformoterol (Brovana) bronchodilator \ sympathomimetic (Tx: asthma)
theophylline (Elixophyllin, Uniphyl, many) bronchodilator \ xanthine (Tx: asthma)
aminophyline (<--->) bronchodilator \ xanthine (Tx: asthma)
ipratropium (Atrovent) bronchodilator \ antcholinergic (Tx: asthma)
tiotropium (Spiriva) bronchodilator \ antcholinergic (Tx: asthma)
zafirlukast (Accolate) leukotriene antagonist (Tx: asthma)
montelukast (Singulair) leukotriene antagonist (Tx: asthma)
zileuton (Zylflo) leukotriene antagonist (Tx: asthma)
cromolyn sodium (Nasalcrom) mast cell stabilizer (Tx: asthma)
nedocromil (Tilade, Alocril) mast cell stabilizer (Tx: asthma)
lodoxamide (Alomide) mast cell stabilizer (Tx: asthma)
omalizumab (Xolair) IgE inhibitor (Tx: asthma)
sulfamethoxazole / trimethorprim (Bactrim, Septra) urinary antibacterial \ sulfonamide (Tx: UTI)
ciprofloxacin (Cipro) urinary antibacterial \ quinolone (Tx: UTI)
phenzopyridine (Pyridium) analgesic - urinary (Tx: dysuria)
terazosin (Hytrin) alpha-1 blocker (Tx: BPH)
doxazosin (Cardura) alpha-1 blocker (Tx: BPH)
tamulosin (Flomax) alpha-1 blocker (Tx: BPH)
alfuzosin (Uroxatral) alpha-1 blocker (Tx: BPH)
sildosin (Rapaflo) alpha-1 blocker (Tx: BPH)
fiansteride (Proscar, Propecia) DHT blocker (Tx: BPH)
dutasteride (Avodart) DHT blocker (Tx: BPH)
sildenafil (Viagra) phosphodiesterase inhibitor (Tx: ED)
vardenafil (Levitra) phosphodiesterase inhibitor (Tx: ED)
tadalafil (Cialis) phosphodiesterase inhibitor (Tx: ED)
epoetin alfa (EPO) (Epogen, Procrit) hematopoietic (Tx: enemia - CRF-associated)
darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) hematopoietic (Tx: enemia - CRF-associated)
oxybutynin (Ditropan) antimuscarinic (Tx: over-active bladder)
tolterodine (Detrol) antimuscarinic (Tx: over-active bladder)
darifenacin (Enablex) antimuscarinic (Tx: over-active bladder)
trospium (Sanctura) antimuscarinic (Tx: over-active bladder)
solifenacin (Vesicare) antimuscarinic (Tx: over-active bladder)
fesoterodine fumarate (Toviaz) antimuscarinic (Tx: over-active bladder)
bethanechol (Urecholine) cholinergic (Tx: urine retention)
desmopressin (DDAVP) enurisis (Tx: enuresis)
lyprissin (Diapid) enurisis (Tx: enuresis)
imipradine (Tofranil) enurisis (Tx: enuresis)
morphine (<--->) narcotic analgesic (Tx: kidney stone)
meperidine (Demerol) narcotic analgesic (Tx: kidney stone)
hydromorphone (Dilaudid) narcotic analgesic (Tx: kidney stone)
aliskiren (Tekturna) direct renin inhibitor (Tx: HTN)
acetazolamide (Diamox) diuretic \ carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (Tx: urinary alkalinization)
hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) (HydroDiuril, Oretic, Esidrix) diuretic \ thiazide/thiazide-like (Tx: HTN)
chlorthalidone (Hygroton) diuretic \ thiazide/thiazide-like (Tx: HTN, edema)
indapamide (Lozol) diuretic \ thiazide/thiazide-like (Tx: HTN, edema)
metolazone (Diulo, Zaroxolyn) diuretic \ thiazide/thiazide-like (Tx: HTN, edema)
furosemide (Lasix) diuretic \ loop diuretic (Tx: HTN, edema, hypercalcemia)
ethacrynic acid (Edecrin) diuretic \ loop diuretic (Tx: HTN, edema)
bumetanide (Bumex) diuretic \ loop diuretic (Tx: HTN, edema, hypercalcemia)
torsemide (Demadex) diuretic \ loop diuretic (Tx: HTN, edema)
spironolactone (Aldactone) diuretic \ potassium-sparing (Tx: HTN, edema, hypercalcemia, hyperaldosteronism)
triamterene (Dyrenium (in Dyazide)) diuretic \ potassium-sparing (Tx: edema-peripheral)
amiloride (Midamor (in Moduretic)) diuretic \ potassium-sparing (Tx: edema-peripheral)
eplerenone (Inspra) diuretic \ potassium-sparing (Tx: HTN, CHF-post MI)
mannitol (Osmitrol) diuretic \ osmotic diuretic (Tx: oliguria, IOP, edema-cerebral)
glycerin (<--->) diuretic \ osmotic diuretic (Tx: constipation)
urea (<--->) diuretic \ osmotic diuretic (Tx: <--->)
triamterene / hydroclorothiazide (Dyazide, Maxide) diuretic \ combination diuretic (Tx: HTN, edema-peripheral)
captopril (Capoten) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
enalapril (Vasotec) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
lisinopril (Zestril, Prinivil) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
benazepril (Lotensin) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
ramipril (Altace) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
fosinopril (Monopril) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
quinapril (Accupril) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
spirapril (Renormax) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN)
moexipril (Univasc) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
trandolapril (Mavik) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF-post MI)
perindopril (Aceon) ACE inhibitor (Tx: HTN, CHF)
losartan (Cozaar) ARB (Tx: HTN)
eprosartan (Teverten) ARB (Tx: HTN)
valsartan (Diovan) ARB (Tx: HTN)
irbesartan (Avapro) ARB (Tx: HTN)
candesartan (Atacand) ARB (Tx: HTN)
telmisartan (Micardis) ARB (Tx: HTN)
olmesartan (Benicar) ARB (Tx: HTN)
nitroglycerin (NTG) (<--->) vasodilator (Tx: <--->)
isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil, Dilatrate SR) vasodilator (Tx: <--->)
isosorbide mononitrate (ISMO, Monoket) vasodilator (Tx: <--->)
dipyridamole (Persantine) vasodilator (Tx: <--->)
ranolazine (Ranexa) other (Tx: chronic angina)
verapamil (Isoptin, Calan) calcium channel blocker (Tx: angina, HTN)
nifedipine (Procardia, Adalat) calcium channel blocker (Tx: angina, HTN)
diltiazem (Cardizem) calcium channel blocker (Tx: angina, HTN)
amlodipine (Norvasc) calcium channel blocker (Tx: HTN, CAD)
bepridil (Vascor) calcium channel blocker (Tx: <--->)
nicardipine (Cardene) calcium channel blocker (Tx: HTN)
felodipine (Plendil) calcium channel blocker (Tx: HTN)
isradipine (DynaCirc) calcium channel blocker (Tx: HTN)
nisoldipine (Sular) calcium channel blocker (Tx: HTN)
nimodipine (Nimotop) calcium channel blocker (Tx: subarachnoid hemorrhage)
propranolol (Inderal) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, angina)
atenolol (Tenormin) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, angina)
metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, angina)
bisoprolol (Zebeta) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, angina)
carteolol (Cartrol, Ocupress) beta blocker (Tx: IOP)
nadolol (Corgard) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, angina)
carvedilol (Coreg) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, CHF)
acebutolol (Sectral) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, ventricular arrhythmias)
betaxolol (Betoptic, Kerlone) beta blocker (Tx: HTN)
labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, hypertensive emergency)
pindolol (Visken) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, chronic angina)
timolol (Timoptic, Blocadren) beta blocker (Tx: HTN)
nebevolol (Bystolic) beta blocker (Tx: <--->)
sotalol (Betapace) beta blocker (Tx: ventricular arrhythmias)
esmolol (Brevibloc) beta blocker (Tx: HTN, tachycardia)
streptokinase (Streptase) thrombolytic (Tx: MI - acute)
alteplase (TPA) (Activase) thrombolytic (Tx: MI - acute)
tenecteplase (TKNase) thrombolytic (Tx: MI - acute)
reteplase (Retevase) thrombolytic (Tx: MI - acute)
quinidine sulfate (Quinidex) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
quinidine gluconate (Quinaglute) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
procainamide (Pronestyl) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
lidocaine (Xylocaine) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
disopyramide (Norpace) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
mexiletine (Mexitil) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
tocainide (Tonocard) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: <--->)
flecainide (Tambocor) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
propafenone (Rythmol) antiarrhythmic \ membrane stabilizing (Tx: arrythmia)
amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) antiarrhythmic (Tx: arrythmia)
bretylium (<--->) antiarrhythmic (Tx: <--->)
ibutilide (Corvert) antiarrhythmic (Tx: arrythmia)
dofetilide (Tikosyn) antiarrhythmic (Tx: arrythmia)
adenosine (Adenocard) antiarrhythmic (Tx: arrythmia)
digoxin (Lanoxin) cardiotonic (Tx: CHF, tachycardia)
inamrinone (<--->) cardiotonic (Tx: <--->)
milrinone (Primacor) cardiotonic (Tx: <--->)
digoxin (digitalis) immune Fab (Digibind, DigiFab) antidote (Tx: digoxin OD)
dopamine (<--->) sympathomimetic (Tx: shock)
dobutamine (Dobutrex) sympathomimetic (Tx: shock)
isoproterenol (Isuprel) sympathomimetic (Tx: shock)
cholestyramine (Questran) hypolipidemic \ bile acid sequestrant (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
colestipol (Colestid) hypolipidemic \ bile acid sequestrant (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
colesevelam (WelChol) hypolipidemic \ bile acid sequestrant (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
lovastatin (Mevacor, Altocor) hypolipidemic \ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
pravastatin (Pravachol) hypolipidemic \ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
simvastatin (Zocor) hypolipidemic \ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
fluvastatin (Lescol) hypolipidemic \ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
atorvastatin (Lipitor) hypolipidemic \ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
rosuvastatin (Crestor) hypolipidemic \ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
ezetimibe (Zetia) hypolipidemic (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
fenofibrate (Tricor) hypolipidemic (Tx: hypertriglyceridemia)
fenofibric acid (Trilipix) hypolipidemic (Tx: hypertriglyceridemia)
gemfibrozil (Lopid) hypolipidemic (Tx: hypertriglyceridemia)
niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin B-3 (NiaSpan, Niacor, Slo-Niacin) hypolipidemic (Tx: hypercholesterolemia)
hydralazine (Apresoline) anti-hypertensive vasodilator (Tx: HTN)
minoxidil (Loniten) anti-hypertensive vasodilator (Tx: HTN)
nitroglycerin (NTG) - IV route (<--->) anti-hypertensive vasodilator (Tx: HTN)
prazosin (Minipress) alpha-1 blocker (HTN) (Tx: HTN)
terazosin (Hytrin) alpha-1 blocker (HTN) (Tx: HTN)
doxazosin (Cardura) alpha-1 blocker (HTN) (Tx: HTN)
methyldopa (Aldomet) alpha-2 agonist (Tx: HTN)
clonidine (Catapres) alpha-2 agonist (Tx: HTN)
guanabenz (Wytensin) alpha-2 agonist (Tx: HTN)
guanfacine (Tenex) alpha-2 agonist (Tx: HTN)
nitroprusside (NitroPress) hypertinsive crisis (Tx: HTN crisis)
diazoxide (Hyperstat) hypertinsive crisis (Tx: HTN crisis)
fenoldopam (Corlopam) hypertinsive crisis (Tx: HTN crisis)
ferrous sulfate (FeSo?) (<--->) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
ferrous gluconate (Fergon) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
iron dextran (Dexferrium) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
cyanocobalamin, vitamin B-12 (<--->) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
folic acid (Folvite) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
epoetin alfa (EPO) (Epogen, Procrit) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
darbepoetin (Aranesp) hematopoietic \ erythrocyte production (Tx: erythrocyte production)
filgrastim / pegfilgatim (G-CFS) (Neupogen / Neulasta) hematopoietic \ leukocyte production (Tx: leukocyte production)
sargromostin (GM-CSF) (Leukine) hematopoietic \ leukocyte production (Tx: leukocyte production)
oprelvekin (Neumega) hematopoietic \ platelet CSF (Tx: platelet CSF)
aspirin (ASA) (<--->) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
dipyridamole (Persantine) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
ticlopidine (Ticlid) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
clopidrogrel (Plavix) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
eptifibatide (Integrelin) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
tirofiban (Aggrastat) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
abciximab (ReoPro) anticoagulant \ antiplatelet (Tx: antiplatelet)
heparin (<--->) anticoagulant (Tx: <--->)
enoxaparin (Lovenox) anticoagulant \ LMWH (Tx: <--->)
tinzaparin (Innohep) anticoagulant \ LMWH (Tx: <--->)
dalteparin (Fragmin) anticoagulant \ LMWH (Tx: <--->)
danaparoid (Orgaran) anticoagulant \ LMWH (Tx: <--->)
bivalirudin (Angiomax) anticoagulant (Tx: <--->)
fondaparinux (Arixtra) anticoagulant (Tx: <--->)
warfarin (Coumadin) anticoagulant (Tx: <--->)
protamine (<--->) antidote (Tx: OD heparin/warfarin)
Created by: mctxyz
Popular Pharmacology sets




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